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ECE220 Science and Environmental Awareness for Young Children Assignment Sample


Write about play theory – how children learn SCIENCE through play Link to literature x 2 minimum (e.g. EYLF & other, text book/readings from other units)

Illustration 1

Describe the type of learning-through-play science related activity which you have observed (600 words

1. What the children are doing
2. Who are involved (e.g. other children, parents, educators)
3. What the science topic and specific concepts are for this activity.
4. What they are saying and what others are saying to them. (Put the raw data –questions and answers in the Appendix)


Analyse and discuss this data to identify children’s learning of the science concept(s).

1. Make statements about what the children learnt about the concepts and support this with your data.(i.e. refer back to the data to support statements)

2. Discuss how the tasks and resources affected the children’s learning. Support these statements with the data.


2. Intentional teaching Analyse the intentional teaching of the pre-school educator and include discussion on:

1. What promoted the learning opportunity (e.g. what/how/why the teacher set up the experience

2. How the educator enhanced the play experience through scaffolding (e.g. using questioning, focussing children’s attention, challenging children, etc)

3. How the educator may have extended the experience.

4. What relationship the tasks, resources and learning had on each other

5. How peer tutoring may have contributed to the learning of the concepts.

Illustration 2

Describe the type of learning-through-play science related activity which you have observed (600 words)

1. What the children are doing
2. Who are involved (e.g. other children, parents, educators)
3. What the science topic and specific concepts are for this activity.
4. What they are saying and what others are saying to them. (Put the raw data –questions and answers in the Appendix)


1. Children’s learning of SCIENCE CONCEPT(S) Analyse and discuss this data to identify children’s learning of the science concept(s).

1. Make statements about what the children learnt about the concepts and support this with your data.(i.e. refer back to the data to support statements)

2. Discuss how the tasks and resources affected the children’s learning. Support these statements with the data.


2. Intentional teaching Analyse the intentional teaching of the pre-school educator and include discussion on:

1. What promoted the learning opportunity (e.g. what/how/why the teacher set up the experience

2. How the educator enhanced the play experience through scaffolding (e.g. using questioning, focussing children’s attention, challenging children, etc)

3. How the educator may have extended the experience.

4. What relationship the tasks, resources and learning had on each other

5. How peer tutoring may have contributed to the learning of the concepts.


1. Discuss how the two examples are linked to EYLF

2. Discuss the importance of intentional teaching for promoting learning (use literature other than EYLF documents)



Play-based science learning is considered a very crucial tool in order to assist the overall learning and development of children (Devi 2020). According to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), play is often explained as a significant learning context for children. Children can express their creative ideas and individual decision-making via play (Sumsion et al. 2014). Apart from that it also supports the improvement of perseverance, curiosity, and enthusiasm. To date, different types of play events are there that significantly assist the learning and development of children including dramatic, physical, natural, sensory, age-appropriate play, and music and art. As a recent research report suggests, adherence or compliance to such play events significantly promotes the emotional, social, and cognitive development of children (Sumsion et al. 2014). When they are been provided with scopes to investigate ideas and objects whilst upbringing existing ideas and comprehension and comparing with peers, they are increasing their language skills and a further improvement in cognitive responses.

Understanding science seems difficult to many children. In order to facilitate understanding of science learning, it seems very essential to engage children in an evidence-based process that will further enhance the attachment and engagement of children to the process of learning. In the subsequent paragraph of the study, the author is to specifically highlight the first illustration.


This illustration for assignment help observes the individual activity of Joy of creating an egg utilizing sand. She at that time was shown to use only her palm gap to precisely molding the sand pressing it appropriately between her palms to give it a proper structure. After this event came the educator and the educator asked her about the type or kind of egg it was. Though she was not confident enough about the type of egg that was, however, she and other children who were present at that time in the classroom, were found very curious to learn further on the topic. With help of the educator, in this illustration or learning session use of the iPad was observed where comprehensive research was followed to proceed to a question-answer discussion session. Children have many queries regarding the type of animals that lay eggs and the reason for laying eggs. During the learning session, it was found that there was major confusion in regard of the egg-laying of sharks.

The science focus for the said context is the process of rain formation, more particularly staring at the basic characteristics of the formation of cloud and condensation mechanism and then ultimately the process or mechanism of raining. In the subsequent paragraph of this study, the author is going to specifically focus on the analysis of learning and the intentional teaching method.

