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BSBWOR502B Ensure Team Effectiveness Assignment Sample

Answer all questions -

1 - Define / Describe the following:

A Manager:

A Leader:



2 - Name 4 different styles of leadership and provide definitions (examples)

3 - Describe Abraham Maslow’s theory on motivation:

4 - Explain the benefits of teams

5 - What is delegation? Please explain the principles of delegation

6 - Choose a leader of your choice, and write ten points as to why you would take this leader as your role model.

7 - Answer the questions below relating to this case study for assignment help :

Sparks would fly every time there was a meeting of executive housekeepers from the different hotels, particularly between Frieda and Consuela. Frieda was a legend. She had been with the company for 12 years and had worked her way up the housekeeping hierarchy to become a domineering, no-nonsense manager. She told the others that her style was not negotiable. She was working with a group of low-level, low-skilled employees from a wide range of cultural backgrounds who had no career aspirations. She accepted that staff turnover would always be high in the housekeeping department and insisted that this should be taken into account when dealing with staff. She said that she needed to be tough and task orientated – she and her staff were there to get the job done and not to socialise. They all had families to go home to. Consuela, on the other hand, was an ex-school teacher and a people-focused person. She and Frieda had major discussions about ‘team building’ and providing support for staff self- development. Frieda always told Consuela she was wasting her time. Housekeeping was too busy, with too much pressure, to suit anything but an autocratic (authoritarian) style.

a. Define all the styles of leadership outlined in the above case study

b. Whose approach do you favour, Frieda’s or Consuela’s? Please explain your answer using the concepts you learnt about leadership styles.

c. Given that most tourism and hospitality operations have certain periods in which work pressures are extremely high, how do you think that this should be taken into account by supervisors when thinking about their leadership style?

8 - Detail 3 different ways you can recognise or reward a team member? Explain the benefits of each method you detail.

9 - List 15 different actions you would take to assist in the resolution of conflict

10 - What is meant by vertical and horizontal conflicts?

11 - What is meant by constructive and destructive conflicts?

12 - What is the Theory of Propinquity?

13 - What is Social Balance / Balance Theory?

14 - What is Exchange Theory?

15 - Describe the characteristics of the following stages of group development







Question 1

A manager

An efficient manager seems to be an individual’s commander. Leadership entails the capacity to converse with others, compel, motivate, but also motivated to give fruitful behaviour.A manager's primary responsibility is to develop a strategy to achieve the corporation's targets and strategic goals. It further includes assigning worker reserves but also deferring commitments, along with establishing believable finalisation timeframes but also norms. Interaction, on the other hand, is crucial.

A leader

A leader sees what improvements could indeed be made and public demonstrations employees to work towards such a clearer awareness.An excellent leader does have a global understanding that is allied with basic tenets but also comprehends what something takes to achieve organizational aims and objectives (Pinkard et al., 2021) They motivate, handle, and encourage one ‘s people to collaborate imaginatively but also convincingly from a common goal. Individuals encourage one ‘s teammates to encompass one ‘s possess distinct leadership potential but also to behave to self- accountability but also enthusiasm. But rather individuals inspire but also encourage one ‘s team members to keep making protracted advancement including being excited about accomplishing their goals.


Delegation has been the act of entrusting leadership towards another person. She delegated this same assignment to her associate (Cortez & Johnston, 2020). Alternatively, to designate as someone & spokesperson.


Motivation has been the procedure by which main objective behaviours are initiated, guided, but also maintained. In order to achieve their objectives, all enterprises prefer physiological, economic, but also human capital. It is only via encouragement that support staff could be fully utilised. This could be accomplished by increasing workers' motivation to improve also assist the venture through ensuring optimal potential utilisation (Walsh et al., 2021). Job satisfaction has been greatly influenced by motivation. This could be accomplished by maintaining people in the psyche but also developing a compensation structure for their advantage.

Question 2

- Coach leadership

A coaching leader has been person who could easily recognize the abilities, vulnerabilities, but also intentions of their group members to assist every unique (Zhang et al., 2019). A salesperson gathering his squad of sales professionals for such discussion the prior season;s knowledge learned is a good example.Coaching governance has been defined by cooperation, assistance, but also direction. Effective managers strive to pursue excellence throughout their teamwork by steering individuals via opportunities but also challenges. This leadership style would be diametrically opposed to authoritarian leaders, that also emphasises main decision creating.

Representatives using a coaching philosophy personal qualities strategy to recognising but also developing every squad participant’s skill and ability whilst still guiding everybody towards that mutual objective.

- Servant leadership

Servant leaders have an individual’s attitude but also assume because when teammates are internally and externally accomplished, they are more likely to succeed (Aref et al., 2020). An individual who prioritises separating obstacles but also assisting those in accomplishing things is a great example.A servant-leader is concerned mainly with the expansion including the health of individuals but also the public generally.

- Democratic leadership

Prior to actually reaching a choice, democratic leaders solicit but also segments from one ‘s group (Kudo, Nishiguchi&Toriumi, 2020). People who believe that the finest conferences would be those in which that everybody does have an opportunity to take part are indeed an example. Democratic leadership has been a pattern of governance wherein participants play another more prominent participation in judgement call. Staff members share and address disputes, offering everybody a possibility to consider together on judgements. Democratic establishment distributes judgement authority among the collective but also indeed the commander. Democratic leaders actually engage through debates even while listening towards the perspectives of everyone else.

- Autocratic leadership

This leadership style becomes almost concerned primarily with outcomes but also effectiveness. People who believe that casual conversations and strategizing just delay things should take decisions by itself.The autocratic leader accounts for the majority, of such choices, with almost no space for responses. This could improve productivity because planning is done more quickly, however, this somehow did increase group cohesion. If staff members really are not believed in critical judgements but rather activities, people will recognize the point of those who attract top talent but may leave to pursue other interests. The framework is vital to each and every organisation. However, during an authoritarian rule, the atmosphere is strongly aligned towards the juncture of rigidity. The advantage of such a management style seems to be that things could indeed be done extra rapidly and there are conditions that warrant wondering who is in control. Upon that opposite, during authoritarian surroundings, the working conditions could be overly strict.

Question 3

Maslow hierarchy of human needs is a motivation hypothesis which asserts that five types of people necessities govern an employee personality (Chen, Hu & Rui, 2020). These necessities include metabolic requirements, safety regulations, adore but also pertaining requirements, self- worth requirements, and personality requirements.

Question 4

Working teams were indeed extra constructive but also strive to succeed corporate objectives (Nelson, 2020). Teamwork enables everybody to improve communication but also frequently in instantaneously, minimizing downtime or rather postponements.

Question 5

Delegation has been the expression of granting everyone else the power to intervene on one’s behest, including the legitimacy but also obligation for such outcomes.

- Ascertain what'll be delegated.
- Select the appropriate individual to delegate tasks to.
- Specify the desirable outcomes.
- Describe the individual's responsibilities but also power obviously.
- Established a further conference or connecters.

Question 6

Nelson Mandela is a effective leader because of the following reasons-

- He was indeed a person of tranquillity.

- He seemed to have a big personality and might defuse adversaries of his happy face.

- He demonstrated to the universe how much repentance appears besides (Warmuth, Cummings & Davies, 2020).

- He has been upbeat, imagining what might be.

- He had been a great thinker who saw the broader context.

- He has been preoccupied with objectives and a purpose larger than oneself.

- He has very incredible stamina.

- He demonstrated tenacity and resolve.

- He has been modest.

- He waited patiently.

Question 7

a. An authoritarian style- has been epitomised whenever a boss mandates rules and processes, determines and which objectives must be met, but also supervises all operations without no actively participating from colleagues. A servant leader- central interface, prioritises the expectations of staff, but also assists people in developing but rather performing to their full potential.

b. I prefer Consuela’s servant leadership approach because, servant governance would be a management ideology wherein the leadership prime objective becomes to represent.

c. Recruitment of employees and managing employee turnover are the jobs that has work pressure extremely high. Supervisors could indeed establish a habit of taking 5-ten minute pauses every hour to evaluate emotional states but also sentimental wellbeing (Delatorre & Wagner, 2018).

Question 8

Thank them

Merely commending individuals for one ‘s attempts is a wonderful method of identifying the teammates and therefore is extremely cost-effective (Gao et al., 2019).

Give awards, gifts and perks

Of furthermore, often these individuals enjoy receiving anything additional in exchange for collaborating difficult at one ‘s jobs.

Provide promotion

Several of the items that several employees seek through their careers is advancement (Krause, 2019). They like being encouraged on a constant schedule.

Question 9

1. Compromising.
2. Accommodating.
3. Competing
4. Collaborating.
5. Avoiding.
6. Actively Listen.
7. Communicate.
8. Review Options
9. Getting into a win-win solution
10. Motivate with financial incentives
11. Provide opportunities
12. Embrace gamification
13. Use technology and social media
14. Personally look into the matter
15. Provide surprise holidays

Question 10

Vertical conflict through management should consider to conflict arising among organisations which collaborate to continue providing the identical goods to consumers.
A horizontal conflict has been experiencing which takes place between two businesses which may collaborate around each other explicitly or implicitly.

Question 11

Unless a dispute among parties involved arises together in functional confrontation, it could be remedied together in favourable way which advantages all stakeholders (Féron&Voytiv, 2022). Dispute contribute to undesirable-to-undesirable consequences together in destructive conflict, causing emotions of failure but also animosity.

Question 12

According to the hypothesis, private citizens partner up with others due to the spatial but rather geological closeness. Thereby, during an organisational frame of reference, people operating together were also quite able to constitute a gathering with rather than human beings operating among a remote location.

Question 13

Social balance theory has been a form of collective theoretical approaches that deals only with rebalancing but rather disparity of emotion relationships through dyadic but rather triadic relationships. Feelings could indeed lead to the formation of 2 categories. Inside of appreciating agencies, there is dislike between 2 categories.

Question 14

According to social exchange theory, socialisation has been the sharing economy. The goal with this transaction becomes to maximise rewards and minimise expenses.

Question 15


The forming phase covers a time frame of alignment but also getting one another. Throughout this phase, there is a degree of ambiguity.


- Folks comprehend the behaviour of others affirm one ‘s team spot.
- Teammates could start competing for one specific particular role upon that squad
- Resolving relational ensues like a consequence.


During the norming stage, agreement evolves upon what the manager but rather representatives have become, as well as the positions of current people. Relationship conflicts start to fade, and then a spirit of teamwork unfolds.


General consensus but also collaboration was well there in opportune spot, but also the club is advanced, organised, and being well.


The majority of such person's ideas were met as the meeting winds down. The main focus would be on completing final work activities but also describing exertion and outcomes.


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BSBSTR601 Manage Innovation and Continuous Improvement Assignment Sample

Case Study of McDonalds: Strategy Formulation in a Declining Business

Chris Kempczinski, as President and CEO of McDonald’s, Chris leads the millions of dedicated McFamily members who help create delicious, feel-good moments for everyone. Chris realized there was a major problem arising within their corporation when their earnings declined in the late 1990s till the early 2000s. Their net income not only shrunk to 17%, but also suffered from slow sales growth below the industry average during that period of time. Although their market share was well above their competitors such as Burger King and Wendy’s nevertheless there was a slow share growth.

Therefore, the question of what caused the Big Mac Attack is raised. It is observed that there was a growing trend of customers moving to non-hamburger meals which is being offered by indirect competitors such KFC, Subway (dominating the market with more than 13,200 US outlets) and Pizza Hut as an alternative choice. Sandwiches and a variety of microwaveable meals are being offered at supermarkets, convenience stores and even at petrol stations. This convenience has caused many customers to switch away from the fast-food outlet. Besides that, there seems to be an increasing trend in fast casual dining which has affected sales for McDonald.

Customers are now more willing to spend extra for the traditional fast serving but with a better and classy ambience. Due to this ‘phenomenon’, the growth for fast casual segments grew from 15 to 20% compared to only 2% growth from fast food chains. Taco Bell for instance had an outstanding 19% increases in their profit which proves that higher priced outlets are still in demand. Among the hamburger eateries such as Wendy’s and Burger King are major competitors catching up fast by recognizing the importance of drive-through customers. In order to rope in the 65% of sales which is derived from drive-through delivery, these competitors are enhancing their preparation methods as well as the facility and speeding up their delivery process. Innovative approaches such as windshield responders that automatically bill customers are being introduced, to achieve the estimated 10% efficiency increase in drive- through which brings in an average sale by $54,000. Besides upgrading the drive-through services, these competitors have also understood the market preferences and have taken the risk as hamburgers outlets to offer new product lines ranging from healthy salads to chicken based products prepared in a healthy manner.

Furthermore, the eating trend among the youth and the older generations has undergone significant changes. Many customers are becoming more health conscious and tend to be picky in determining their daily consumptions. This group of people has also expressed their dissatisfaction on the quality of food which is being served by both McDonald and Burger King. It is an obvious fact that burgers served soaking with fat and oil is bound not only to affect patron’s health but their conscience as well. Besides health reasons, many Americans’ eating habits have changed towards the concept of eating out. Recession during that era has taken a heavy toll on many citizens causing them to be thrifty and have returned to home cooked meal instead.

Upon analysing the causes to the problem, it is noted that these problems are vital to be addressed in order to sustain the life span of McDonald. The decline of sales within McDonald’s in USA can lead to a chain reaction and in the long run and cause declines in the group’s worldwide annual sales and growth. Once the root cause has been identified, McDonald’s will be able to re-strategies and develop new and innovative product line, facilities and even to venture into new market segments. In order to re-capture the lost customers segments, the need to shed the cheap and greasy image with a revamped store design may arise. However, the drawback of this is when additional cost may be incurred in order to compensate the eating trends.

Answer the following questions for assignment help -

1. How are customer’s tastes changing? What Impact these changes have on McDonald’s?
2. How well these changes reflected in the industry’s competitive strategies?
3. Conduct SWOT analysis of McDonald’s future with its current business?
4. Does McDonald’s require separate strategies for its heavy user?
5. What the CEO should do to grow sales, profit and market share at McDonald’s?
6. How can McDonald apply concept of Continuous Improvement? Who would be involved in this process?


Customer Taste Changes and The Impact of Changes

A group of consumers that values their health is altering the stereotype associated with fast food. The contents and energy of the meals they consumed are being read by this new customer demographic. Instead of the usual cheeseburger and fried establishments, shoppers gravitate toward fresh, nutritious options (Gao and McDonald, 2022). McDonald's must find methods to continue attracting customers if it wants to maintain its competitive position in this constantly evolving industry. They've expanded their menu to include lower-calorie food options and grilled chicken wraps. Clients now feel they can make informed meal choices thanks to the addition of nutrition facts to the menu. Another tactic McDonald's employs are to charge less for items on their "discount menu." Customers are given the option of choosing between a $5-foot-long sub that is somewhat healthier and $1 hamburgers with discounted fries and hamburgers. The fast-food industry would have to be able to adapt to shifting customer preferences and tastes (Hite and McDonald, 2020). There is a huge opportunity to develop new items that appeal to people concerned about their health. Types of products, more especially, must be developed especially for young, health-conscious women. There is a possibility to develop a fresh, healthier brand portfolio that appeals to changing consumer trends and meets customers' requirements.

Changes Reflected in Competitive Industry Strategy

The profession as a whole strongly exhibits changes in client choices and preferences. They may be seen in the layout of restaurants and the cuisine, costs, and product promotion employed by these companies. Certain chain restaurants, like Wendy's and McDonald's, which now serve meals and hamburgers with grilled chicken for brunch, have changed what they are marketing in addition to the traditional cheeseburger and fried quick food industries. Other fast-food outlets that are frequently seen as healthier alternatives, including Subway, have started to offer brunch selections to rival the purportedly unhealthy McDonald's meal options. The quality of the shops at McDonald's and other fast-food restaurants has improved. There are cloth couches supplied in place of the smooth, plastic canteen chairs, so one can enjoy their McCafé and free Wi-Fi. They do this to compete with the enormously popular Starbucks (McDonald, 2018).

SWOT Analysis of McDonald


Industry’s leader: McDonald's has dominated the food service industry for years and transformed American food culture. McDonald's has possibilities and risks in its specialized and general businesses, just like any other business.

The economic position of McDonald's seems to be fair but developing, and it may soon get back to being stable. The company's ability tofulfilll short- and long-term obligations, as well as loan repayments, using available cash indicates that debt is not a major concern for the company.

Production: McDonald's has long been proud of the consistent quality of its goods. A Big Mac'sflavorr in New York is the same as in Los Angeles (Tennent, 2020). Durability in brand equity has been an asset for the corporation since buyers know what to expect when they enter a McDonald's. Customers recognize that a Big Mac can be purchased with consistent texture and consistency at every McDonald's outlet worldwide.

Others: McDonald's delivers a consistent quality of food, the best production chain in the industry, and the highest esteem from its manufacturers, in addition to consistently strong items.


An old brand: Given that McDonald's has been there for so long, the majority of Americans have eaten there more times than they can count. Intangibles like the McDonald's identity and the iconic arch logo are harmed, and revenue is decreased.

Current competition McDonald's has long competed fiercely with other fast-food restaurants like Burger King, Taco Bell, Panda Express, Arby's, etc. Still, it appears that this rivalry is getting more intense. The quick food industry has a lot of space for growth, and dozens of brand-new eateries open their doors yearly. Rapid foods are available at convenience stores, groceries, and vending machines. McDonald's has to compete against an ever-increasing amount of strong competition (Crowley, Cecchett,i and McDonald, 2020).

Marketing: Younger children responded well to McDonald's advertising, while they often turned off teens and youngsters. After seeing the disturbing "I'm Lovin' it" commercials, many felt concerned. Because they didn't have any other choices, several people just ate at McDonald's

McDonald’s Separate Strategies

In the past few years, many journalism exposés have shown the reality of how healthy fast food is. From the movie "Super-Size Me" to the exposure about how McNuggets are made, Mcdonald's is under criticism for the lack of calories in their food. Eventually, the White House chastised the fast-food industry for raising obese kids. While regular consumers still use McDonald's services and don't seem to be planning to stop. McDonald's has done a terrific job of adjusting to the needs of the health-conscious shopper (Lynch, 2021). The bargain menus, however, continue to provide discounts to the traditional sandwich and fry-strong customer segment. In summary, it appears that McDonald's current strategy is the best.

CEO Strategy To Grow Sales, Profits, and Market Share

They strongly encourage McDonald's to try to produce the latest ideas since the opportunity is too great to pass up. It helps make sense to at least try to manufacture a specific product that has the opportunity to be extremely effective in a market that is always increasing since they have only actually worked with their new brand of Top-quality Sandwiches. There is a lot of potentials for new items to produce sizable sales since young consumers and tastes are shifting more swiftly than ever. The primary demographic for McDonald's commercials need to be young people and teenagers (Gao and McDonald, 2022). The "I'm Lovin' It" marketing has to be changed since it is ineffective, especially if new products are launched. It creates a problem because their commercials work well with children but not with teenagers and young adults. Without efficient marketing, creating new products and launching them would be difficult. But continue the "I'm Lovin' It" promotional campaign and use it as your sole global promotional campaign. Once a new item has been introduced and shows promise, McDonald's may focus on increasing manufacture in their developmental and social, the large people look up. McDonald's should take into account other options because there are serve more as a long-term alternative when a new product has been introduced and has been famous.

McDonald Applying Continuous Improvement

McDonald’s needs to apply continuous improvement to increase sales and grow profit margin at the working place. Continuous improvement is a more effective and successful way which helps to promote positive success in the working place. For that, management and CEO can use different strategies and tools where management is helpful. In this process all the company's staff members, managers, leaders, and production staff are included. All employees are free to use different tools to increase sales (Tennent, 2020).



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BSBCMM201 Communicate in The Workplace Assignment Sample

Prepare for role-play

You will prepare for a role-play.You will participate in the role-play, responding to queries from customers and managers in person and by telephone. You will be given time to read over the documents in preparation for the role-play. Your assessor will record your performance in Part C using the observation checklist attached to this task. Familiarise yourself with the checklist prior to assessment so you know what is expected.

1. Prepare for the following scenario:

You work as a receptionist for a business called Delicious Chocolates. Delicious Chocolates makes a range of sugar- free chocolates. The business has several departments and operates on a large site. Today, you will be dealing with verbal requests for information (in person and over the phone) from customers and managers.

2. Read the following documents:

a. Appendix 1.1: Organisational chart and site map
b. Appendix 1.2: Contact list
c. Appendix 1.3: Communication procedures.

3. Your assessor will assume the roles outlined below or arrange for other role-play participants to play them:

a. Manager – The Office Manager needs your assistance in ordering office supplies. You need to find out what supplies are required, the quantity, delivery timeframe, budget and preferred supplier details. Once you have placed this order, you will need to communicate your progress to your manager.

b. Customer – A customer calls the reception desk and requests to speak to the Warehouse Manager. This customer owns a delicatessen that stocks Delicious Chocolates. However, their most recent order has not yet arrived – it has been two weeks. They are calling from their mobile phone and the line sometimes drops out for a couple of seconds, interrupting communication.

c. Delivery driver – A delivery driver walks into the reception office seeking information and directions to the despatch building onsite. English is the driver’s second language. He seems to have a basic understanding of English.


4. Come to the role-play ready for work. For example:

a. dress appropriately
b. come prepared with pens and mobile phone
c. bring any procedures you need to refer to (see the appendices for this task).

5. Engage in discussions that demonstrate your ability to:

a. communicate positively in response to individual differences

b. use effective speaking, active listening and questioning techniques as required

c. provide prompt responses to queries

d. comply with organisational policies, plans and procedures

e. use strategies to overcome language and communication barriers.


6. Write a short reflection about the role-play. In this reflection, include the following:

a. What organisational policies and procedures did you need to follow?

b. Explain at least 1 way you overcame communication barriers.

c. Describe at least 1 active listening skill you demonstrated in this role-play. How did it contribute to your communication?


In order to understand the working cultures followed by Delicious Chocolates, a role play needs to be performed between the receptionist and customers associated with this concern. This would lead to a working of clear understanding of popular concerns that are associated with it. This entire notion could be easily handled by focusing on discussions based on organisational chart and site map which generally contains information on organisational work setup and roles played by employees in this case. There are generally 4 types of organisational charts for assignment help that consist of matrix, top-down, divisional and functional ones. These charts and sites are vital for understanding the work culture as that leads them to develop and understand the relationships that are shared among various employees working under this concern (Yuriev et al., 2018, p 400).

Besides these, making a contact list of all employees from higher to lower hierarchy is vital as this enables better identification of the employees and assigning tasks to them in the right order. This will enable establishment of proper functioning in the overall working environment (Ojo et al., 2018, p 10). Other than this, focusing on developing communication procedures are vital as that would lead to proper understanding of the requirements that are necessary. This process enables establishment of communication with that of quality related issues and overall development that is shown by people in general. This leads to overall working based on the functioning aspects to be identified in an effective manner. Therefore these methods are to be used by organisations to effectively function and understand the working procedures based on these aspects.

Role Play between Customer and Receptionist

Customer: This is quite alarming to inform you that the quality of your products have fradully lacked quality. Why is that so?

Receptionist: Am extremely sorry to hear this issue from you as this has been the first time that we are hearing something like this from customers.

Customer: We are really very fond of your products and this time we had sent it as a souvenir to our dear relatives, but to my utter surprise I was informed about the deterioration of the quality of the chocolates.

Receptionist: Yes, will definitely look into the matter as this will definitely falter the position of the company in the society. I will inform the chief and its associates about the matter

Customer: Yes please do this as this issue has not only affected the reputation of such a renowned chocolate company but has also led to the deterioration of the name of the country.

Receptionist: I can understand your concern and this is vitally true that our Delicious Chocolate has been the brand name for manufacturing of chocolates for the country and have been taken for official tours as well.

Customer: But before all these, I need this company to return back my money which has been wasted as well as send fresh boxes of chocolates for free. This is our demand and faltering from this demand would lead your company to face graver issues related to legal perspectives.

Receptionist: We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience created and would ask for some considerations as this had been the first time that such an issue has arised.

I have immediately informed the hierarchy of the current status of the products and will definitely retain the quality of the products and the position in society.

Customer: No, not at all there have been several reviews posted in your official account by many customers who have gone through the same problem and are asking for aid. Not a single time could be wasted in listening to your pretty shits.

Receptionist: I had a conversation with the hierarchy and have been informed that they are willing to send you a new set of chocolate boxes and are also ready to send the refund. This is the only thing we can do on our part initially.

Customer: Am relieved to hear that such a thing has taken place and am waiting for the things to be received.

Receptionist: Thank you for sharing your concerns and providing feedback. This would enrich our manner of working and bringing things in an effective manner.
Customer: Thank you for understanding and clarifying the issues. I look forward to buying more products from your company in the future.


In order to check the quality of the products, I had to initially inform the hierarchy of the deteriorating quality of the products as well as the issues that are addressed by the customers. Certain other considerations have been dealt with in an effective manner while dealing with the issues as by focusing on quality manuals, checking procedures relating to controlling of documents, and observing the records that are fulfilled by them. Other than just analysing these areas, they have also led to performing audits associated with internal working systems, controlling issues associated with non-conformity, and finally in focusing on understanding the corrective actions that need to be developed (Alam et al., 2019, p 60). This has led the entire process of identification and observation to be dealt with in an effective manner. Other than this, by checking these considerations we could derive the major concerns that had been faced by the customers and accordingly plan actions to rectify the cause.

The method that had been used to rectify the communication barrier with the customer is by refunding them the money that they had spent on the product along with sending them a set of new ones. This has not only led the customers to be happy with the decision but also be excited about buying their products in future. But to establish these effects, I had to go through a verbal communication with the customers as well as enable them to understand the problem that has been associated with these concerns (Alam et al., 2019, p 60). Besides these, we had also sent hampers and other discounts to retain them as a customer in the company. Thus by abiding through these cases, they have been able to understand and maintain a better relationship with us. This has further enabled me to work with precision and avoid any said barriers.

a. The most effective active interaction technique that I had followed in this conversation had been that of limiting any kind of interruptions and remaining silent while the conversation from the other part had been taking place (Yuriev et al., 2018, p 400). This has led to better understanding of the problems and establishing effective solutions associated with this context. This has also led me to retain their position as customers of the organisation.


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HLTENN035 Practice Nursing with the Australian Health Care System Assignment Sample

1. List three (3) most common chronic health conditions facing aging people who come from countries other than Australia, and name three (3) major themes in health care contributing to their poor health conditions

Three Chronic Health Conditions

One of the chronic health conditions is hypertension.
Other issue is diabetes
Other is arthritis


One of the theme cover health cost excess and every individual is not able to afford the high quality care
This also includes Fragmented Decision Points and inconsistent principle.
Unable to obtain care because of lack of facilities.

2. Identify at least three (3) private health insurance-related companies in Australia

Medibank is one of the companies that is operating with 26.9% market share.
Bupa has 25.4% market share providing health insurances to people in Australia
HCF is one of the companies operating with11.7% market share.

3. What is the role of private health insurance in the Australian healthcare funding system?

With private health insurance, individuals may choose from a variety of medical facilities and physicians, relieving stress on the public healthcare system. The government of Australia and individuals for assignment help with private health insurance are the two main sources of funding for medical treatment in Australia. Medicare is the name of Australia national healthcare insurance programme. Medicare is a government programme in Australia that offers reduced-cost or free medical treatment to inhabitants of the country. It is funded by the taxes that each and every Australian is required to pay.

4. What are health issues and impacts for healthcare delivery in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders in Australia?

Because of the prevalence of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory diseases among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia, their population is declining at an alarming rate, which makes it challenging for them to close the obvious gap in life expectancy that exists between themselves and other Australians. In addition to the aforementioned, a number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have been subjected to inferior medical treatment, which has resulted in their being at a greater risk of dying at an earlier age than the indigenous population in Australia as a whole (Pearson et al., 2020).

5. Describe the historical perspectives of two (2) of the following roles in nursing profession

Religious Orders

Between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, a number of healthcare facilities in that period were forced to shut because there were insufficient numbers of medical professionals to care for patients. It was at this period that all women who had been convicted of committing crimes and were serving sentences were sent to nursing school in order to fill the shortage of nurses that existed at the time in the sector. This aspect of nursing was deemed appropriate for the time period in question due to the fact that it took place inside the confines of a religious order, which is where nursing care was expected to be provided in the name of Christian compassion (Bates & Memel, 2021).


During the start of the Nightingale Crimean war, which occurred somewhere between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Nightingale and her nurses took use of the chance to construct military hospitals of the day.

6. Outline current perspective of nursing profession based on Kelly criteria?

a. Nursing contributions to individual and social health are vital.

As a result,

b) nursing science is growing. Research is the driving force behind the expansion of nursing body of knowledge.

Nursing is a cognitive activity requiring both critical and creative thinking since it serves as the basis for delivering nursing care. Nursing pioneered and refined the nursing process, an innovative approach to clinical practise.

C. These professionals need to be educated at the university level to acquire the skills and information necessary to do their jobs effectively.

D. Although nurses do their duties on their own initiative, the majority of them operate in settings where nursing practise is reliant on the cooperation of others, especially when it comes to carrying out the directives of physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants. Employers and supervising physicians might place restrictions on what a nurse can do in the workplace.

E. Practitioners are driven to do good by a desire to help others and value their job highly in its own right. The nursing profession is not for the faint of heart. This will motivate them to provide excellent service to your customers. The code of ethics for nurses helps professionals provide a safe place for patients to recover by encouraging them to see their treatment from several angles. (Kelly & Innes, 2013).

7. State two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of the Biomedical model on which the Australian Healthcare system is based on


• Increases life expectancy owing to early diagnosis and treatment

• Works really effectively with typical medical issues


• Adopting this methodology is thought to cost the government money when it comes to paying for the diagnosis and treatment of certain ailments that call for high-end technology

• Since certain diseases cannot be cured and can only be managed by behavioural adjustment, which is not supported by the biological paradigm, this approach cannot treat all diseases.

8. Describe two socio-cultural and social factors that impact health care delivery

a) Lack of Education: People who lack education are more prone to have unhealthy lives because they are unaware of the importance of good eating and exercise.

b) Low income—one factor to take into account is a person's income. People with low incomes have less access to wholesome meals and healthcare. They cannot afford to pay for clean living conditions or medical care.

c) Housing – People with health issues are more likely to reside in subpar housing.

d) Unsafe environment – People are more susceptible to risks and health issues in an unsafe setting.

9. List at least three (3) examples of each of the social, political and economic factors that impact on health care delivery.


- Lack of housing
- Food
- Supportive personal relationships


- Tax legislation
- Consumer protection
- Insurance mandates

Economic factors

- Income in terms of making healthy choices
- Income to afford the healthcare
- Employment conditions to access to medical care

10. Research and describe two (2) issues on the current health policy agenda in Australia

Urbanizations and health problems

Numerous health issues have arisen as a result of increased urbanisation in many industrialised countries, making it more difficult for governments to design wholesome and long-lasting communities.

Problems in the field of medical research

Medical innovations have traditionally been made in Australia via research. Surprisingly, Australia lacks the following essential organisations and connections among stakeholders needed to combine national health and medical research plans (ii) Aligning medical research with goals for the country's health (iii) strategic goals for allocating limited research funding

11. Outline four (4) principles of primary health care and two (2) principles of tertiary health care in

All five forms of health care are available to all customers, regardless of where they live. Immunization, clean water and sanitation, prenatal and pediatric care, health education, and the management of infectious diseases are all part of health promotion. The primary goal of health promotion is to reduce the need for curative and rehabilitative care.

Care that is commensurate with the community economic, cultural, and social development is shown through the use of appropriate technology. The phrase "public participation" refers to the practise of encouraging patients to take an active role in making decisions about their own health care, as well as the health care needs of their community and the relative merits of various approaches to addressing those needs.

Tertiary care

Hospices and rehabilitation centres are examples of tertiary care settings. The goals of tertiary care are to make the latter stages of life as pleasant as possible for patients who have reached that point and to help patients recover fully after surgery or illness.

12. Discuss the four non-traditional approaches to health and their places in contemporary nursing practice?

1. Body-based and manipulative techniques

- it involves moving one or more bodily parts in order to promote healing and wellness. Examples include massage, reflexology, osteopathic and chiropractic adjustments, Rolfing, the Alexander method, craniosacral treatment, and Trager bodywork.

2. Mind-body therapy

- it a collection of therapies that pay attention to how social, mental, emotional, behavioural, and spiritual variables interact and affect one health.

3. Energy drugs

- It relies on a number of traditions to support the idea that illnesses are caused by subtle energy disturbances.

4. Biologically-Based Practices - it makes use of natural resources like food, vitamins, and herbs to strengthen, balance, and cure the body. Examples include probiotics, functional foods, dietary supplements (such vitamins), prebiotics, fatty acids, herbal items, and amino acids.

13. Outline the functions of Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation.

The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) helps shape policy in the areas of nursing and midwifery practise, professionalism, regulation, education, training, workforce development, socioeconomic welfare, health and ageing, community services, veterans' affairs, occupational health and safety, labour relations, and social justice. The main national association and professional organisation for nurses and midwives in Australia is called the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (ANMF) (Verrall et al., 2015).

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BSBCRT611 Apply Critical Thinking for Complex Problem-Solving Assignment Sample

Q1. Explain the legal frameworks related to workplace problems concerning discrimination on the basis of disability.

In any business, it is essential to follow the disability discrimination acct 1992 in an effective manner, and if the legal framework is followed in the proper manner, then it becomes possible to avoid any kind of disability-based discrimination in the workplace. This legal act has stated that regardless of education, employment, or other areas of public life, people with disabilities have to be given equal rights as normal individuals. By considering the legal action, it can be stated that it is unlawful to discriminate against a person based on their disability, and all workplaces are required to view it. They have to adopt proper policies so that any employee of them cannot discriminate against anyone based on their disability. In this regard, the human rights act should also be followed. Based on the act, it can be stated that no matter whether a person is disabled or not, everyone has equal rights to everything. From this point of view, it can be stated that discriminating against any person based on their disability is unethical and definitely unlawful.

Q2. Explain the organizational policy or procedure applicable to the workplace problem specified/identified in Q1.

The Organisational policy associated with the discrimination problem in the workplace states that guaranteed human rights are exercised without any type of color, religion, language, or other main opinions. The organization adopted antidiscrimination laws for the benefit of the employees. All employees, irrespective of religion, must be treated equally for the betterment of the organisation.

Q3. Explain the different steps of critical thinking for assignment help.

The different main steps of critical thinking are assessing the problems, doing the research properly in generating critical thinking, analyzing the relevance of data, asking questions, identifying the optimum solutions, and presenting the solution. The last step involves analyzing the decision more critically.

Q4. How can you use the following critical and creative thinking techniques to generate innovative solutions to issues? Write 100-150 words for each.

a) Mind mapping
b) Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats

a) Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is one of the main innovative tools that, with the help of visual stimuli, will help the brain to rapidly draw more creative and innovative associations between all ideas (Ali, 2019).

b) Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats

It is considered that rotating the hats among the groups helps in generating new ideas for solving the problems. It guides the group to assume the problem from different perspectives.

Q5. What are the advantages of team problem-solving in the development of solutions for identified workplace problems? Discuss any five (5) advantages in 200-250 words.

Five of the main advantages in the development of the solution for discrimination that is as follows:

- Enhanced commitment to motivating the team to protect against discrimination.

- Working within the team increases understanding among all the team members, which helps to prevent from discrimination.

- Better thinking and smooth communication among the team members.

- Better handling of risks when working for the team (Easterwood and Robert, 2020).

- More in depth critical thinking in working as a team to prevent discrimination.

Q6. What are the disadvantages or risks associated with team problem- solving in the development of solutions for identified workplace problems? Discuss any three (3) disadvantages or risks in 200-250 words.

Three of the main disadvantages in the development of solution for discrimination that are as follows:

- People mainly feel discriminated against and are less engaged when working for the team.
- Employers feel less profitable and thus there rises discrimination which acts as the main disadvantage.
- Employees within teamwork elsewhere due to the rise in discrimination within the team.

Q7. Explain the basic steps in decision-making processes in 200-250 words

The main basic steps that are involved in decision making process are mainly follows:

Step 1: The decision needs to be identified at the first place prior to taking any decisions.

Step 2: Relevant and accurate information needs to be gathered, based on which decision making process will be conducted.

Step 3: The alternatives to the decisions need to be properly identified in making decisions more effectively.

Step 4: The evidence must be weighted, which is an important part of making decisions. It is one of the main steps involved in the decision making process.

Step 5: In the fifth step, it is important to choose among all the main alternatives before making an efficient decision on the basis of the situation.

Step 6:Actions must be taken on the basis of a decision that is taken, which is based on the circumstances and different types of scenarios.

Step 7: The last step that is involved in the decision making process is to properly review all decisions that have been taken previously, and its consequences must be taken into account. A detailed review needs to be done on the main consequences and the main decisions.

Q8. Explain the following decision-making processes in 100-150 words each.

a) Decision matrix
b) Decision tree analysis

a) Decision Matrix

A decision matrix mainly evaluates and gives priority to a specific list of options and acts as a decision making tool. It gives a list of weighted criteria and helps in evaluating every option against all those criteria. A decision matrix is used in solving problems and makes arguments to defend a decision. It is mainly an ideal decision making tool for opting among a few comparable solutions with different quantitative criteria (Patel and Pratapti, 2018). A decision matrix consists of the rating summary of every individual. A table helps in evaluating a set of options against all the criterias. The judges summarize the result in a decision matrix.

b) Decision Tree Analysis

Decision tree analysis is usually associated with outlining different types of potential outcomes and costs of a complex decision. Decision trees are helpful for analyzing all types of quantitative data, and thus decisions are made on numbers (Kumar, 2020). A Decision tree is mainly a tree-like model that supports tools and makes decisions on the basis of their probable impacts, costs, and consequences. A decision tree is mainly a graphical representation of probable solutions that are mainly available to properly solve the provided problem. It is used in determining the main courses of action.