The scientific focus for the above-mentioned context is the characteristics of the egg and the formation of the egg. As not all organisms carry eggs the main objective of this learning session was to identify the characteristics of eggs and the species and genera that lay eggs. In the following section of this study, the author is to specifically focus on the analysis of learning and intentional teaching method followed in this study in regard to improving understanding of egg-laying species and differences in structures.

Analysis of learning and intentional teaching

In the given illustration, the participants involved are particularly learning about animals who lay eggs. At the initial stage, it is found that not all children are aware of animals who lay eggs and the structures of the egg. For example, fishes usually lay an egg. In this aspect, it was also asked in the intentional teaching program event whether shark lays eggs or not. In response, the educator helped them to resolve their query by encouraging them to see a youtube video that defines all characteristics and types of eggs led by animals including fish and birds. Considering the query and response of the children, the educator helped the children by using gestures and facial expressions in order to develop a better understanding of the topic. A few days ago, a child among them said a group asked me about the internal structure of egg. Considering the complexity of the answer, it could have been expanded the duration of the project.


The illustration observes the group activity of children to examine the process of cloud and rain formation. In this aspect, an experiment was performed for two long weeks encompassing some materials including blue water, eye droppers, jars, and sponges (Britto et al. 2017). In this experiment, a sponge was set on a clear plastic jar and children used doppler to squeeze the colored water on the sponge in order to investigate its outcome. In this aspect, the sponge was considered a cloud and the experiment was to assist children to learn about the formation of rain from clouds. A total of seven children participated in the said experiment, named, Emilia, Amay, Shreya, Patricia, Olivia, Kenon, and Harvie. They all had different tasks and activities to meet the objective of the experiment. They were guided by a preschool educator. After squeezing colored water on the sponge, the educator asked them a specific question about what they have noticed. Different responses from children were obtained at that time. For example, Emilia responded, that her cloud was dripping gradually and Shreya responded that water was coming from the sky in the clouds and rain comes down. The response of children was associated with the basic mechanism of releasing water from the sponge when it was wet completely.

The science focus for the said context is the process of rain formation, more particularly staring at the basic characteristics of the formation of cloud and condensation mechanism and then ultimately the process or mechanism of raining (Georgantopoulou, Fragkiadaki and Ravanis 2016). In the subsequent paragraph of this study, the author is going to specifically focus on the analysis of learning and the intentional teaching method.

Analysis of learning and intentional teaching

The above-mentioned illustration specifically focuses on the learning of children via play and is accompanied by key resources arranged by the educator. The participants/children are acquiring sufficient information and learning about how rain forms and it takes different shapes and structures during condensation and the process of rain. During the experimental process, Olivia was able to identify the period when rain was coming out of the clouds and she was found very excited to comprehend the matter. Kenon on the other hand responded, “clouds are black when there is a thunderstorm and lighting happen”. Amay asked further to the educator how clouds get more water from the environment? Considering the significance of the question the educator tried to explain the overall process to them to improve their knowledge and understanding. He said that clouds collect more water from different sources of water on the earth. Due to persistent evaporation, liquid water changes its form to gaseous and it flows up and forms a cloud. Due to having a difference in temperature, gaseous water again changes its form to liquid water. Thus, the cloud collects water and ultimately become wet and condensed like a sponge and then water comes out in form of rain. This explanation followed an instructional educational strategy followed by the educator in order to improve the understanding of children about cloud formation, cloud condensation, rain formation, and the process of rain.
The experience of learning had been established as children talking about the process that they have learned from the project/ experiment. The educator in this specific regard was also able to improve their learning outcome as well as further innovative and unique queries and has used some open-questioning to children who have participated in the experiment. This has also allowed educators to address and identify gaps in learning outcomes and to resolve any gaps identified by providing further knowledge. Considering the above-mentioned question thrown by Amay, the educator tried to close the gap in knowledge of the children by developing another experiment setup using blue water, a blue/back permanent market to draw clouds and lines of water, and large snap lock bags with tape for added durability. The water cycle was precisely taught to the children focusing on droplet generation outside the zip lock bags when placed on the window.

The illustration or discussion could have been elongated by some more in-detailed questions that may have stimulated further thinking of children. For example, asking about why all water on the earth is evaporating at a single time or how clouds move from one place to another place.


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