Q9. Explain the following barriers to effective decision-making in 70- 120 words each.

a) Bounded rationality
b) Time Constraints

a) Bounded Rationality

Bounded rationality is defined as the process by which most individuals make different decisions that come from economic rationality. The rationality has certain constraints by the thinking capacity of human beings. Bounded rationality theory is associated with making a proper selection that is dependent on numerous criteria and finding something that is highly acceptable. It states that humans arent able to make rational decisions due to the social limits and cognitive limits.

b) Time Constraints

Time constraints help all the decision makers to process information at a rapid pace, and they must be able to use less rigorous strategies. It mainly implies deadlines, allocation of resources, and workload management (Fisher et al.,2021). The main reasons for time constraints, like an enforced deadline, are provided to complete the project within a given span of time. It has a huge impact on decision making strategies to make decisions rapidly.

Q10. Explain the following sources of relevant information to identified issues in 200-250 words.

a) Desktop research
b) Stakeholder consultations

a) Desktop Research

The main issues that are involved in desktop research are the availability of information and quality varies by geography and government, which creates a lot of problems for the researchers. The research is largely limited to available information and only provides a partial solution that largely creates problems for the researchers. The main issue with using desktop research is that a lot of researchers find it difficult to obtain specific information according to the requirements (Öz et al.,2022). The researchers sometimes never answer specific research questions that are important for conducting the research. The research information may not have useful information that is proven to be important.

b) Stakeholder consultations

The main problems of the stakeholder consultations are like fearing failures, obstacles in the progress ways, and looking out for the number one solution, which acts as the main issue in doing the research. The other main problems are involved in problems in decision making which act as one of the main problems in the research. It is observed that most of the time, there arises issues like lack of proper information, which is the main challenge that is observed among most of the stakeholder consultants.

Q11. What do you mean by organisational requirements? Write your answer in 30-50 words.

Organisational requirements are defined as a set of vision, business goals , priorities in making a comprehensive business plan. They are the specific principles by which the organization assures a proper research and learning environment.

Q12. Discuss the organisational requirements for the development and presentation of a feedback register. Write your answer in 150-200 words.

The main organisational requirements that are important for the development and presentation of a feedback register involve proper visual presentation, fonts , style, and margins in making a feedback register. Punctuation, grammar, spelling, and style of writing are the basic organisational requirements in developing a feedback register (Heaton et al.,2019). The graphics standards consist of the usage of brands and logos, which helps in enhancing the presentation of feedback registers. The style and presentation of the feedback register must be done according to the requirements of the organisation. There need to be proper document naming conventions and protocols need to be filed properly which makes the feedback register much more presentable to the organisation. There needs to be proper writing styles and punctuations of making the feedback register much more perfect and accurate. The layout and background helps in improving the quality and production of services and products. It is important to abide by all the guidelines of the organisation in making the feedback presentable.

Q13. How will you structure the information in the development of a brief? Write your answer in 100-150 words

The information that is provided in the brief can be developed by providing an executive summary, a comprehensive introduction, a proper overview of the problems , a detailed examination of research findings and there will be a proper background. The background point will cover the main areas of the brief which will give readers a comprehensive idea of the topic that is to be discussed. In the end after the development of briefs, there will be proper recommendations and the main importance of the brief. Finally, there will be a proper conclusion in the end of the brief which will have infers the study that is done in the entire brief.

Q14. Explain the purpose of the approval process for workplace solution in 50-100 words.

The main purpose of approval involves budget approval and outlining various marketing initiatives. It involves formal work from different levels of the organization (Liu et al.,2018). Budget allocation and decision making process are the main objectives for budget approval.

Q15. How can you develop an approval process for workplace solutions? Write your answer in 200-250 words.

The steps that are to be followed in creating an approval process involves defining the main work task; there needs to be proper approvers, for providing permissions and due dates. In the second step the work task must be assigned. The approver receives tasks and approves or rejects the work. In the approval process, there needs to be proper permission levels who will approve and edit works. The due dates help in submitting work in a timely manner. Then the status of the task goes to the final approver . Finally the task is accepted and published accordingly. Records and logs of every step in the approval process help in managing the effective process properly.


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BSBITU404 Produce Complex Desktop Published Document Assignment Sample

Need to answer all the questions

Question 1 - What ergonomic requirements must you adhere to when working on a computer? What work organization strategies should be used?
Question 2 - What are the different qualities of TIFF and EPS and when would you use them?
Question 3 - What is readability and what is the importance of designing for readability?
Question 4 - What are the points to consider before starting to write a desktop published document?
Question 5 - What are true type fonts?
Question 6 - What is the importance of type to the overall design?
Question 7 - What are the elements involved in design of a document?
Question 8 - What is design? Why is design and layout important in arranging artwork?
Question 9 - Why is it important to understand the target audience?
Question 10 - What are the functions of desktop publishing softwares?
Question 11 - List conservation techniques you could apply when producing desktop published documents
Question 12 - Describe in detail the ergonomically correct way to sit at a computer desk.
Question 13 - What is a style guide?


Question 1

The ergonomic specification allows limiting impact of working long hours in front of computer, leading to physical stress. The ergonomics requirements for the computer users include arranging work stations to avoid bad posture, adjusting work patterns to avoid prolonged exposure to computers and taking breaks from prolonged computer-based work, and performing model exercises while sitting, such as moving the neck and arm.

Monitoring the frequency of eyestrain and its intensity, as well as observing issues associated with musculoskeletal discomfort and using wrong postures while using a computer, can be considered strategies to implement computer ergonomics in the workplace (Heiden et al., 2019). educating employees to follow the ergonomic specification and monitoring employees while working, and allowing them to take a break can help to implement the ergonomic specification in work organisation.

Question 2

The major quality for assignment help of the TIFF is that the file that can be downloaded is larger than any of the JPEG files, but the file is always lossless. As mentioned by El Beheiry et al. (2020), the file format of the TIFF is lossless, and after saving, the file is of precise quality. TIFF can be used to ensure image format requires different colour requirements in detail. On the other hand, EPS is the file that is the best choice for the graphic format, and it is used for the high resolution for the printing of the illustration.

Question 3

Readability is the parameter that can be used for the assessment of the reading of any text and deciding whether it is easy or difficult to read. As stated by Alshehri et al. (2019), the design of the readability is essential for the better service for the users who are consuming the text content. Designing readability enhances audience engagement and a better understanding of reading text to the target audience for whom the text is made.

Question 4

While writing a desktop published document, the points below need to be considered.

• Planning the documentation and preparing sketches in the document mode based on previous samples.
• Selecting a template for documents
• Setting up documents as per the template and putting text in the template
• Formatting texts as per rules of desktop publishing
• Printing draft and proofreading it

Question 5

TTF or the true type fonts are the fonts found in the MAC and the Microsoft windows. TTF ensures high scalability and readability at any size. The consistency of the fonts is there for the screen versions of the typeface. Some examples are - Courier, Helvetica, Times, and DejaVuSans.

Question 6

The use of the fonts in the design is crucial for the betterment of the representation of the text and the content that is there for the taking. The selection of font styles is the best way for the visual representation, and the text looks more dynamic for a better visual scenario. Fonts are considered to be 95% of the best representation of any text (Punsongserm, 2019). That is the reason why the font is essential for better visual representation.

Question 7

Designing a document is one of the key factors of computer analysis and the communication that can be made by the designed document. As mentioned by Manai (2019), the curiosity of the communication and the development of it, the documentation with the software used is the key to the betterment of the style or mode of communication. That is why all the elements of the documentation are needed, and with that, these elements must be present in the software-made document. The first element is the text or the typefaces that are being used to benefit the visual representation of the document. The second and third elements are visuals and graphics that make the document more representable.

The fourth element that is the most crucial is the colour of the document to get a vivid identification of the document. As opined by Tran Jr (2020), the use of appropriate colour gives the document a wide range of acceptance through the target audience. Lastly, the last element of the document is the white space which can be used for the handwritten suggestions and modifications for a better assessment of the document and its representation.

Question 8

Design is a plan or drawing that can be used to improve the artwork. As opined by Pantaleo (2018), the use of the design is the key to the betterment of the visual representation of the text or content that is there for the taking.
Using layout and designing allows the arranging of artwork within a grid for better representation and understanding.

Question 9

Understanding target audience needs can help to arrange the content and use of graphics and artwork for better representation of content indented to be communicated. Based on the need of the target audience, complications of the text styles and layout can be selected and applied.

Question 10

Functions of desktop publishing software include creating complicated documents such as leaflets, brochures, and newsletters. It ensures using complicated layouts, font styles, and templates to make the documents attractive.

Question 11

The conservation techniques that can be used for producing desktop published documents include following designing principles for text using grid and styles, managing the alignment and contrast, and maintaining consistency.

Question 12

Five key settings for the taking are - maintaining good posture, keeping both the feet supported on the floor, avoiding any activity that requires stretching, avoiding twisting and bending while sitting, elbows should be at 110 degrees, and the last one is taking appropriate breaks. All these techniques are essential for the betterment of the employee's well-being.

Question 13

A style guide allows for maintaining coherence in documentation created as per organisational and industry standards that allow better representation of organisational service specifications in an easily understandable manner. Following the style guide help to maintain consistency of brand specification from designing a document to writing documentation.



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BSBOPS505 Manage Organisational Customer Service Assignment Sample


Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Explain the purpose of the Australian Consumer Law and how it protects consumers’ rights.
Australian Consumer Law (ACL) ensures fair practices while managing the business, and the presence of this code of conduct allows customers to deal with unfair business operations, including referral selling, pyramid schemes, unfair terms of the contract, and unsolicited supplies.

2. Outline the consumer guarantees that apply for both products and services under the Australian Consumer Law.

Customers guarantees under ACL include the government's security specification concerning business organisations' necessity for selling, hiring, and leasing products sold under $100,000 and over $100,000 generally used for personal and household purposes. Customer guarantees also revolve around product quality in terms of safety and non-longevity as well as acceptable appearance as well as the presence of desirable features (ACCC, 2022). The regulation regarding guarantee ensures transparency regarding product specification in packaging. It also ensures that service providers are complying with all the requirements.

3. List the types of products and services covered by the consumer guarantee.

Types of products and services under consumer guarantee included

- Debt taken from person or institute
- Facilities available under the health, home, and travel sectors
- Online shopping
- Mobile phone servicing
- Internet and landline facilities
- Petrol, Diesel, and & LPG facilities

4. Explain why it is unlawful for a retailer to display a sign to say that no refunds are provided.

As per ACL, a retailer is responsible for providing remedies to customers under ACL, including repair, replacement, and refund in case of compensation and damages. It is illegal for a retailer to put up a sign of no refunds being provided.

5. Discuss whether consumers are legally entitled to a refund or replacement if they change their minds when buying a product or service.
Customer guarantees are not applied if a consumer changes their mind during purchasing the product in terms of availability of the same product at a cheaper rate somewhere else or not preferring the purchased item after purchasing (ACCC2, 2022). In such cases, no refunds are provided to customers.

6. Explain what information is commonly found in an organisation’s complaints policy and procedure.
Information found in the complaint policy of the organisation includes customer rights and areas covered under compliant policy and procedure as per ACW. The areas that are true of the complaint procedure are also mentioned in the policy as well as the process of making a complaint to the organisation is mentioned in the complaint policy.

7. List at least two benefits of an effective complaint-handling system for businesses and consumers and the standard steps that you would use to effectively deal with a customer complaint.

Two primary benefits of maintaining an effective customer complaint management system for assignment help include the development and maintenance of customer-focused business culture and reduction in operational cost by avoiding customer claims that are out of customer guarantees. Standards steps that are considered for handling customer complaints include listening to compliant, recording detail of complaints, and generating the facts associated with the complaints (Small Business Development Corporation, 2022). Further discussion of the option to fix the complaints and acting fast as well as fulfilling the promises fall under the standard steps. The last standard step is following up on the process of solving complaints.

8. Explain the concept of service standards and their importance. Identify two examples of services standards.
The concept of service standard in Australia revolves around maintaining service quality as per the National Energy Customer Framework (NECF), which ensures variability of necessary amenities, including gas and electricity. This service standard also depends on ACL, which allows customers to access services and transactions related to the supply of goods (AEMC,2022). These standards allow customers to understand their rights and allow service providers to understand their rights to ensure compliance with laws. Two examples of service standards include a clear description of manufacturers' liability on product description and service contract and mention of consumer guarantees in product packaging.

9. Explain why a company committed to best practice customer services may choose to measure its service standards.
Service standards signify the areas needed to be considered by a business organisation to avoid legal complications associated with poor delivery of services, and it also allows following customer rights and guarantees. Maintaining service standards also allow customers to learn about the areas for which the company is not liable for refund or repair. Thus, to ensure the best customer management practice, measuring service standards become necessary.

10. Explain the concept of public relations as a method of marketing communication. In your answer, explain how it can be used as a form of product and/or service promotion.

The concept of public relations revolves around understanding customer needs and making customers aware of services and products offered by a business. Public relations allow bridging the trust gap between customers and organisations (Erlangga, 2022). Public relations allow enhancing the overall credibility of business organisations to enhance customer communication. PR-based promotion ensures smooth sales and a better understanding of customers regarding the product.

11. Describe five methods through which a company can promote its products.
The five methods of product promotion include

- Personal selling: Personal selling requires the service provider to visit the customers to promote the services and product personally.

- Advertising: Advertising depends on different methods based on marketing objectives to promote new and existing products to targeted customer base (Yu and Natori, 2020).

- Sales promotion: Sales promotion depends on different offers such as documents to retain customer loyalty.

- Public relations: It allows for enhancing brand credibility and ensuring customers' trust.

Direct marketing: In this process, the market is directly involved with the promotion, sales, and delivery of the services or products.

12. Explain how customer service can impact on the public relations image of a company.

Customer relationship management allows business organisations to access feedback from customers regarding services and ensure real-time monitoring of the quality of services. Thus, it enhances customers' trust in services and customer loyalty (Juanamasta et al., 2019). Thus, public relations are highly influenced by good customer service that helps to improve brand image.

13. Outline four key ways of providing excellent customer service.

Four ways of ensuring high-quality customer service include

- Responding to customers’ needs as quickly as possible
- Treating customers as family
- Prioritising customer needs
- Meeting gaps in service as per customers’ needs

14. Explain why an unhappy customer is not good for business.

Unhappy customers can impair organisations' brand reputations, and unhappy customers can lead to a lack of customer referrals and engagement. Thus, one unhappy customer can lease 100 unhappy customers due to poor reviews and competitors' referral to peer customers, which signifies the threat of unhappy customers.

15. Explain the importance of understanding customer behaviour and two techniques that can be used to analyse customer behaviour.

Techniques that allow analysing customer behaviour include segmenting customers as per product specification and customer demand and monitoring customer engagement. Another way includes identifying the key benefits provided by the services to reach the customer group. Analysing customer behaviour allows identifying the required changes in products and services per customer needs and market trends.

16. Explain three research methods that a business could use to find out about customer needs.

Three methods for understanding customers’ needs include

Customer interviews: Customer interviews allow one to understand areas of product and service delivery, creating unsatisfactory experiences for customers.

Survey: Surveys allow targeting mass customers regarding their opinion on products and services

Focus group analysis: This type of customer need assessment technique allows focusing on a specific group of customers and understanding their demands associated with products and services.

17. Explain the importance of monitoring complaints, including how keeping records of complaints can help the organisation better its customer service approach.

Understanding customer complaints and successfully solving the complaints as well as monitoring customer complaints allow delegating similar complaints in the future. Maintaining records allows business organisations to use previously solved complaints and guide them to solve future components that enhance customer management.

18.Explain the purpose of a Customer Relationship Manager (CRM) and how it can help organisations manage and improve their customer service information and relationships.

A customer relationship manager is responsible for managing all the activities associated with customer services in terms of collecting customer responses and using customer feedback in services (Sánchez-Gutiérrez et al., 2018). Successful customer relationship management helps to enhance the brand value of the organisation and ensure successful customer engagement. Customer relationship managers thus allow guiding the path to successful customer management.

19. Identify two strategies that an organisation can use to gather feedback from its customers.
Strategies for gathering customer feedback include the feedback forms and surveys which allow accessing feedback from customers directly.

20. Social media is a powerful tool. Explain how an organisation can use it to monitor and manage customer service relationships.

Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram help ensure a platform for customer communication and monitoring customers' responses. It also helps to understand customers' desires associated with products and services.

21. Explain two further strategies that can be used to monitor, manage and introduce ways to improve customer service relationships.

Strategies for monitoring customer service relationships include customer feedback and reviews on different social media platforms. Email-based surveys can also be considered a strategy to monitor the efficiency of customer services.


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BSBFIN501 Manage Budget and Financial Plan Assignment Sample

Giuseppe has a number of corporate customers that wish to order pizza every Friday for their staff. They have asked to pay by invoice at the end of the month.

This was thought to be good for business as these customers placed large orders for lunchtime when the shop generally was not very busy. However, not all of these customers pay their accounts on time. Below is a summary of the money that is owed to Giuseppe.

Giuseppe’s Ageing Debtors Report

1. Identify and describe the significant issues that are evidenced in the Ageing Debtors report above.
2. What is the total amount outstanding to Giuseppe?

3. a. Develop a Debt Collection Procedure for debt recovery used by the company, for aged debts. Please address the following:

- Current Month;
- Over 30 days;
- Over 60 days;
- Over 90 days.

b. Using the Debt Collection Procedure, what should Giuseppe do about the debt owed by Harry’s Timber Yard?

4. Explain with reasons whether you would or would not continue to give credit to customers for purchases.

5. Determine a trend of the average debtor days and the impact to the cash flow for Giuseppe for assignment Help

6. Who are the major internal and external stakeholders Giuseppe would need to communicate with when preparing the budget?

7. What interest do they have in the development of the budgets for the company?

8. What processes and resources could you put in place to monitor and control costs across the work team?


1 - The above Ageing Debtors report of the Giuseppe pizza shop shows an overall receivable of $830 in a maximum due period of over 90 days. The main concerning issue arises while looking at the receivable amount of $355 from Harry's Timber yards which is a regular customer of the Pizza shop. The debt from this customer may be categorized as bad debt if there is no recent contact. The same issues are also seen from the debt data of the corporate Jenn's junkyard though the amount is not much and the customer is not making regular orders. If the customer still has credit then it is less concerning ( O'Brien et al. 2019). The rest two customers are regularly making orders and clearing their due then there is no problem and they can be counted as less concerning accounts. So it can be stated that the outstandings of the client Harry's Timber as overdue and in the case of Jenny’s Junk Yard it may be considered as doubtful debt if there is no news from the client.

Q.2. So It is clear from the report that the total amount outstanding to Giuseppe is $830.


Debt Collection Procedure:

The company should have a perfect debt collection strategy that will help to stabilize the cash flow and to receive the money from the client without irritating them. The strategy includes reviewing the invoice, billing process, hiring an accountant, and understanding the client payment process. In B2B the situation always arises where the client doesn't pay their bill in time because the client may have a certain number of other bills to pay within a certain period, in this situation they may forget to pay their bill in time (Onar et al. 2018). So the hiring of a debt collection agency only arises to deal with clients who have passed the due date of 90 days or a certain number of days and when the customer is resistant to pay the bill or unresponsive. while providing B2B services businesses often deliver the service before they get the payment. This model is effective when there is a bulk order but it becomes too risky when the client doesn't pay the bill on time, which will create a gap in the cash flow of the company. As a result, there will be a shortage of cash to cover the expenses. Below mentioned the strategies followed by the company to recover the aged debt.

- Regular review of the invoices: sometimes it happens that the client doesn't pay the bill, maybe because the bill doesn't make it clear that the amount is due in a certain number of days. This can be avoided by regular review of the invoices and including all the details like an invoice date, the contact information of the client, a unique number to the invoice payment terms and deadline with an acceptable payment method, systemic pricing of each item including the net amount, etc.

- Review of the invoicing policy: It is also important to look at the invoicing policy.If there is paid every month but there is still a cash shortage issue change the policy to bimonthly. Again if the invoice is sent to the client on the last day of the month then shift it to the 1st day of the next, so that the client who makes a run of invoices on that would less likely to miss it.

- Reviewing the invoicing technology: Shift from the traditional software like Ms-excel or Ms- word to technical software like SQUARE. This will help to track client interaction with the invoices, automate follow-ups for unpaid invoices, etc.

- Review of billing communication: Most businesses send invoices to clients and then make a follow-up email. It will be better by setting internal policies to make phone calls to clients when the due is more than a certain number of days. It will be harder to ignore by the client.

- Making the payments easy: It is important to state the accepted payment method in the invoice, and again it can be made more comfortable and easy in various ways. If the mode of payment is through PayPal then inserting a link for the payment in the invoice will make it more effective.

- Immediate presentation of the bill terms: If the business is having a separate credit policy then it will be better to present it at the beginning so that only qualified clients will be involved in the credit policy. There may be a signing of a legal contract regarding how the company collects the unpaid debt.

- Making a confirmation of the client's payment process: The invoice must be reached to the client's accounting team. Make a confirmation that the contact provided by the client is of the accounting team or the person is itself from the account.

- Make proper provision to deal with consistently late paying clients: It is inevitable that at least one of your clients pays late regularly.To handel with such client extension of payment terms can be arranged just for them.There are other successful strategy like if the client is not responding to the emails and is very responsive to phone calls then while collecting the accounting team of the business can be instructed to make phone calls and if there is any problem with the payment method with certain person then
alternative payment method can be arranged only for the individual (Storms and Verschraegen, 2019).

- Higher an accountant: Besides the accounting task small business owners get themselves burdened with other important works which are necessary like proper management in providing services.So to make it easy a accountant or a bookkeeper can be appointed for the task only if the budget is sufficient enough to give the salary of an accountant.

- Hiring a debt collection agency: This is the only option when the businesses mark that the client is not responding to emails or avoiding repeated phone calls.This should be the last resort because it will break the trust between both the parties.This is also a easier step without paying extra fees to the lawyer if followed the recovery method legally.


If the client was not responding to the phone calls and even avoiding the emails then the last way to collect the debt from Harry’s Timber Yard will be through personal visit or hiring a debt collection agency of the due is large. If the client is responding to the emails and phone calls with specific reasons for the late payments then the payment terms are to be noted in the invoices and follow up should be done in the respective due period.


It should be better to shiver ties with the clients or complete closer or credit facilities or make strict credit policies for those who are making regularly late payments because they are the main reason for cash shortage.If there is no problem in cash cash shortage then just regular updates or reminder should be done so that the debt doesn't go to bad debt categories.


Looking at the previous data of the net income and comparing it with the budget it seems that the net income is more than the estimated budget but not considerable (Onar et al. 2020). There is also a higher variance in the expenses so for the long term expenses of the shop there may be a shortage of cash can be seen in the subsequent years.If the shop effectively manages it's casts and collects its debt then this can be avoided.


While preparing the budget Giuseppe needs to communicate with the senior management and executive manager and account who are the internal stake holders.From the external stakeholders they may call the unions or NGO's for their suggestion and those who will provide sufficient support.


The profit of a business is mostly the primary interest of the stakeholders.But there are also stakeholders who are concerned about the overall health of the business like cost involved in spending, social impact, employees happiness, health and safety and finally job security of the employees are the key factors of interest for the investors and stakeholders (Enloe and Neff, 2022). These are necessary for the development of the company.


While managing the finances of the company it's necessary to keep track of the cost of the work team.cost control and management important for profitability.There are several points to consider while managing cost are mentioned below

- Effective planning of the budget

- Recruitment of workers based on the time and workload is important.

- Monitor all the expenses which can be made easier by understanding cost management and cost control.This can be achieved by making a customized dashboard.

- Tracking the earned value is also important.It definitely need some accounting knowledge like monitoring variable cost and prevention of variances from occurring in future.Earned value is the amount of work that has been completed.Earned value can be traced by multiplying the percentage of the work completed with the budget.

- Last and the most important of all is to manage the time effectively and divide the work force according to it.

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SITXMPR007 Develop and Implement Marketing Strategies Assignment Sample

Need to answer all the questions to complete the assignment -


Q1: What are the three questions you need to confirm before you start planning your marketing strategies?

- Is there any opportunity to improve activities or increase products & services?
- What is the total budget for marketing?
- What does a customer need currently?

Q2: What does the term ‘environmental scanning’ mean?

Ans: Environmental scanning is concerned with the ongoing tracking of any occurrence and trends in an enterprise’s external and internal environment that tolerate its success, presently and in the future as well.

Q3: Give four examples of how the market is segmented.

Ans: The business can be segmented based on demographics, geography, psychographics, and behavior. For examples of a business that can be segmented its market are-

- As per the customer’s age,
- Gender,
- Lifestyle, and
- Location.

Q4: List five sources you can access for information on the effectiveness of current and past marketing strategies.

Ans: To access the information on the effectiveness of current as well as past marketing strategies, five main sources can be-

- Web traffic analytics
- Social media
- Marketing automation/customer relationship management,
- Surveys, interviews, focus group, and
- The internet.

Q5: Why is it important to review performance information?

Ans: A performance review allows the business managers to deliver justified & actionable assessments to managers’ reports. This possibly enhances employee engagement and facilitates robust recognition as well as encouragement, & builds tangible ways for employee growth, rooted in accountability.

Q6: What is a SWOT analysis and how can it help you plan for the future?

Ans: SWOT analysis is concerned as an analytical tool for assignment help that helps an individual to analyze overall business strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Using this, a businessman can analyze and understand what his/her company doing best currently, & devise successful strategies for the future. So, by supporting the stakeholders find and measuring their strengths & opportunities they can obtain, weaknesses, and threats, SWOT valuation enhances the likelihood that a company will develop a plan that obtains its future objectives.

Q7: List three things you need to consider when assessing your establishment’s current capabilities?

Ans: To assess the current capabilities of establishments, three things that need to be considered are-
- Strategic importance
- Capability maturity, and
- Adaptability

Q8: List three things you need to consider when assessing your establishment’s current resources?

Ans: Three things that need to consider when assessing the establishment of current resources are-
- Budget/Time
- People
- Plan

Q9: You’re planning a marketing campaign and, through your research, identify that none of your staff have the skills in technology to put together your marketing flyer. What should you do?

Ans: In this case, proper training sessions will be conducted for them. A technology-based skilled employee will be hired to guide and teach them as well. They will be motivated to learn and grow accordingly.

Q10: Who needs to know about the internal business environment?

Ans: Mainly, employees and managers are the responsible and firm members of the organization who have the knowledge and skills. Thus, an investor should also know about the internal business environment.


Q1: Public demand for one of your services was at its peak six months ago. Recently, the demand has dropped off and you’re considering removing the service from your website altogether. Which phase of the market is the service currently in?

Ans: In this case, the service is considered in its deallocating state, as the system is going to disable the service and clean-up is going to occur hence, it is a deallocated state of service.

Q2: List four ways a change in labour force or economic activity might affect your customers and the establishment you work in.

Ans. Four ways to change the labor forces are-
- Transforming the demographics and dynamic workforces
- Rise of choices individually
- Technological revolution
- Customer satisfaction & the dawn of information or data

Q3: What is meant by ‘best practice’ when analysing comparative market information?

Ans: Best practices refer to the finding as well as utilizing- the best possible ways of working in order to obtain the business goals. Best practices comprise keeping up-to-date with paths that successful business functions in a particular sector and weighing the ways of working against those utilized by market leaders.

Q4: How can you find out about emerging trends and developments?

Ans: To find out about emerging trends & developments, the following ways can be used-
- Take benefits of industry research as well as trends reports
- Follow the publications and influencers of the industry regularly
- Use various tools as well as analytic systems to find direction trends and developments
- Evolve around smart people
- Develop and maintain adviser’s close group
- Ask a correct question and listen to the clients
- Learn to accept & embrace change

Q5: How can you keep up to date with the legal requirements of your business? Provide three examples.

Ans: To keep up-to-date with the legal requirements of a business, various ways are available for example-

- Stay informed about the legal requirements can be a practical strategy for businesses to keep up to date.

- The business can monitor the websites of regulatory bodies and governing agencies to keep the business up-to-date.

- Some companies can utilize compliance software and regular review of this software can be a good example to keep the business changes up-to-date.

Q6: What does the term ‘ethical constraints’ mean and how does it relate to marketing? (Briefly explain example)

Ans: Ethical constraints define that an individual is working within all accepted norms and regulations of society and the individual is required to behave in a certain manner to ignore offending anyone. Ethical constraints are related to marketing as it is essential in marketing to adopt suitable marketing ethics, trends, and brands to connect prospects with great credibility, significant market share, customer loyalty, better sales, improved brand value, and better revenue. For example, if a company selling its product/service then it should not promote it by false advertisement otherwise, an ethical constraint will reduce their reputation, productivity, and customer trust.

Q7: How does environmental legislation impact on work practices?

Ans: Environmental regulations help to curtail productivity and employment by small amounts especially, in pollution as well as energy-centric sectors, during the transitory time when the economy goes away from pollution-based tasks and towards cleaner processes of production.

Q8: Who needs to know about external market information?

Ans: Mainly, managers, employees, suppliers, and investors need to know about the external market information.


Q1: What’s the difference between marketing objectives, strategies and tactics? (Explain)

Ans: Marketing objectives are the major aims of marketing efforts portrayed in requirements of particular target markets & sales goals form, whereas Marketing strategies are statements of the procedure by which the company is going to obtain its marketing goals. While Marketing tactics are short-term actions utilized to obtain the marketing goals.

Q2: How does analysing the internal and external environment help you identify marketing opportunities?

Ans: Internal and external environment analysis help the TMF business to identify the factors such as strengths & weaknesses as the analysis provides an entire picture of the business’s current situation & steps that need to take to identify and plan the marketing opportunities.

Q3: What are the 7Ps in the marketing mix? (List them)

Ans: 7P’s are-
- Planning
- People
- Product
- Price
- Place
- Promotions
- Partners
- Presentation

Q4: List three benefits of internet marketing.

- Cost-efficiency
- Global marketing
- Convenient and immediate services

Q5: What is meant by the term ‘price penetration’ when referring to marketing strategies?

Ans: Price penetration is a marketing strategy that is utilized by businesses in order to attract customers to a new service/product by facilitating lower prices during initial facilitation. Lower price offering helps the new service/product penetrate markets and attract users.

Q6: A business that values customer service excellence has planned to reduce costs by employing inexperienced staff. This creates additional funding to use on large marketing campaigns. How might this decision affect the organisation?

Ans: This decision will affect the organization's ways positively as the organization will get large funding that will help to obtain market values, customer support, and productivity. While inexperienced staff will also learn about the products and services of an organization more closely based on current market campaigns and organizational visions.

Q7: What type of advertising is against the law? List two examples.

Ans: Misleading advertisement: False claim of the products/services attributes like a product is different size and color to what is advertised.
False advertisement: Fake advertisement. For example, free delivery while advertising involves some charge/fee during actual delivery.

Q8: What is meant by the use of ‘ethical’ marketing tactics?

Ans: Ethical marketing tactics mean the process by which an organization market its products/services by concentrating on product benefits along with the way of benefit for environmental/socially responsible causes.

Q9: Why is it important to consult with staff during the early stages of planning?

Ans: Early stages of planning can help find domains of agreement on a series of problems, and areas/a to complete a strategic model.


Q1: List the typical inclusions of a marketing plan.

Ans: It details the approach that an organization will utilize to market its goods to customers. The plan finds the target market, the value proposition of goods, campaigns to be started, & metrics to be utilized to evaluate the marketing initiative’s effectiveness.

Q2: What would you typically include under the ‘marketing tactics’ component of your marketing plan?

Ans: It should involve situation analysis, sales prediction, marketing strategy, and expense budget.

Q3: What information would you typically include under the ‘marketing budget’ component of your marketing plan? (List 5)

Ans: Budget will involve expenses like-

- Sponsored web content
- Paid advertisements
- Specific registered blog areas
- New marketing members
- Automation software.

Q4: How many products would you need to sell to break even if the fixed cost to produce the product was $200 and the variable costs $5 per item? (Show your calculations for break even points)

The product is currently sold for $15.

Ans: 200 ÷ (15-5) = $20, 10 products will be sold.

Q5: Why should you allow staff to contribute to the marketing plan?

Ans: To get the most honest feedback and foster organizational potential.

Q6: Who is responsible for approving marketing plans?

Ans: CEO of TMF Cosmetics


Q1: What should you refer to when implementing and monitoring marketing activities?

Ans: Right expectations, resources, team, timeline, budget, results, and dashboard for tracking should be involved while implementing and monitoring marketing activities.

Q2: Unforeseen events can occur and change the course of your path and the likelihood of you achieving your marketing objectives. Provide two examples of such events.


Example1: Employee tribunal can affect the reputation of a business and thus, marketing objectives will be complex to obtain.

Example2: An investor’s death can affect the business and they have to find new investors so, that marketing objectives can be achieved.

Q3: You notice that things are simply not working out as you’d planned. What should you do? (Briefly)

Ans: In this case, some steps will be taken as mentioned below-

- Try to be cool
- Assess what got wrong
- Learn and make those mistakes bridge for further better results

Q4: What’s the purpose of producing marketing reports?

Ans: To understand if the marketing strategy a business is currently using is going in the right direction or it needs further improvements, is the purpose of producing a marketing report.

Q5: List two types of software programs that can simplify the process of producing marketing reports.

Ans: Marketo and HubSpot are two extensive software that helps businesses to simplify the creation of marketing reports.

Q6: What is the most effective way you can maintain the ongoing commitment and involvement of your staff?

Ans: Respecting employee needs and establishing transparent communication is the most effective way to maintain the commitment and involvement of staff.


Q1: Why must the evaluation of marketing activities be an ongoing process?

Ans: This is a must to know whether the marketing plan has delivered the best possible outcomes and to save money, and ensure the success of TMS Cosmetic’s growth plan are some reasons for ongoing marketing activity evaluation.

Q2: Through your ongoing evaluation, you determine that things are not heading in the right direction, so you make some minor adjustments to your original plan.

What is your next step?

Ans: To identify goals, define indicators, build a target audience, focus on customers, and use digital platforms will be involved in the next step.

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CPCCBC4012 Building and Construction Assignment Sample

Answer the questions below. Submit by uploading the completed document in this assessment task activity.

1 - Describe what concept drawing/sketches are used for.

Architects, engineers, interior designers, and other designers utilise concept drawings, often known as sketches, to rapidly and readily explore early design concepts.

2 - In a sentence explain what architectural plans are and list 5 of the various sheets that make up a set of architectural plans.

Architectural plans are technical representations of buildings that were developed prior to the start of construction.

Chematic Design
Design Development
Construction Documents
Construction Administration

3 - Describe what structural drawings/plans are and who generally prepares them.

A structural drawing is a sort of engineering drawing that shows how a building or other structure is built. The information provided by the architectural drawings is used to construct structural drawings, which are normally created by registered specialists.

4 - Describe what civil drawings/plans are and give 1 example of the type of information they show.

A civil drawings/plans that contains information regarding grading, landscaping, or other property details is known as an architectural or site drawing. The purpose of these drawings is to show the civil engineer everything that is going on at the construction site.

5 - Describe what mechanical drawing/plans are and give 2 examples of the type of information they show.

Mechanical planning for assignment help refers to a series of engineering documents that detail the size, location, and routing of air ducts and HVAC components. Some examples are Arrangement drawing and Assembly drawing. They provide imformation regarding location, and routing of air ducts.

6 - Describe what electrical drawing/plans are, and the information they contain.

For engineering or architecture projects, electrical drawings are a sort of technical drawing that includes electrical, lighting, and communication information.

7 - Describe what plumbing and draining drawing/plans are and give 2 examples of the type of information they show.

A freshwater plumbing system flowing into a building and the outflow of solid and liquid wastewater are depicted in an plumbing drawing, which is a form of blueprint. Water lines,drains, vent pipes, valves, and accessories like toilets and sinks are generally included. These provide the information regarding the plumbing system that to be used in a building.

8 - Describe what an elevation drawing is and give 3 examples of the type of information they show.

An orthographic projection of one side of the home is depicted in the elevation. The elevation's goal is to demonstrate how a particular component of the house will look when finished, as well as to provide vertical elevation measurements. A house's orthographic projection usually includes a top view, or plan, as well as a front view and one side view.

9 - Describe what a section view of a plan shows.

A plan view is a drawing that depicts the plan view on a horizontal plane. The vertical plot is depicted in the view drawing, which is made on a vertical plane. The cross section is a vertical representation as well, but it cuts the space in half to reveal its contents.

10 - Describe what a “detail drawing” is used for.

The detail view shows the geometry of several of the objects in great detail Structures such as buildings, bridges, tunnels, machinery, and plants. These are usually huge drawings that detail parts that aren't as detailed as they may be in an assembly drawing.

11 - In your own words, explain what the datum is and how it relates to reduced levels.

The elevation or elevation above the point utilised as a location reference for elevation purposes is known as the Reduction Level (RL) (Nasab, 2020). To determine the depth necessary for the drainage system, you must start with the reference point. A reduction level of 10,000 is applied to dates.

12 - Describe what the title block of a drawing is for and give 3 examples of information it contains.

A title block is made up of the information boxes in the bottom right corner of a drawing that display information such as the drawing's title, author name, scale, and date of creation.

13 - Describe what ‘scale’ means in a drawing and how it is represented on a drawing.

The scale is demonstrated by the duration within the illustration, followed by a colon (":"), and finally the actual duration. For example, because this drawing is scaled at "1:10," something drawn with dimensions of "1" might have a length of "10" in the real world, therefore a size of 150mm on the drawing might be 1500mm on the real horse.

14 - Describe what ‘dimensions’ are, and give 1 example of what they are used for on a drawing.

Physical quantities such as length, width, height, distance, area, volume, mass, and time are measured using dimensions. Straight, radial, angle, coordinates, and arc length are the most common forms of dimensions. Use DIM commands to build dimensions automatically based on the type of object you are dimensioning.

15 - What do the following abbreviations stand for?

ABV: Assembly-based vulnerability
BM: Bituminous Macadam
B.O.F.: Bottom of Foundation
C.T.: Consultant Team
D.L.: Density Line
ELEV: Elevator or Elevation
H.B.: hard black
PWR: Power

16 - Describe what isometric drawings look like and what purpose they serve.

Isometric drawings are frequently used in technical drawings to depict items in three dimensions on two-dimensional pages. An isometric view, often known as an isometric view, is a useful tool for displaying dimensions and demonstrating how components are connected. The line does not get smaller as it gets further away, unlike perspective views.

17 - Describe what oblique drawings look like and what purpose they serve.

Because you cannot see the front and sides of an object at the same time, oblique drawing is not very realistic. It is Useful for quickly sketching and illustrating a building's front and sides.

18 - Describe what perspective drawings look like and what purpose they serve.

Flat pictures, such as sketches and paintings, are given a three-dimensional aspect by using perspective. As objects move away from the viewer, art is a technique for conveying how they get smaller and closer. A technique for expressing spatial depth and perspective is perspective. In other words, you can draw a 3D object properly on a 2D plane.

19 - Describe what orthographic drawings look like and what purpose they serve.

In drafting, orthographic views are utilised to properly and thoroughly define the contour of an object (Motallebiyan et al., 2020). The primary (front) view of the presented object is usually chosen as the most significant perspective. Orthographic projection is a method of representing an object's picture that is both clear and detailed. Engineers, designers, architects, and technical artists might utilise it to assist manufacturers in comprehending the specifics of the product they are making.

20 - Describe what CAD software is and how it is useful for designers/ architects/construction managers.

AutoCAD is generally used by architects as a 2D drafting programme to create floor plans, elevations, and sections. With pre-designed items that behave like real objects, such as walls, doors, and windows, the software speeds up the designing process. Engineers, architects, and construction managers now use CAD to replace manual drawings. This allows users to see the structure by creating designs in 2D or 3D. The design process can be developed, modified, and optimised using CAD.

21 - Describe what Building Information Modelling (BIM) is and what it is used for, and list the 4 steps of the BIM process.

The foundation of digital transformation in the architectural, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry is Building Information Modeling (BIM). This allows architects, engineers, and designers to replicate what they are trying to build in order to detect potential design, construction, or operational concerns. The Four
Phases of BIM Implementation are as follows:

• Evaluation/Assessment
• Preparation for the Transition / Project Pre-Planning
• Execution of the Plan / Design and Construction
• Operations and Maintenance through Experience and Expertise

22 - Describe what Class 1, 1a and 1b buildings are, as described in the NCC.

Class 1a buildings are single-family homes. Or one of a group of ancillary housing such as townhouses, townhouses. Single-family dwellings are classified as Class 1a structures. Alternatively, one of a group of supplementary dwellings such as townhouses. Buildings classified as Class 1b are boarding houses, boarding houses, or hostels with a floor space of less than 300 m2 and a capacity of less than 12 people.

23 - Describe what Class 3 buildings are as described in the NCC. Include 2 examples of Class 3 buildings.

Non-Class 1 or Class 2 buildings used to accommodate unrelated persons include boarding houses, guest houses, hostels, backpackers, or hotels (Alok et al., 2018). Hotel and motel dining rooms, bars, shops, and kiosks are all examples.

24 - Describe what Class 6 buildings are as described in the NCC. Include 3 examples of Class 6 buildings.

Shops, restaurants, and cafes are typically classified as Class 6 structures. A location where retail products can be sold and the general public can be served directly. Hotel and motel dining rooms, bars, shops, and kiosks are all examples.

25 - Describe the purpose of the AS 1170 series of Standards.

The permanent hydraulic pressure, groundwater, stormwater accumulation, and earth pressure actions utilised in the design of critical conditions for structures and structural components are specified in this standard. The main purpose is to specify permanently applied hydraulic pressure, groundwater, stormwater accumulation, and earth pressure effects used in the marginal state design of structures and structural components.

26 - Describe the purpose of the AS 1684 series of Standards.

AS 1684 Residential Timber Framed Construction is a four-part Australian standard for timber frame members that includes design criteria, building methods, guides, braces, and span charts.

27 - Provide a definition for the following terminology used in building and construction.

a. Contour line: On topographic maps, contour lines depict the height or depression of the ground (Aven, 2018).

b. Datum: A line that serves as a base for measuring other numbers or as a point of reference.

c. Easement: An easement or easement contract is a term used to describe a situation in which one party uses the assets of another party and the owner of that asset is charged a fee in exchange for the easement.

d. Set-back: The minimal open space required surrounding any building or structure is known as setback.

e. Verge: Many species of insects, including as grasshoppers, butterflies, moths, wasps, and bees, as well as small mammals like shrews and voles, rely on roadside verges for food and shelter.

28 - Describe the following building and construction methods.

a. Foundations
b. Rendering
c. Truss roof
d. Pitched roof

A foundation is an element of a structure that connects it to the ground and transfers loads from the structure to the earth in engineering. Generally, foundations are classified as shallow or deep.

Rendering is the process of creating the final image. Rendering is similar to the concept of impression of a scene created by an artist.

The truss designed to give support and strength to the roof is an essential truss for the roof frame.

A Pitched roof is a downwardly sloping roof that is usually divided into two parts at an angle from the central ridge, but can also be sloping from one end to the other.


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BSBINS603 Initiate and Lead Applied Research Assignment Sample

Provide answers to all the questions below:

1. Describe communication processes and the importance of such when conducting applied research.

Communication is important for identifying good qualities and research information. In the communication process, the first stages are conceptualizations, planning’s, designs and methodology. This also has many scoops of their communications like massages analysis, channels analysis and many more (Appelbaum et al. 2018). The messaging settings help to generate good information for the researchers. The conceptualization process deducts more knowledge about their research. The second part of the communication process of the research is planning. It helps to describe aims and their plans and their solutions. The third part of the communication process is channel selections and it makes good communications with their views (Levitt et al. 2018). There are many ways to communicate with people and generate more information from them. The last section of the processing is the feedback the feedback process helps to gain knowledge about their works.

 2. Describe four communication methods that you may consider using in relation to applied research.

Four types of communication methods for assignment help are verbal, non-verbal, written and visual. Communication is some types of language transform that mentions communication. It is most common during research communications. Non-verbal is something that understands someone's body language and attitudes (E.J et al. 2020). It also gives a lot of information through their attitudes and body language. Written communication is something that is done by blogs, books, letters, miles and many more processes. Email chats; online communication is also a type of written communication. It is because different peoples have different types of languages and different types of lifestyles so this communication method helps them develop good communications. The last is that visual communication is something people do from pictures, graphics, charts, tables and many more (Levitt et al. 2018). It also helps to provide more information about their research. There are four types of communication methods in the research.

3. Explain three data collection methods. Include at least one manual method, as well as one method that uses technology and one method that uses technology services.

The three types of data collections methods are quantitative, smart phones and GPS. Quantitative method helps to collect data manually through interview or survey. Smartphone helps to collect data technologically which has provided thoroughly. GPS helps to collect data through technological services. In the quantitative data collections methods, the survey and statistics method is one of the major methods and surveys done by the technological services (Folk et al. 2021). Those two types of data collection methods also take major surveys of the situation, humanities feelings and many more then selects perfect information.

4. Explain three data analysis methods. Include at least one manual method, as well as one method that uses technology and one method that uses technology services.

The first data analysis method which can be done through technology is the analysis using Microsoft excel, which is called theoretical data analysis. The data analysis using technological services is Apache Hive. Manual data analysis follows the handling method. The first one is graph and it shows the research explanations and their impacts, the researchers can use graphs for many residences. It is created by technological services (Chen et al. 2018). The next one is a pie chart and it is also built by the technology and it presents for describing the impacts and statistics documents with their views. The last part of the data analysis is ms excel Shiites and it is mostly used to present mathematical documents (Granato et al. 2018). What documents are revived for the rescuers and it presents more knowledge about their sources and impacts, it is also a technological source and its business by the computers. Most probably every data analysis process is presented by the technologies.

5. Explain legal requirements that apply to the handling and storing of data when conducting research.

Legal liabilities entail adherence to the regulations that control the practising area and responsibilities of care regarding data handling and storing (Koops 2019). It is the responsibility of the researcher to maintain and safeguard the privacy, respect, protection and dignity of participants. At the time of conducting research, to follow the copyright of data management, some principles are abided as set forth by George Duncan and Alan Westin. According to that, secrecy is not maintained in the system of personal data record-keeping. A method must be there to explore by the individual the content of the information recorded and the process of utilisation of it. The participant- dependent research data should be shared in compliance with the requirements of data protection and storing. The attributes of the sharing and management of the DMP template should be monitored to the level as propounded by the data safeguard law of the UK .It is prudent to avoid having any commitment to destruct personal data.

6. Explain legal requirements that apply to privacy of data when conducting research.

The resistance to the unrestricted access of data is generated from the fact any kind of disclosure of data is not only detrimental but it also violates the fundamental and elementary right to data privacy. According to the privacy act 1988, revealing of private information may lead to job loss, lost eligibility for a mortgage, trouble of admission into higher institutions or sometimes lost reputation and embarrassment (Song et al. 2020). In order to show reverence to individual autonomy, privacy maintenance is mandatory. The want of regard for privacy increases the reluctance of individuals to believe others when it comes to personal information. Therefore, access to the data must require the explicit consent of the individual. Also, according to the Australian privacy principles, the research potential of own information databases improved by the private and public entities should be acknowledged (Song et al. 2020). The individual agreement is a key to the intelligent decision that considers the involvement of any risks or alternatives to the available data.

7. Explain legal requirements that apply to freedom of information when conducting research.

Some ethical issues and legal requirements mainly apply to freedom of information when conducting research. The main objectives of a policy of unrestricted areas arise from various types of issues and implications (Maltseva 2020). The disclosure of this kind of information may result in a crime resulting in tax evasion and loss of job and many more. This kind of issue may affect freedom of information. The research process starts from the identification of the restricted areas so a policy is necessary in these cases. Government must play a crucial role in this case and they must collect all the personal information of the individual (Chauvette et al. 2019). The duties of the corporate are also necessary to maintain at the time of conducting research. Confidentiality is also an essential prerequisite in this purpose the data managers are mainly responsible in this regard.

8. Explain the key steps in the applied research process that may be referred to in policies, procedures and guidelines relating to applied research.

In this section, the key steps are explained through which are related to the applied research process. In the case of policies, the first step needed to take is to identify the research topic and gather the information. Then it is needed to formulate the questions and collect the data. The outlining process also creates a framework for the applied research process (Feld & Diekelmann 2020). The basic guidelines are to provide a clear perspective through the research process. The main procedure is to analyze the data and it occurs in various methods. Getting information id the preliminary procedure of applied research method. Gathering materials set the directions of applied research procedures. Defining objectives is another policy through which the applied research process is completed. After gathering the materials it is important to understand the reliability of the resources. After this step, it is necessary to provide information for the further research process.

9. Describe three presentation techniques that could be used for applied research.

Presentation techniques are the tools that deliver the researched information in an efficient way. Model presentations help in analyzing data and also make the research process easier (Fathi et al. 2020). Following are some presentation techniques used in the applied research process.

Poster presentation

The poster presentation technique is the formal technique through which the researched works are presented. In this presentation, the research work results are presented through graphs, charts, and other formats.

Written presentation

Written presentation techniques help to give the answers point wise which helps to meet the objectives of the research process. The written presentation provides information in an organized manner through which getting information becomes easy.

Oral presentation

The oral presentation helps to develop public speaking skills through which the information can be sent in an efficient manner. This process helps to share experience in front of the public through which they are able to get the information of the research process.

10. Describe two ways of reporting on research.

Reporting in the applied research process is important to present the important data in an efficient way (Karadjova et al. 2020). In this section, two ways of report writing are described.

Analytical method

In this method of the report, quality data is used to describe the report information. This method helps an organization by giving them reports which are based on data and also help to make decisions. This method generally includes a graphical or documentary process. It also includes data entry and also includes basic reports. This kind of report writing helps to solve the queries as well.

Written method

This method is generally used to describe the budgets of a particular organizational research process. This kind of report generally exists for a time limit and it also comes in various forms. It gives the information which also helps to make the operations process easier. It is a common process that also comes in a manual.

11. Explain the concept of research ethics.

The main concept of research ethics includes basic principles which help to guide the researchers. It educates the researchers to show respect to the data providers which also helps the society unknowingly. Research ethics helps to regulate the researchers and also gives them different approaches (Racine and Bracken Roche 2019). Research ethics help the researchers to collect data and publish them without harming others. It is the fundamental process of research activity that helps to design the research process as well. It educates the researchers on how to use the available resources in an effective way. It also teaches the scientific approaches of research which help the researchers in their activities. Research ethics helps to promote the research process through which the knowledge is developed among the researchers. It also educates the researchers to collaborate with different groups to develop the research process and also helps to develop knowledge.

12. Review the following Code of Conduct and summarise in your own words the key principles of
responsible research: https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/about-us/publications/australian-code-responsible-conduct-research-2018

This is an Australian research code that manages the guidance and also helps to get the information. It gives guidance to the researchers on how to manage the breaches. It is a joint research code of the medical department and university councils of Australia. Through this code, it is possible to get researched information that is of high quality. Through this code, trust is developed among the community in Australia. This code also gives the idea about how researchers are using their potential to protect millions of people’s lives. It was published in 2018 and gives an idea about the funding of the medical department. This research code gives the idea about the contribution of NHMRC and also gives information about participation. It gives information about creating a framework that helps the researchers and also gives them guidance. This code publishes a statement that clearly defines the funding process of medical sectors.

13. Outline three examples of applied research tools and how they are applied during research.

Quantitative tool

This tool helps to observe the measurements and also helps to define the objectives of the research process. This tool helps to answer the questions in the poll method and also arranges the data in a statistical way. It also gives mathematical data which helps to grow the research process.

Qualitative tool

This tool helps to collect the data in the research process and also gives the arranging data which helps to increase the research process as well. This tool consumes time but explains the research process in a detailed way. The qualitative tool narrates the information which is the outcome of research and also reads out the case studies.

Observation tool

An observation tool helps to observe the questions and also helps to review the question with observation power. Researching tools help to change the future of the research process (Low & Schäfer 2019). It is the most scientific method which defines the process of research and also helps to increase the research method as well.

14. Give three examples of applied research methods and outline how they are applied during research.

Research methods are important because they give insight into the problems and also help to understand the solutions (Germain et al. 2018). In this section, some research methods are discussed below.

Evaluation Method

The evaluation research method helps to evaluate the purpose of the research and also gives the idea in a specific way. It is the conventional process that helps to research society.

Development method

The development research method helps to develop the research process and also focuses on organizing data and information. It gives a cross-sectional view of the research process which also helps to understand the data in an efficient way.

Action method

The action research method changes the action process to develop the research activities. It reflects the evidence of the research process and changes the actions according to need and also implements the actions in the research process. It helps in creative writing and also helps to understand the feedback.

Reference list


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BSBPMG816 Manage Portfolio Resources Assignment Sample

1. Define the term ‘portfolio resources management’ in project management.

The portfolio resources are the portfolio's human resources that will include human resources for programs and projects in a company. The project resources management will be including the different processes that will allow a company to assign appropriate resources efficiently to help in the successful execution of the projects in the given portfolio. The portfolio resource management will help ensure that the organization's resources are properly allocated to meet the needs of the business. It will also provide the management with valuable information for forecasting the requirement of the future resources (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-10).

2. Identify at Least Six Types of Portfolio Resources.

The six examples of portfolio resources are mentioned below:

1. Product managers: The products managers will be tracking the launches of the products or gauge the bandwidth of the product manager or engineer the coverage for each launch.

2. Executive leaders: The executive leaders in an organization screen the top tasks towards accomplishing group or OKRs and export PNGs of progress to use in the presentations.

3. Event planners: The event planners will be dealing with numerous occasions and see them on a chronological order while utilizing Dashboard to monitor the highly important achievements.

4. Campaign managers: The campaign managers will track the active campaigns and oversee group data transmission across all campaign pieces with Workload.

5. IT manager: The IT managers will be seeing all dynamic programming of the organizations or contemplate and see the execution of the plans as per the schedules.

6. Creative directors: The creative directors will get the pulse across significant undertakings and use Dashboard to investigate the progress of the partners who are cross functional or make a case for the more resourcing (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-11).

3 - Briefly Describe at Least Two Human Resource Allocation Models

The two human resource allocation model are discussed below:

1. The Harvard approach: The Harvard model is one of the most vital and powerful models for allocation of human resource allocation, was made in 1984 at Harvard University by a gathering of specialists drove by Michael Beer. The Harvard Model comprises five significant parts: long term goals of an organization, HRM policies, outcomes in relation with the HRM, situational circumstances, and interests of the stakeholders. The relationship between situational components and interest of the stakeholders of an organization, as indicated by this structure of human resources, fundamentally affects and makes strategies in relation with the HRM, which ought to be executed to accomplish the expected HR results (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-16).

2. Ulrich’s model: Dave Ulrich, the father of the modern human resources proposed the Ulrich Model in 1995. He had developed the idea in his book that was published in 1997. The Ulrich model, which is essential for the innovative HRM categories, centres around getting sorted out all activities surrounding human resources into four fundamental jobs: change agent, employee champion, strategic partner, and administrative expert. Instead of zeroing in on cycles and capacities, this model emphasizes the people of the organization and the roles they fulfil in the higher perspective. In any case, Ulrich pressed those changes in human resources will not exclusively depend on HR activities. He underlined that the CEO and senior administration would play a very important part in the process (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-17).

4 - Describe Strategic Human Resource Management Approaches.

The term “strategic" alludes to the moves made as a component of an arrangement to accomplish a specific objective to avail an advantage. The most common way of recognizing and making key objectives, choosing strategies to achieve the objectives, executing the organization's strategic plan, and assessing its viability is alluded to as strategic management. Subsequently, SHRM entails the development of the abilities of the staff to deal with situations that are not easy, as well as the implementation of the strategies that are specific to the human resource strategy. SHRM is essential in both small and huge companies. It tends to be a simple strategy in any company because the proprietor or director invests almost no energy every day noticing, helping, and assessing staff and giving audits that are ordinary to the consensus. A different office in big companies may deal with human resources and advancement. SHRM has established an interpersonal relationship between the goals and objectives of the company and the business operations of its employee. Every employee in the organization must recognize the connection between their day-to-day work and the attainment of the purpose and goals of the organization (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-21).

5. Identify and Briefly Describe at Least Three Tesource Constraints in Portfolio Resource Management.

Three resource constraints in the portfolio resource management for assignment help are discussed below:

1. Time: The time constraint is the type of limitation where the deadline for the project to finish is imposed.

2. Cost: The cost constraint implies the total cost required to complete the project in the given time.

3. Scope: The scope constraint is the itinerary of the project, as the manager should be aware of the project's requirements (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-26).

6. Identify and briefly describe at least three factors for consideration in a review and a portfolio strategy update, including considering the organisations resource constraints.

The three factors taken under consideration during a review process are discussed below:

1. Remuneration and benefits: The remuneration and benefits must be reviewed under the pretext that when the strategy of the portfolio is changed, then there might be an appreciation of work as well. Therefore, the remuneration and benefits will increase; however, due to the cost constraint, one must be aware of the cost that can be incurred due to the remuneration and benefits.

2. Training and development: It is necessary because the employees become aware of the duties and responsibilities. However, both the time and cost constraints must be considered because the time required to train the employees cannot be allocated for working, and the cost incurred during training might reduce the spending budget.

3. Recognition and reward: Recognition and reward are the positive reinforcements given to the employees who work efficiently. However, the cost constraint affects the amount of reward given to an employee (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-26).

7. Explain the requirements to coordinate cross-organisational resource assignment including:

a. risk requirements
b. quality requirements.

The requirements of cross-organizational resources are discussed below:

1. Interpersonal skills: Interpersonal skills are highly required because, during cross-organizational resources, the employees should cooperate with other employees.

2. Team skills: The team skill is very important. Team skills help in making individuals team players.
Risk requirements: Risk requires propagating the fact that cross-organizational structure might result in collisions between individuals. Therefore, people should urge to work toward harmony.

Quality requirements: The cross-organizational agenda might compromise the quality of work; hence, careful observation must be made on behalf of reciprocating the quality of work with quality employees (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-30,31).

8. Explain the calculation and distribution process of portfolio resources based on supply and demand concepts.

Organizations require work and capital as contributions to their production process when they produce any kind of service or good. Demand for labour is a guideline of financial aspects from the interest for an association's result. As interest in a company's results expands, the association's work prerequisites increment, requiring the recruiting of extra staff. Also, assuming interest in the association's labour and products declines, the association's work necessities decline, its work request diminishes, and the firm holds fewer representatives. Factors influencing the work market decide the organic market for work. Those searching for work will give their work in return for remuneration. Organizations that require work from representatives will repay them for their time and abilities.

As the salary increases, the quantity of labour increases; however, as the demand increases, the supply reduces (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-36).

9. Describe workforce planning methods.

Steps undertaken for the workforce planning method are discussed below:

1. Assessment of the talent pool.
2. Thinking about what an individual will need in the future.
3. Identification of the gaps.

Finding the solution for the needs of the workforce (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-40).

10. Explain the process of application of strategic resource management and planning.

In the field of SHRM, this training alludes to the method involved with drawing in also, creating workers, and fulfilling and holding them for the common advantage of both the workers and the association in general. Offices of human resources that train vital human resources the board do not work in a space; rather, they team up with other offices inside an association to more readily comprehend their goals and afterwards foster methodologies lined up with those target the association's general objectives. Along these lines, the objectives of an association's human asset office ought to be steady with and strong of the objectives of the remainder of the association. Key human asset, the executives is seen as an accomplice in the outcome of the association instead of as a means to an end for lawful consistence or remuneration. Key human asset the executives (SHRM) utilizes the ability and opportunity accessible inside the HR office to make different divisions more impressive and successful (Ecac.instructure.com, 2022, p-42,43).

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CHCPRP003 Reflect on and Improve Own Professional Practice Assignment Sample

Case Study Scenario

Lisa is the Nurse Unit Manager (NUM) at a local hospital. She feels strongly about having a reflective practice approach to improve the quality of nursing care. She believes it is important that all of her staff talk openly about work practices and identify ways that they can improve the practice and themselves.

It’s performance review time at her work where all staff will have an interview with her to discuss

1. Identify a minimum of two (2) ways how feedback can be passed on so that it is productive and useful?

2. Lisa is able to get some good feedback from her staff at the performance reviews about how processes can be improved at their practice. She would still like to know what the patients think.

- List a minimum of two (2) ways how she could go about actively seeking feedback from this group. Lisa now has all of the feedback and is deciding what she should do with it. Suggest at least three (3) things Lisa should do with the feedback provided.

Lisa has a performance review with an employee, Jane, who is a new EN working at the ward. In conversation Jane lets Lisa know that she has been a bit confused about some of the physical assessments procedures in nursing practice. She is not sure if she is doing everything she needs to when she assesses the patients.

3. List a minimum of three (3) ways how Jane could have found out more information about whether she is meeting the standards of nursing practice and facilitating her ongoing professional development?

4. Lisa also lets Jane know that they have some money in the budget for professional development of staff. She wants to know if there is any particular area that Jane would like to attend a workshop on in the following year.


Question 1

Ways of passing productive feedback

Feedback is crucial for educating employees about their performance and what is expected of them, and it is also a critical component of supporting the team in its growth and development as a whole. It is vital that this information be provided on a regular and ongoing basis – rather than simply when performance reviews are undertaken. So, as a Nurse Unit Manager at a local hospital, Lisa should give constructive criticism to the team when they have difficulties or deficiencies that they need to work on improving their performance. For nurses, being able to successfully deliver critical criticism is a vital skill. Delivered effectively, feedback may drive the receiver to improve performance and accomplish desired goals. It serves as the foundation for preceptor and mentor relationships, as well as the professional peer review process, among many other things. Moreover, interacting with patients is an important component of health education and coaching. Delivered forcefully, it might generate the opposite impact and inspire rage, wounded sentiments, and resentment. Individuals might shut off, construct barriers to any further connection, and even explore their own escape strategy from a challenging circumstance or a job itself.

1. Lisa should begin with a good dosage of empathy in order to establish a stronger connection with the receiver, followed by a strong measure of care in order to instil confidence that the feedback is meant to foster development and achievement. After offering comments, she should imagine the sort of connection that they would want to have with the individual. In the course of an engagement, the desire to maintain a pleasant and productive working relationship impacts both actions and word choices. It should be ensured that the body language of a nurse conveys the message that she is attempting to communicate. Lisa should check with the receiver to ensure that her intended message was received correctly and to explain any misinterpretations that may have occurred.

2. Lisa has the ability to engage in some critical self-reflection in order to evaluate her own performance. She should bear in mind that her comments may simply represent her own point of view and that other points of view may be entirely valid. She should have an open mind about everything. True constructive feedback provided for a higher cause is a gift, and she should ensure that the present is of good quality and has long-term worth for others.

Question 2

Ways of actively seeking feedback from patients

The likelihood of developing meaningful patient connections increases when medical practices gather patient input and make changes as a result of it. A medical practice's quality improvement efforts are aided greatly by receiving feedback from its patients. The total patient experience is critical not just to the practice's success, but also to the health of your patients. Dissatisfied patients may be caused by a variety of factors, including poor communication, inefficient billing methods, excessive wait times, and a hostile environment. All of these factors for assignment help can have a negative impact on repeat visits, word-of-mouth referrals, and, eventually, reimbursement. In an ideal world, patients would complete patient satisfaction surveys, and the clinic would use the information gathered from those surveys to make adjustments to better meet the concerns of its consumers. Patients' valuable and practical input, on the other hand, is difficult to acquire in the actual world

1. Direct patient interviewing can be done by Lisa by inviting a few patients to a structured interview where a series of questions can be asked and she can record whatever the patient says. Patients are prone to bring up the same issues over and over again throughout repeated conversations with the doctor.

2. Also, she can tell every patient that the office wants to hear from them by offering a survey with many completion options, such as a digital tablet in the workplace or an email link. More traditional patients may prefer receiving a blank survey in an envelope with their self-addressed, stamped return envelope. Emailing patients after an appointment is simple now by creating a survey. She should keep it brief and easy, and most patients will be delighted to be polled following a visit. Because this isn't common among medical offices, it will make Lisa's clinic stand out as one that values excellent customer service.
Things that Lisa should do with the provided feedback

Feedback from patients is essential for maintaining high-quality treatment and patient happiness. This kind of information not only provides insight into the patient's experience but may also aid in the identification of changes to fix gaps in treatment and enhance one's reputation. If Lisa obtains user feedback informally via internet review sites or officially through regular patient satisfaction surveys, it is critical that the healthcare practice engages with and answers to the requirements of its clients. There are a few things that Lisa can do to better monitor and react to patient criticism in order to position her practice in a favourable light both on and off the internet in today's world of social media.

1. Patients like being heard, so give them full attention when they give criticism. How Lisa responds to a poor internet review or a patient issue may make or destroy her practice's image. Simply calling them by name and customising her answer might show them that there is a genuine person on the other end who cares. If she gets bad criticism, she should take responsibility and apologise(Providertech, 2019).

2. Lisa is able to address her patients' concerns more quickly since she collects feedback immediately after each visit. It is preferable if she responds within one business day, but she may take as long as two days if necessary.

3. Lisa's healthcare clinic is able to identify potential gaps in service across the board by gathering patient input on a continuous basis. These gaps include issues such as access, quality, and communication, among others. Lisa will be able to quickly and easily examine keywords and scores across providers, regions, and feelings if she uses a patient feedback system. As soon as she has a thorough understanding of how patients perceive her practice, she will be in a position to utilise data to determine what aspects of her practice are working effectively while also using data to make business choices that will enhance her overall experience (Atherton et al., 2019).

Question 3

Methods how Jane can enhance her professional development

The nursing workforce is the most significant group in the healthcare industry today. Healthcare businesses recognise the significance of maintaining skilled and confident nurses who are able to adapt and meet the rising demands of delivering safe and effective care to complicated patient groups, including those with chronic illnesses. As per the aforementioned case study, Jane is a newly enrolled nurse in the hospital who after a brief exchange, shares with Lisa her confusion regarding some of the physical assessment processes used in nursing practice, which Lisa then clarifies for her. When she evaluates the patients, she is unsure whether she is doing all of the tasks that are required of her. Some methods in which Jane might have obtained further information about whether or not she is achieving the standards of nursing practice and how she could have facilitated her own continuing professional growth has been enlisted hereunder.

1. The objectives of nursing professionals change during the course of their careers. Leadership in nursing professional development has a difficult challenge in meeting the fundamental requirements of the organisation by educating new nurses to be ready for safe, autonomous practice while also guaranteeing the competence of all other nursing staff members. A strategic approach centred on providing meaningful chances for continuing education and training future leaders must be developed in order to effectively meet the needs of each of these possibilities (Sadler, 2018). The importance of first experiences in nursing may be seen at all stages of a nursing career. If the newly employed nurse, Jane, has an experience or impression that makes her feel badly equipped or unsupported, the likelihood of turnover will almost likely rise.

2. The hospital can increase clinical workforce engagement by giving Jane an opportunity to gain new skills and advance professionally. Collaboration may strengthen any organisation's commitment to employee development. A strategy that covers the learner's specific requirements and is matched with the organisation's goals may improve patient outcomes and clinical staff engagement. Nurse competence and satisfaction affect patient care, results, and the bottom line. Moreover, nurses should expect lifelong learning as part of a good work environment.

3. As the healthcare industry continues to shift to a pay-for-performance model, the incorporation of evidence-based practice is becoming more important to an organization's long-term success. The areas of growth for nurses in a professional development programme should be connected with the strategic objectives of the company in which they work (Drennan & Ross, 2019).

Question 4

Workshops Jane should attend

Nursing orientation is critical in ensuring that newly recruited registered nurses are competent and remain in the profession. A successful orientation and precepting programme result in nurses who deliver knowledgeable, high-quality patient care and who are assimilated into the healthcare team as productive members of the healthcare organisation. Collaboration and cooperation have also been found as important determinants of nurse satisfaction, in addition to individual connections.

1. Participants in Power of Nursing workshops are nurses working in clinical settings who want to learn more about how to retain authenticity and completeness in the workplace, as well as how to live personal and professional values, reconnect with one's purpose, and find meaning in a life of service. Nurses participate in this novel discovery model approach as colleagues and co-learners, participating in the same reflective processes as one another, learning from one another, and exploring methods to operate their shared values and service purpose with one another. During the Power of Nursing seminars, Jane will be able to reconnect with the purpose of her job, define her mission and sense of professional identity as a healer, and reconnect with herself as a nurse. This will help Jane acknowledge that meaning is a component of her own work life. Jane will get access to the underlying meaning that underpins her professional nursing practice and she will be able to investigate her own personal link to the fundamental significance of her work. She should learn to foster a feeling of shared purpose among co-workers in order to foster a sense of community(Shi et al., 2018).

2. Discussions with colleagues in the areas of service, calling, and mission are encouraged. She can perceive calling as an important component of her own work existence. She should learn about and practise the fundamental nursing principles of compassion, service, bravery, love, and respect for life. She can make use of resources that can help you actively maintain your professional dedication and purpose in nursing. This will help Jane acknowledge that meaning is a component of her own work life. Jane will get access to the underlying meaning that underpins her professional nursing practice and she will be able to investigate her own personal link to the fundamental significance of her work. She should learn to foster a feeling of shared purpose among co-workers in order to foster a sense of community. Discussions with colleagues in the areas of service, calling, and mission are encouraged. She can perceive calling as an important component of their own work existence. She should learn about and practise the fundamental nursing principles of compassion, service, bravery, love, and respect for life. She can make use of resources that can help you actively maintain your professional dedication and purpose in nursing(Cline, 2021).


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BSBPMG530 Manage Project Scope Assignment Sample

Assessment information -

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix. A of the Business Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

• where this task should be completed
• the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task
• whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.


Provide answers to all of the questions below for assignment help -

1. Identify and describe two documents that can be used to initiate projects.

2. Identify and describe two key components of a project scope management plan.

3. Describe two factors that can impact on a project scope.

4. Explain the purpose of a change control plan within a project scope management plan, and summarise the key processes that should be followed in order to control changes within a project.

5. Explain two methods that can be used to measure project outcomes and progress and provide example to illustrate each.

6. Describe two methods for segmenting and documenting a work break down structure (WBS).

7. Identify and describe two problem areas likely to be encountered in scope management.

8. Explain the concept of the project life cycle and the importance of scope management within this cycle.

9. Identify three project management tools and explain their use in project scope management.

10. Outline the key role and at least four responsibilities of a project manager when planning a project.



Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Identify and describe two documents that can be used to initiate projects.

Project Scope Statement

A statement of the project scope is a document that details the essential deliverables of a project, such as its primary benchmarks, high-level requirements, assumptions, and restrictions. This document type is also called a project scope statement (or simply a statement of scope). In addition to this, it elucidates which outputs are permitted within the constraints of the project's content as well as which results are not authorised within those confines. Moreover, it clarifies which outcomes are allowed within the bounds of the project's scope. In addition to this, it delineates the limits of the project's scope. (J., 2021)

Project Background

Find out how the project started and what steps were taken to get it off the ground. Phase 1 will finish updating the relevant Business Systems, and then Phase 2 will roll out DRM and real-time ad insertion. The PID field must contain the name of the individual responsible for getting the project off the ground. It's a clever strategy for making one project stand out from the rest of the pack by enlisting the help of the team's most dedicated workers. Someone in a position of authority within the company has specifically demanded that this be carried out in this fashion. Your project will be practical if you can get all the necessary resources to carry it out.

2. Identify and describe two critical components of a project scope management plan.

Duties and Obligations

Task leading may be delegated to a manager, technical specialist, junior technician, or any other member of the project team. Depending on the project, a design engineer might be in charge of the design, a draft, an arson might be in charge of order aughts, and so on. While it's essential essentialness responsibilities and contributions to a project be laid out in detail at the outset, it's also possible for these to evolve as the work progresses. This is particularly important if the project's scope changes during its execution. (M., 2020)


The vast majority of projects have as their ultimate goal the completion of some kind of tangible artefact, be it a structure, piece of software, report, etc. Some cases, however, will have intangible effects, such as a new product feature or a modified production process. This is an example of a consequence that cannot be touched. Tall deliverables must be a scope management plan, as they are a representation of the goods and services that have been contracted for by the project. No one will be left wondering about the project's outcome if this method is used.

3. Describe two factors that can impact project scope.

Legal constraints

When we refer to a restriction as being a constraint," we mean that it is mandated by the law and that we are compelled to comply with it. These regulations have been written down in directions, and in-lawsone must comply with them. The vast majority of the time, these will be things that the viewer considers to be early harmful, dishonest, or just plain unpleasant. (OTL, 2021)

The uncertainty of the availability of resources

A strategy in which the beginning and end dates of an end are adjusted to the available resources. If all available resources are calibrated to the same level, managers can use the resources at their disposal. To accomplish Motive, it will be required to address potential sources of contention, such as the overallocation of resources, delays, cost overruns, and the requirement to either increase or decrease the number of employees. It is possible to carry this out concerning single or numerous projects simultaneously.

4. Explain the purpose of a change control plan within a project scope management plan, and summarise the fundamental processes that should be followed to control changes within a project.

Precise details on the desired edits to the document. The method employed is known as "Modification Management." Please forward the Change Request to us, and we will review it. I appreciate your help in advance with this issue. Following the previous step, during which the Change Request was documented, the file was forwarded to the project team for review. Investigate your options moving forward, and then write up a report outlining how you intend to handle the situation. Take care of everything that needs to be taken per the terms of the agreement, and you may call it quits.

5. Explain two methods that can be used to measure project outcomes and progress and provide examples to illustrate each.

The Efforts to Completion

This software's Units Completed function is particularly useful for monitoring repeatable tasks that may be measured in discrete units. Assuming that the time, resources, and effort needed to do the work will remain constant from iteration to iteration, keeping track of the teams that have been completed is helpful in this case. As a simple example of this, think about changing to standard light bulbs. Each light fixture takes about the same amount of time to install. If we were installing 100 of the same things, keeping track of how many were installed would be a breeze. You are not obligated to use your personal experiences to form opinions about the worth of things in this setting. (PH, 2022)

Lesser Victories

For budget reports that require partially completed subtasks, it is common to practise using an impractical milestones approach. The term "steps technique" is often used interchangeably with this approach. The construction of a concrete retaining wall is a great example of an excellent hod in action. To achieve the desired results, the process needs to be carried out in stages. The footings are laid, the inner wall panels are built, horizontal and vertical rebar are set up in the formwork, and so on.

6. Describe two methods for segmenting and documenting a work breakdown structure (WBS).


In the context of a project, we refer to anything that will be provided to the client as a "deliverable" (either internal or external). A deliverable could be anything from a simple report to an advanced software programme or even an upgrade to an existing server. (Microsoft, 2021)


Each Level 1 Element's related work must be broken down into its constituent elements to create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). It has been determined to compile a WBS Dictionary, which will serve as a comprehensive reference guide to the tasks performed by each Element. To put it simply, a good WBS facilitates management.

7. Identify and describe two problem areas likely to be encountered in scope management.

To Leave Out Some of the Labour

The processes of Project Scope Management ensure that all necessary tasks are included in the project. It's a common failing of some project managers to draft plans for their projects with minimal involvement from those who will be affected by them. So, what did you get? The project manager may lose track of crucial milestones. Their project plan does not include ALL of the necessary tasks. What do you think occurs when you discover overdue tasks and deliverables in the middle of a project? There will likely be adverse effects on your schedule and finances due to these actions. (J., 2020)

Plating with Gold

It's important to remember that "just the necessary labour" is part of "Project Scope Management." Gold plating is a familiar sin project managers commit, in which unnecessary features are added to a project. The question is why this keeps occurring. Some people may go above and beyond what is expected in the hopes of earning praise. These people tend to be perfectionists.

8. Explain the concept of the project life cycle and the importance of scope management within this cycle.

A project goes through what is known as its life cycle, which begins when the idea for the project is initially conceived and continues to the point where the project is finished. The number of processes and the order in which they take place is determined by choices made by management as well as by other factors, including as requirements of the organisations that are participating, the characteristics of the project, and the sector of the economy in which it will be implemented.

It is possible to assessorial a project will be successful by managing each stage of its progression with great care. Through the application of cycle management, projects are an event squandering resources by doing preliminary evaluations of their available resources to determine whether or not those resources are realistic, beneficial, and sustainable.

9. Identify three project management tools and explain their use in project scope management.

Compliance with the Gantt chart's time constraints and precision

It's safe to assume that everybody who has ever worked with a project management team has seen a Gantt chart. in with, task dependencies were not a part of the original concept behind the Gantt chart when it was created in 1917. Keeping track of how long things take and how they do another is now standard procedure.
Since they were first introduced, Gantt charts have seen rapid popularity. They let managers see more clearly all the steps, actions, and landmarks that need to be completed for a project to be considered a success.

The PERT Chart

The United States Department of Défense’s US Navy Special Projects Office created the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) in 1958 as a programme management approach tailored to the Polaris mobile submarine-launched ballistic missile project. Program Evaluation and Review Technique is an acronym for this process. The Project Evaluation and Review Technique, or PERT, is a technique for examining the steps needed to complete a project. Among these tasks is estimating how long it will take to finish each job and the entire project. (Slack, 2020)

Researching Products and Analysing Data (PBS)

A Product Breakdown Structure (PBS) is a project management tool consisting of a hierarchical breakdown of the subcomponents that comprise a project's final product, organised in a whole-part relationship. With the help of a PBS, it is much easier to define the scope of the project a project is supposed to accomplish. One of the recommended tasks in the PRINCE2 approach to project management is creating a Product Procreating.

10. Outline the critical role and at least four responsibilities of a project manager when planning a project.

The art of organising efforts and assets

Many initiatives fail because of insufficient planning, which is why fulfilling deadlines are essential. Excellent project managers begin by outlining the project's goals and identifying the resources that will be needed. The best project managers can accurately assess the skills of their team(s) and set reasonable timelines for their projects.

Methods for Forming and Maintaining an Effective Project Team

Excel spreadsheets, lengthy to-do lists, and whiteboards are all unnecessary distractions for teams led by competent project managers. The focus is instead on the team. They create uncomplicated strategies that inspire their groups to perform at peak levels. They streamline processes and lead their teams directly toward success.

Manage your time effectively

Clients typically evaluate the performance of a project based on how well it was completed in terms of meeting their deadline. As a result, there can be no room for negotiation on the importance of achieving deadlines. The best project managers can reliably set and convey to their team reasonable timelines for completing tasks.
(Brown, 2022)

Estimating costs and creating a spending plan

Expert project managers know to keep costs down without sacrificing quality. A project is doomed to failure even if it succeeds in every other respect, such as meeting client expectations and being delivered on time, but costs far more than was initially planned. Effective project managers keep an eye on the finances regularly and prepare ahead to prevent cost overruns.



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BSB40215 Diploma - Certificate IV in Business

Assessment description

To complete this assessment task, you will need to review a simulated business and associated documentation, identify and document risks, analyse and evaluate risks to determine level of risk for the organisation, and plan to treat risk. You will need to perform these activities in accordance with organisational requirements and the international and Australian Standard for risk management.


1. Review the MacVille simulated business information provided by your assessor.

2. Review theMacVille scenario in the appendices of this assessment task.

3. Identify the internal and external context for risk management with respect to the MacVille scenario, including organisational policy, procedures and processes for risk management.

4. Identify three risks using tools (for example, checklists, research notes, notes of meetings with stakeholders).

5. Analyse each identified risk to determine the likelihood and consequence of each risk (for example, as a percentage or a cost).

6. Determine the level of risk for each risk.

7. Consult with threes take holders to assist your analysis and evaluation of risk, using questioning and listening techniques to gather information from stakeholders. Use appropriate communication protocols to maintain a structured approach to consultation.

Note: Your assessor will role-play or assign stakeholder roles to others. Ensure you arrange a time, place, or method of consultation with your assessor.

8. Weigh possible control measures for each risk, assessing strengths and weaknesses of each measure.

9. Determine control measures for each risk.

10. Determine resources and responsibilities for control of risks. Resources may include financial resources, human resources, or any equipment you determine to be necessary to implement control of risks.

11. Document your process and outcomes of identification, analysis, and evaluation of risk.


Risk Management

Organization policy for risk management

Mac Villes policy of managing risks is designed as a strategic approach for managing risks. It involves identifying, evaluating, controlling, as well as managing risks. the policy makes sure the potential threats, as well as the opportunities, are properly identified as well as managed.

The major areas where the potential risks were identified involve operational, project management, governance, as well as finance. Operations involve regulatory as well as legal compliance, insurance, logistics, communications, infrastructure, as well as the resources. Project management involves the procedures as well as tools to manage projects, stakeholders, financial as well as human resources (Samimi, 2020). Governance involves interest conflicts and the conduct of the board. Finances involve accountability, capital investment, funding, interest rates, as well as theft or fraud.

The directors, management, as well as employees of the company have the responsibility to implement the aspects of the risk management policy.

Directors have the role to determine the risks that are acceptable as well as the risks that are not. They set the standards as well as expectations of the staff. They approved the major decisions that affect the risk profile of MacVille (Hillson & Simon, 2020). They are also responsible to monitor the management of the risks and reduce the potential risks.

The senior management has the role of implementing the policies regarding risk management as well as the internal control. They not only identify but also evaluate the areas regarding potential risks that might be faced by MacVille. they also identify the areas but the risks are not properly addressed and after that give the necessary advice to the directors.

The employees have the responsibility to familiarize themselves with the policies of risk management as well as clarify the aspects with the senior team. the employees also consider any possible risks that might lay an impact on them (Samimi, 2020).

The risk management policy of MacVille is implemented according to the legislation, standards, as well as codes of practice. It involves

- Standards Australia, 2009, AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – Principles and guidelines
- Corporations Act 2001 (Cwith)
- Privacy Act 1988 (Cwith)
- Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cwith)
- Australian Securities and Investments Commission act 2001 (Cwith)
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld)
- Fair Work Act 2009 (Cwith)
- Anti Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld)

Risk Management Strategy

Policies and Procedures

Various policies for assignment help underpin the internal control procedures. The directors approve the policies and after that it is implemented as well as communicated with the senior management team. These policies involve the human resource policies, corporate governance policies, as well as financial policies. The human resource policies involve organizational culture policy, return to work policy, safe travel policy, sustainability policy, equity or diversity or discrimination policy. Corporate governance policies involve directors remuneration policy, as well as board protocol (Smith & Merritt, 2020). Financial policies involve cash reserving policy, finance, audit, as well as risk management committee, as well as bad debt policy.

The planning, as well as the budgeting procedure of MacVille, is used for setting objectives and taking the necessary plans for allocating the resources. The progress for meeting the objectives of the business plan is monitored properly by the team of senior management and the directors during board meetings. During the board meetings, the possible risks are rectified by the senior management team. The committee of finance, audits, as well as risk management a responsible for reporting at the board meetings regarding internal controls. The FARM committee has the responsibility to pay necessary attention regarding risk management (El Baz & Ruel, 2021). The farm committee looks after the internal audit, external audit, as well as management during reviewing the internal controls.

Risk Management Process

The process of managing risks within MacVille involves establishing the context, identifying as well as describing the risks, conducting a proper analysis regarding the current risks, conducting an evaluation of the risk, developing a proper management plan for the risk as well as implementing the proposed treatments for risk, and monitoring, reporting, as well as providing updates regarding the risk to continuously make improvements (Taghipour et al., 2020).


The tools to identify the potential risks for MacVille involve reviewing their existing documentation as well as forming checklists. Reviewing the existing documentation involves SWOT analysis.

SWOT Analysis

Strength: An effective strength of MacVille involves moving their new shop to a location where two major streets are intersecting with each other. MacVille chose the spot for their latest shop as it possesses heavy traffic and it is also an apt location that will help them to attract more customers. The location where MacVille decided to place their new shop possesses huge accessibility due to the availability of transport in huge numbers that helps the customers visit their shop in that location without facing any kind of difficulties.

Weakness: The major weakness of MacVille is to move to the new location within huge traffic jams that often take place due to the huge traffic involving cars as well as trucks on the road. Another major concern that MacVille faces is the management of cash (de Araújo Lima, Crema & Verbano, 2020). There are no safety facilities or any kind of amenities within their stores where they can keep their cash safe. Due to the absence of any kind of safe facility or amenity to safeguard the cash within the stores, it creates a huge probability that the cash might get stolen from the store.

Opportunity: According to the information that the landlord provided to the owners of Maxwell, the spot they selected for setting up their latest shop creates a great scope in terms of starting different branches within the surrounding premises. Through the usage of the details of demography regarding the area, the owners came to know that the population of that area was increasing and the population also had great powers to purchase things. Due to the purchasing power of the customers, MacVille will be able to make sure their company receives various customers and it will also help MacVille to boost their profits. MacVille can also implement a portion of their budget for installing a proper cash registry system within their shop that will help to safeguard their cash and prevent it from getting stolen. MacVille Company has the opportunity to install proper mechanisms so that they can focus on the health as well as security of the shop and also the well-being of their workers (Unver & Ergenc, 2021). MacVille Company also has the opportunity to afford as well as expand their pathways and utilize additional chairs to occupy them with the help of the ordinance that has been promulgated with the government. This law made by the government acts in the company's favor and also provides further opportunities that will help the company to grow.

Threat: It was found that the company faces three major threats. The first threat involves excessive use of water. The second threat involves competition within the area. The third threat involves the management of cash. The first threat tends to affect the operations of MacVille in terms of excessive usage of water. The local government also planned to fine fifty thousand dollars to MacVille for excessively using water and also implement the law on them. For preventing any kind of fine from the government, the company can install as well as utilize fresh technologies for minimizing the excessive usage of water in their new shop (Araz et al., 2020). As various companies have installed new shops within the region it has led to competition from various companies in that area and has also made it hard in terms of sustainability of the companies. For the third threat regarding the management of cash, MacVille does not contain any kind of safe facility or any kind of amenity to store their cash and keep it safe.


Likelihood and consequence of risk

Level of each risk


Strength and Weakness


- The new sustainable technologies will help the organization to improve the sustainable practices.

- The better technologies can help the organization to get the market research and it also helps them to understand the market information that are important to get the work done.

- The accounting software help the company to get the error free financial sheets that is important to generate their profits.


- The new technologies are expensive so it can come up as a problem for the organization.

- The online market is hard to beat so the competitions are critical to that need more concerns to be reduced.

- The malfunctions of the potential software can increase the problem of financial department


The risk management policy of MacVille is implemented according to the legislation, standards involving Standards Australia, 2009, AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management – Principles and guidelines. The directors approve the policies and after that it is implemented as well as communicated with the senior management team. These policies involve the human resource policies, corporate governance policies, as well as financial policies. The tools to identify the potential risks for MacVille involve reviewing their existing documentations with SWOT analysis as well as forming checklists. With the help of SWOT analysis, the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of MacVille were known along with a checklist to identify the potential risks of the company. The workers, manager, as well as the CEO, were consulted regarding the risks as they were the internal stakeholders of the company. Consulting with the stakeholders the control measures were also discussed.



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BSBOPS502 Manage Business Operational Plan Diploma


Operational plans provide an organisation with a mechanism to put their strategies in action and identify the resources required to achieve their stated goals and objectives. Operational plans may also be termed as action plans, annual plans, management plans or tactical plans. Separate operational plans are often prepared by different departments within an organisation to outline their specific tasks and priorities.

In Assessment Task1, you developed the understanding of the structure and components of an operational plan through an analysis of a sample operational plan. In this assessment task, given as a group project, your group will be required to develop an Operational Plan for a sample organisation based on its Strategic Plan. Your group will be provided with a sample strategic plan for this task. Your trainer/assessor will play the role of the Senior Manager for the purpose of this task.

A past or an existing organisation can also be used as an example to develop the required organisational context for this task. Alternatively, based on the sample strategic plan, research and collect some organisational information as a background to your plan.

Develop an operational plan that includes;

- Executive summary
- Stakeholders, consultation and approvals
- Operational goals and expected outcomes
- Action plan (convert strategies to actions)
- Key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Human resource requirements (including training or PD and strategies to address the requirements)
- Physical and other resource requirements (including strategies to acquire the resources)
- Resource conservation/waste management tactics
- Budget/cost expectations
- Key responsibilities; including intellectual property rights and responsibilities
- Communication plan (how respective responsibilities and KPIs will be communicated)
- Monitoring and evaluation
- Contingency plan

An operational plan fundamentally addresses four questions:

- Where are we now?
- Where do we want to be?
- How do we get there?
- How do we measure our progress?

Contingency planning involves creating an alternative plan in the event of the original operational plan changing or facing obstacles due to unforeseen circumstances. It can be based on anticipated risks (e.g. non- availability of raw materials, government approvals etc.) and alternatives that can be used to keep the operational plan moving.

As part of assessment criteria for this task, equal and active participation from all groups will be required. Each group will need to submit a group statement, signed by all group members, outlining their respective role and contribution in the project. Any problems or non-contribution from ant group members should be reported to the trainer/assessor at the earliest.

There is no word limit, but it is expected that each part will be articulated in sufficient detail to be able to form an analytical perspective. A sample plan or a template can be used as a guide. Ensure that you reference/cite all the external sources using an appropriate referencing system (e.g. Harvard Referencing System). Further, once draft has been completed, your group will need to plan and develop additional documentation for performance review purpose (Assessment Task 3). Ensure that you retain copies of all the work.


Executive Summary

Operational planning is the set of actions that the firm uses in daily activities. It involves planning for the smooth working of the organisation. Hence, for operational planning for assignment help to work in the most efficient manner the contingency planning is required. This planning helps the firm to take necessary action at the time of crisis and ensures that the firm can revert back to a normal working system as early as possible.

Stakeholders, Consultation and Approvals

The key stakeholders of the manufacturing company are the customers, creditors, directors, employees, suppliers, government, the employer and even the community. Without customers, the company cannot survive. The manufacturing unit has been set with the vision to satisfy the customers (Uzarski and Broome, 2019). The employees are an important part as they are responsible for creating and delivering the products. The creditors provide financial help to the organisation and even the suppliers are important. The suppliers are responsible to provide resources that are required for the organisation to carry out the manufacturing process.
Operational goals and expected outcomes

The operational goals of the contingency planning and the expected outcomes are-

- To plan an alternative plan of operational planning to face hurdles in unforeseen circumstances (Di Maddaloni and Davis, 2018). It is expected to help the firm face obstacles which were not measured in the original operational plan.

- To provide safety to all the stakeholders and to decrease the problems in daily operations. This is expected to increase the trust of stakeholders in the firm.

Action plan

The action plan to implement the strategy while addressing all the key areas and responsibilities are-


Key performance indicators

The key performance indicators of contingency planning are-

- The level of satisfaction of employees is an indicator that the contingency planning is working in the correct measure. It is a type of qualitative indicator.

- The growth in the financial situation of the organisation acts as the key indicator. As it will show how contingency planning helped to improve the financial stability of the organisation. It is a quantitative indicator as it can be measured in quantity.

Human resource requirements

In contingency planning, the uncertainty of human recourse is of great importance. With the help of assessment methodology, the tool used for analysing the risks involved within the team. This increase health and safety among team members and improve the overall work environment (Suárez-Eiroa et al., 2019). Uncertain risks can be controlled by increasing the safety skills among individuals. The training is provided which will help to increase awareness among employees to work under certain circumstances.

Physical and other resource requirements

In contingency planning, the physical and other resource requirements are required such as land and building and raw materials. There are various uncertain risks involved in the physical and other resources. These risks require contingent planning. The risk can occur due to natural calamities or theft. The risk due to natural calamities to the physical resources can be diminished by making a team that works in an efficient manner to overcome the risk in the least time. The contingency planning requires a contract to be signed by the part so that it can be implemented. Without a contract, it is not valid.

Resource conservation or waste management tactics

The manufacturing companies use various tactics for waste management and conserve the resources. These are done by reducing the amount of excess raw materials used in production. Also it redesigns the packing material so that the minimum raw material is used. The firm must use different methods to dispose of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. The firm should establish effective maintenance of resources in a schedule. The warehouse should be properly organised.

Budget/cost expectations

It is necessary for organisations to set aside a budget for contingency planning. If the organisation is not able to be financially stable at the time of uncertain risk then overcoming such risk will take a longer time than expected (Mishra, 2017). This will be a huge loss for the organisation. The cost of such uncertain risk arises whenever it is the least expected. The organisation must keep at least 10% of the surplus saved for the uncertain risks. This will act as an emergency fund.

Key responsibilities

The key responsibility of contingency planning is-

- To help the organisation to return to its daily working condition as early as possible.
- To minimise the inconvenience caused to the customers.
- To assign the recovery work to the best person.

Communication Plan

During a crisis, it is necessary for an organisation to communicate in the best way to avoid any conflicts. This helps the firm to convey details to the public and also the employees which is a necessary step. It also ensures that such a situation will not arise again in the future. The first thing that can be done by the firm is to apologise to the customers for the inconvenience. The organisation must have a proactive control system. That means the firm must be ready to face the crisis and reduce its effectiveness. The firm must set up solutions to face the crisis on an individual level as well as on social sites. The firm must assign a spokesperson who can speak on behalf of the organisation.

Monitoring and Evaluation

In contingency planning, monitoring and evaluation is a system that keeps evaluating the performance of the organisation in the situation of the crisis. It also keeps track of the process after a crisis (Hitkaet al., 2018). By monitoring and evaluating the situation in the time of crisis the organisation gains the trust of the customers, the partners and the investors of the firm. It helps the firm to develop better planning for future risk assessment. Thus it also involves better communication of the organisation at the time of crisis.

Contingency Plan

Contingency planning is required in an organisation because there are many situations that cannot be avoided. These risks act as a hurdle for the organisation while achieving the goals which were set. This planning is not only for the negative crisis faced by the organisation but also the positive effect. Such as if the firm gains a huge rise in demand for its product due to marketing. The firm should be able to meet the demand by producing the quantity that is demanded.


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Assignment Details:

Construction Waste Management

- Define it

- why is it important (sustainable properties to be discussed)

- benefits

- application/current practices in construction

- focus on its sustainable importance

Awareness in Industry for Sustainable Construction in Australia:

- what is the current level of awareness (need to be lil on the negative side that current level is not enough)

- Need to kind of elaborate that colleges and schools need to provide more awareness and curriculum level is not enough to tackle the current situation, it needs to be better for future.



Construction waste management is referred as the activities and actions needed for management of waste from its commencement to its disposal. For Assignment help, In general the application of waste management in construction practices aims at minimizing the material amounts to landfills by diverting such waste material and clearing the land from landfill disposal (Ding, et al, 2018). Also it could be said that, construction waste management could substantially reduce the virgin resources demand and would have various positive impacts on the environment.

Importance- Sustainable Properties

The life of existing landfills could be increased with the effective use of construction waste management practices. Further, it is environmentally feasible and preferable to ruse and recycles the waste from constructions. With the help of proper and accurate construction waste management plan the company’s involved in construction process in Australia could allocate right no. and amount of resources they must require to complete their tasks (Hossain, Wu, & Poon, 2017). The material saved could be recycled and reused for the further construction projects which would help in saving the amount of landfill and indirectly would contribute in sustainable practices of construction. Such plan for the waste management on the constructing sites ensures that the project id environmental friendly. Disposing of construction waste in an eco- friendly ways could have the positive impacts on the natural eco system of the country. Also the nearby surrounding of the area would be less polluted in term of water pollution and air pollution with the proper disposing of such waste. Thereby, proper waste management plays vital role in ensuring the environmentally friendliness of the project.

In addition to this the sustainable practices of managing the construction waste could also contribute in the achievement of the goals related to sustainable development in Australia. Further these practices could reduce the amount of greenhouse emissions, acceleration of climate change, as well as would be beneficial in incorporating its significance into the company itself to enable the environment to advance to a “greener” future (Khalfan, et al, 2015).


Here are few of the benefits of practicing construction waste management practices on the sites-

Avoid accidents at construction sites- If the waste and debris are disposed in an accurate way, the accidents on the constructing sites could be avoided up to a great extent. If the management ensures proper disposing of hazardous items on the construction sites such as fire break outs, heavy solid waste, these accidents could be avoided.

Reduction in Cost - The waste management process at construction sites is not just about the safety of man and environment. It also helps in reduction of cost, by decreasing the disposal cost and ensuring proper waste management on the sites.

Ensures Healthy Working Environment- If the construction sites are well equipped and has the equipments such as wheelbarrows to ensure proper movement of waste from the area and for storing the heavy bricks. Availability of waste receptacles so that the workers could directly dispose the waste and other trash directly into them without any issues and ensure healthy working environment.

Track on Materials - The waste management practices could also ensure the maintenance of cost and proper time management on the sites. The track on valuable resources is ensured in the proper of waste management that they might not get disposed by mistake (Yazdani, et al, 2021).

Current practices in construction

The general construction and demolition sector in Australia mainly includes residential nd non- residential construction and land development or sites preparations. This also includes renovation, alterations or development for the existing buildings.

Residential nd non- residential construction-


The residential construction sector of the industry contributes around less than 10% of the annual revenue of the industry for building and for apartments and townhouses it contributes around 21.6% of the revenue in industry as per the 2019-2020 reports. While the non- residential constructions are categorized under the small scale businesses in the industry, though it contains large share of building construction, it contains around 20% of the total industry revenue (Kabirifar, 2021).

Current practices

These residential and non- residential constructions in Australia are operated in highly regulated environmental functions. This included the needs for registration and licensing for the workers as well as the contractors. The local level and state level of government building standards are to be followed by them, their approvals, coning regulations etc. Further they are entitled to maintain a healthy work environment by reducing their contribution in the air and water pollution and maintain high level of safety standards.

Land Development and Site Preparation


They are categorized under the medium and small sized business in the industry. They are engaged in operations of regional and local markets of Australia.

Current Practices-

They are regulated by mandatory licenses and permission for the use of equipments for the demolition and operating works. They are entitled for the treatment of waste on the sites, follow regulations as per the both levels of government and also create high level of variations amongst the localities of the region for planning restrictions and regulations (Park, & Tucker, 2017).

Emphasis on Sustainable importance

There are several importances of the sustainable waste management at construction sites as the construction industry in Australia plays vital role in shaping the basic infrastructure and housing needs of the population. With the help of proper sustainable management of waste at construction the possible negative impacts on the environment, society and the economy could be reduced up to an extent. Therefore the implementation of waste management on construction sites helps in achieving the goals of sustainable development in the region and also the reduction of waste (Wu, et al, 2020). Further such sustainable constructions not only have the positive impact on the environment but also focus on the issues apart from the environment such as economic and societal issues. Thereby to address all of these issues it is important to implement sustainable construction practices. These sustainable practices are also useful and plays significant role in shaping the construction industry into greener and sustainably integrated into the waste management practices of the buildings and apartments.


Current level of Awareness

The issue of construction waste is an influential problem globally. It is damaging the overall performance of the project, nature and the community. The growing concern of such buildings construction on the environment in Australia has eventually resulted in raise in awareness regarding this. The construction industry is asked to implement the sustainable practices into the process of construction (Hu, Chong, & Wang, 2019). This would help in driving the sustainable construction practices in Australia with the implementation of sustainability measures. Although the construction industry in Australia makes positive impact on the society and economy, but has more negative impacts on the environment. Such as dust pollution, soil erosion, flash floods, sedimentation, destruction of vegetation, natural resources depletion and materials used that are harmful to human health in the process of construction. These circumstances demonstrate well the significant impact on the environment of the Australia and are needed to be addressed. They also reflect the traditional concern on cost control, quality over environment, time management and the social performance. These realizations have raised the need for the studies based on the solutions for practicing sustainable construction across the construction project life cycle. These limitation in the process of sustainable practice are mainly due to the profit driven culture of Australia, where the driven such as times, cost and quality are ensuring the benefits of construction firm not the territory. Due to these growing concerns in the construction industry the government of Australia is taking several measures to ensure sustainability in the processes. Through these practices the positive outcomes are also realizing by the building occupiers, stakeholders and various users of it. Hence it could be said that implementation of sustainable practices are resulting in sustainable development and awareness by the constructing firms for the environment, but the need for increasing such awareness is still there (Khalfan, et al, 2015).

Need for colleges and schools to provides more awareness

From the above current awareness on the sustainable contrition prevailing is Australia need for more awareness generation is been identified (Senaratne, et al 2017). Therefore the school and colleges must provide more awareness and include such topics in their curriculum to improve the circumstances. The availability of green materials and the financial incentives are further the biggest drivers of such. On the other hand the government policies are also rarely considering such sustainable practices. Therefore the study regarding the utilization of green material from the beginning that is their design stage must be encouraged. Financial incentives must be granted by the government as the uses of such green materials are quite expensive for the builders. Further in colleges and school the study regarding the awareness of insulation rebates that is companies or individuals might not only focus to promote their business but also must have focus on the free insulation rebate from the government. As, such the in- depth education and training must be provided to them in order to shape the future of the construction industry, further the stakeholders in general must also provide with the training with basic fundamentals in relation to sustainable construction (Shan, Hwang, & Zhu, 2017). The increase of education, understanding and training programs on sustainable would be helpful in shaping the industry and eventually would enhance its sustainable performance.


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CPCCOM1013 Plan and Organize Work Diploma

1. What is planning and organising in the construction industry?

Construction planning is a method that identifies the various steps and procedures that are required to be implemented in order to build an infrastructure. The construction planning process involves a guideline of the actions that are required to be completed along with a timeline of different events (Daniel, Pasquire & Dickens, (2019). Construction planning also involves staffing and the identification of various material resources and equipment.

The construction planning involves various elements such as construction bidding, baselines, baseline project management, scope documentation, blueprint drawing and specification and submittals. While planning and organising the construction of bricklaying and block laying trade planning and organising help in scheduling and managing the labour-intensive actions that are involved in building projects. It also helps in cost management and delays. The various types of construction planning involve strategic planning, operational planning, business planning and resource planning. In order to develop an efficient and effective construction plan, the identification of the resources, drafting of an initial plan, analysis of the key stakeholders, and assigning the designated responsibility are involved. In the final stages of the construction planning, tracking the performance and the project evaluation is performed.

2. Who should you consult with when planning your work activities? List three (3) people.

The construction project and the work activities indulge various professionals and individuals. Construction project undertakes various activities that require consultations while planning the work activities (Zhang, & Zhang, (2020). The Consultants such as the architect offers professional expertise for producing a complicated project drawing and design, of the upcoming project also during the construction planning, the architect evaluates the activity for complying with the preparation and development of the various rules and regulations. The building surveyor is essential for obtaining the planning permission before the construction process, as they are qualified to assess the project against the national construction code and also meet the requirements related to health, safety and sustainability. Another important consultation is received from the civil engineers who are responsible for planning, building and managing the projects that are large scales such as the development of buildings, bridges and tunnels.

3. What is the purpose of the policies and standards for planning and organizing work?

The policies and standards act as an essential aid for planning and organising work in the construction industry, in the context of bricklaying and block-laying trade. The policy and standards increase operational efficiency and ensure the safety of the workers by meeting the policy and standards in construction. The project managers are able to reduce their costs and resources (Janné & Fredriksson, (2019). The policies and standards act as a performance-based regulation that also contributes towards the outcome and prioritizes the safety standards. Also, the bricklayers and the block-laying traders work on large commercial development projects, extension and restoration projects. These project sites are vulnerable to various risks. Hence the policies and standards ensure proper guidelines and risk management plans and their implementation in the project.

4. Where would you find information about safety requirements that you have to?

Information regarding the safety requirements in construction projects or the bricklaying or block-laying trade can be gathered from various sources. The construction site safety checklist for the assignment helpline can be utilised for identifying the information regarding safety. The construction site safety checklist acts as a tool used by the contractors to identify the risk and potential hazards that can occur on the construction site (Regmi, (2019). The checklist involves training, tool safety, equipment and gears, safety equipment, compliance and regulations regarding hazardous materials, compliance with regulatory standards, emergency preparation and public safety.

5. What is the purpose of environmental legislation?

Environmental legislation restricts the harmful activities involved in various construction and protects the environment by prohibiting such harmful activities. The major purpose of the environmental law is to protect the natural habitat, land, air, water and soil from adverse impacts of the construction industries. These laws involve dumping hazardous and chemical elements into the water bodies, polluting, starting forest fires and poor waste disposal (Sartoretti et al., 2019). The construction industry performs various activities that include the extraction of raw materials, and manufacturing and distribution of the constructed products. All these activities involve the generation of a large quantity of waste and toxins. The environmental legislation promotes sustainable construction methods and activities. Environment legislation is a collaborative and complex legal guideline for the protection of the environment that involves various regulatory regimes and focuses on the issues of conservation of natural resources, global warming, climate change and greenhouse gas emissions and depletion of natural resources and pollution.

6. List three environmental and workplace requirements for basic work tasks n the construction industry?

The construction industry requires various environmental and workplace considerations and requirements for basic work tasks (Loosemore & Malouf, (2019). The environmental considerations are sustainability measures, energy efficiency, green material, waste management, long-term sustainability, and water pollution prevention plans SWPPP. All these requirements are essential. The workplace requirements in the construction industry for basic work are environmental compliance, reliable and cost-effective equipment, effective communication, state-of-the-art technology, such as artificial intelligence, drones and wearables for safety in the workplace, safety infrastructure, and efficient and skilled workforce are the major workplace requirement in the construction project.

7. To whom would you report any environmental breaches?

Construction projects often lead to several environmental breaches. These are managed and reported to the legal and regulatory frameworks, standards and guidelines that are applicable to all the projects. Also, the construction projects and all the project environmental managers are responsible for coordinating and analysing the environmental footprint during the construction process and execution. They are in charge of following several duties and reviewing the construction method statements and the procedures during the initial planning (Makki & Mosly, (2020). The construction environmental management plan issues various guidelines and segregates different rules for environmental protection. Also, various policies such as environmental protection, and water quality policies. It focuses on environmental breaches and control management practices in the construction industry. The code of practice for the building and construction industry focuses on various environmental breaches that can result from large- scale construction projects.

8. What is the use of drawings and specifications relevant to basic work tasks in construction?

In order to execute the basic work task in the construction, the drawings and specifications act as the primary document for project execution. It provides a specification for all the construction documents and provides a detailed description of the required pieces of equipment and the methods of installation. The drawing and specification involve architectural, mechanical and electrical working drawings. It has a detailed compilation of the drawings and specifications for gathering the permit and proper bidding by the contractor and subcontractors and also obtaining a permit for the tenant improvement. It involves details specifications, standard specifications, the construction drawing and plans, the space plan, technical specifications, tenders specifications, The project schedule, construction work and the designs, the team along with the schedule (Othman et al., 2020). According to the construction specifier, the specifications are curated and personalized in such a way that describes the accurate material and helps the team to identify the various variations and types of products, that are going to be used on the site. The construction specifications are prescriptive, performance and proprietory.

9. Why is it important to consult with supervisors and other workers when planning and determining the day’s activities?

A consultation with the supervisor and workers during the process of planning and determining the day's activity in the construction or the bricklaying and block
laying trade in the construction industry is essential as the supervisors are aware of the various strategic plans and implementation processes. Also regarding the allocated resources for a particular day's activity (Azeem et al., 2020). The construction process is vulnerable and exposed to various risks, the consultant and supervisor act as a guide by providing a clear process of delivery and proper management of various risks and project execution. The supervisor ensures the issuing of instructions and facilitates the control and optimum utilisation of resources. Also involving the other workers regarding the various schedules and days of activity in the project helps them to work efficiently, as an awareness of the ultimate goal of a particular day helps them to work more productively.

10. Where would you find design information for bricklaying work?

The design information for bricklaying work can be gathered from different digital platforms and the professionals, such as civil engineers that involves technical notes and method statements. It comprises the major tools and materials available in the procedure, along with necessary information. Such as the health and safety requirements the world skills.org provides guidelines for various designs and information on the bricklaying work and designs.

11. What is the main process to manage a construction project?

The main process for managing the construction project involves

Project initiation

This acts as the first phase of management of a construction project. As the objective and feasibility of a future project are evaluated and determined. This act is the most essential stage as it has the potential to reflect the outcome of the project. After the decision making the project initiation document (PID) is formed that provides a framework for the construction plan and the various artefacts involved in the project management.

Planning phase

During this stage, the plan regarding time, costs, resources and equipment are evaluated and based on these requirements. A strategy is established and followed. This process is also termed scope management and a document is prepared as a work breakdown structure (WBS) It is a checklist that segregates different works into a functional category. It also involves the process of risk management by examining the potential threats with their solutions.

Execution face

In this phase, the construction plan is implemented to work, and divided into various processes of executing monitoring and controlling (Li, Greenwood & Kassem, (2019). The designated team performs various tasks and the progress is monitored according to the required changes. The monitoring is performed by the project manager and requires most of the time. Through this information, the tasks are maintained and redirected.

Closing phase

This phase acts as the final stage of the project and refers to the official completion. In this phase, the project manager evaluates the positive and negative outcomes and the potential failures in the end. a project report is created by calculating the final budget and information on the task that is incomplete. The reports help in the analysis of the failures and a recommendation for a future project. Other processes in the construction project involve project scheduling, budget management and legal aspects.

12. What is the process to determine planning and organising work tasks?

The process to determine planning and organising the work task in the construction project involves various essential steps. The planning and organising reduce the budget and time required and also maximise productivity and efficiency. It allocates better time and improves safety and procurement in the project (Wuni, Shen & Osei-Kyei, (2022). The process to determine planning, involve outlining the key component of the project, by breaking them into sub task and provide in a granular view of the large-scale construction process. It provides the construction with a direction and also helps in explaining the plan to stakeholders, it creates a commitment and solid foundation for the project plan after the outline. The activity sequence is performed that prevents the project delay. The duration of the project helps in cost estimation and improving efficiency. Another important element is resource planning which involves, the breakdown of resources, that are required in the project and the budget required according to those resources. Curating a schedule and budget and the identification of construction permissions are required in the planning. Selecting and assigning a designated skilled workforce and team for the project that will execute the construction plan act as an essential process in determining the planning.

13. How Do You Estimate Time for a Project?

The time required for the completion of a construction project is estimated by evaluating various aspects. Time estimation is important for every stakeholder and team member of the project. The time estimation is made by evaluating the list of activities that are required to be completed in the project. Another step involves adding administrative tasks and material lead times, which include the signing of the contract, selecting material and the product approval. All these aspects provide insight into the estimated time. Linking these activities in terms of relationship helps in better estimation. Also analysing the duration of every activity determines the total estimated time frame of the project. The time is estimated by the project managers through evaluation of the historical data regarding the cost, time and effort (Yousif et al., 2022). It provides valuable information. Also tracking the time throughout the task executions acts as a helpful way of time estimation. Utilising the bottom-up estimation by breaking down the larger task into smaller pieces helps in the accuracy of time estimation. Also, the top-down estimation acts as an analysis that develops the overview of the expected timeline of the project. These techniques are helpful for analysing the time required for project completion.

14. What are the components of the construction onsite work plan?

The major components of the construction on-site work plan act as a tool that determines the appropriate development outcome from the analysis of the onsite elements and constraints. The components of the construction on site planning involve the task of arranging the structure on the land and creating shapes and spaces between the architecture and the art, engineering, landscape, architecture and city planning. The major components involve the organisation of land use access, circulation, privacy security centre, land drainage and other various elements (Opoku et al., 2021). The components of construction management on-site plan are performed by arranging the composition and elements from the water planting and landform. The construction on-site work plan guides the development through improvement in the design quality and sustainability. It is cost- effective and promotes better planning and urban design outcome.

15. Why is it important to reflect on and review work practices?

Reflecting and reviewing the work practices in the construction is highly essential as it promotes, the quality of design and also saves time, resources and cost of the construction. The chances of rework and failures are reduced with the reflecting and reviewing of work practices. The reflecting and reviewing are based on design compliance, material, the bottom line and code compliance (Obed & Doukpola, (2022). The construction projects involve all these aspects and review and monitoring act as a strategy of predictability. Reflecting and reviewing involves the areas of construction quality, the construction cost, techniques used in construction and the estimated time. All these aspects are improved through reviewing and reflecting.

16. List three positive outcomes that could result from reviewing work plans and practices.

Reviewing the word plans and practices through proper monitoring and evaluation can enhance the possibility and scope for positive outcomes and maximise the project's efficiency and success. Reviewing the work plans and practice maximises the project's success and the immediate outcome such as the achievement of budget and schedules and also impacts the long-term objective, in terms of costs, time and quality. The review improves communication between different stakeholders and promotes better understanding. It also minimises the risk and focuses on health and safety and creates value for money and environmental performance. It ultimately promotes client satisfaction. The review of plans helps in limiting the decision conflict and reveals the assumption that is required to be adjusted and also promotes proactive problem-solving and coordination.

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