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MIS610 Advanced Professional Practice Report Sample

Task Summary

You are required to write a 1500 words professional practice reflection. This requires you to by reflect on your experiences in Master of Business Information Systems (MBIS), specifically the IS Capstone and how these experiences provided you with insights into your own future as an IT/IS Professional.


You have been studying Information Systems through a lens of Business, as most of you will chose careers in IS management and analytics. Technology is a strategic part of any enterprise today, large or small. Throughout your degree, you have been developing an understanding and skills that enable you to work at a high level in these environments. You are soon to graduate and follow your career path. This assessment gives you an opportunity to reflect on how far you have come and where you wish to go.

Task Instructions

Write a 1500 words professional practice reflection addressing the following questions:

• Complete the skills audit to identify your level of skills and knowledge with compared to the nationally recognised ICT skills set needed for a career in ICT.

• Identify your two strongest skills and reflect on why those are your strongest. Link this to your experiences in the MBIS and your life in general (for example you might also be influenced by family, work experience, previous study, hobbies, volunteer work etc.)

• Identify the two skills that need the most work. As above, link this discussion to your experiences in the MBIS and your life in general.

• Now that you are about to graduate, how do these skills match the job/career that you want?

Find a job advertisement and match the skills and knowledge wanted in the advertisement against your audit. What do you need to work on?

• Finally, you have identified your skills levels and how it relates to your career, now choose three skills and set yourself SMART* goals for the next six months to achieve your career objectives.



From a traditional viewpoint, the job of IT professionals is linked with developing software for solving complex problems on a computer. Information systems have been evolved over the years with the development of technology, the Internet, big data, and others. The emerging technologies have opened many career opportunities which include Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer, and cybersecurity specialists, business analysts, and others. Rapid changes in the industry are one of the hallmarks within ICT domains which is prominent at our micro and macro levels. For Assignment Help Disruptive technologies like IoT and Big data have implied many changes within the ‘macro level’ due to which job opportunities have increased from the last few decades. Technical information is a system that allows students like us to work on the Internet efficiently while connecting globally (Intersoft consulting, 2016). The knowledge of various developed software will help in gaining information on varied domains thus enhancing professional knowledge life. This report aims in evaluating interests and knowledge on ICT career opportunities. Thus, conducting an audit on skills to recognize strengths and weaknesses can be improved for substantial career growth. This will strengthen skills and help students like us to grab adequate and good career opportunities.

Reflection report:

Completion of the audit skills:

Since the ICT domain witnesses, rapid changes hence skill audits help in recognizing. weaknesses and strengthswhich will help in attaining a promising career in ICT domains. I have a deep interest in networks and computer systems that further protects computer systems from unauthorized access or cybercrimes. It has become important to possess advanced skills in ICT domains for protecting all types of electronic devices from the breach. Thus,I have acquired additional knowledge from attending webinars, participating in class activities along studying through module lectures. I assume that my knowledge base in cyber-threat activities is strengthened that has been benefitting me in safeguarding my electronic devices while I am also keen to apply and broadened my information base for protecting the ICT infrastructure of organizations. As per the skills audit done by me, I have assumed that my knowledge of IT management, data management, IT infrastructure is strongest. However, to sustain rapid changes in the domain and HR strategies, I require to polish my skills for sustaining in the job market. (Australian Computer Society, 2014).

Identification of the two strongest skills:

Proper identification of own strength is necessary for achieving success in personal and professional life. Any person can enhance their scope and range of opportunities by adding value to their strongest skills (S. Tufféry, & S. Tufféry, 2011). As I have been studying the Information system specifically through a business perspective, I have generally mastered a wide variety of disciplines properly. But amongst them, I have preferred, Data and information management along with Software Development as my strongest set of competencies. These two skills have been providing have been helping me in completing my MBIS degree.

Data and information management is based on the managementquality and storage of both structured and unstructured information properly. It also includes integrity and security for providing support regarding digital services in business management (Hall &Wilcox, 2019). Besides, it also helps the business units to strategize business plans and policies for future investment purposes. I have also mastered web development and software development, as this skill has been my hobby for some time. I have also done several freelancing jobs on web and software development purposes due to which I can affirm that the aforementioned skillsare the main pillars for my future professional aspects.

Identification of the skills required for improvement purposes:

In this present digitalized era, for achieving a successful professional life, flexibility is very important without which the scope and opportunities of professionalcareerstend to be narrower after a certain period(Hunt, 2018). Also, flexibility supports the adoption of varied job purposes along with technological assistance. Currently, I lack skills in IT infrastructure and Network support skills due to which I faced many issues while completing assessments and understanding activities during my MBIS course. I also struggle in proper management and regulation of the hardware-related aspects, which also encompasses the problems regarding changed services. I have several examples of failures in support services to the customers while working as a software technician in a small size business organization during my volunteer work. I was also unable to resolve many problematic aspects which dissatisfied the customers. Network support is another important set of skills that needed to be enhanced for me.

The utilization of the skills towards professional career:

As per my skills, audit, and identification of strengths during my MBIS degree, a web developer or web designer would be the preferable and best-suited job for me. Hence, I have searched for the business companies that specifically advertise for a web developer or web designer in their organization. ENTTEC has been opted by me, as they are currently facing a high shortage of web developers. The company operates through its offices at Keysborough VIC, Australia. The company has advertised that the web developer will be required for updating and creating innovative software with related components like websites and software applications. The IT products and services offered by the company acts as the revenue for which management and regulation are of utmost importance. However, the company has strong recommendations for soft skills sets like teamwork, communication,crisis management which I need to polish.

Also, I have undergone other job searches as well, which demonstrates similar skills, however, requires higher work experience. Hence strengthening my skills will help in obtaining internships which will increase my professional expertise that will further enable me to work in the esteemed organization of my desired professional career.

SMART goals for the next six months:

Although the skills of web development along with data and information management are my strongest skills, however, I require polishing of competencies on infrastructure perspectives.

In addition to this, I would also like to improve my communication, teamwork, and forms of interpersonal skills for sustaining in highly competitive ICT Organizations. Also, I realize that strengthening ICT competencies is important as advanced technology is being rapidly applied by all organizations, hence it provides a good opportunity with high job satisfaction as my job will help many companies to progress with efficiencies (Mainga, 2017).


The report has helped me monitor my strengths and weaknesses in this domain, which has helped many career developments. Through the audits, I obtained information that must improve my skills in IT management data and administration for which I have designed SMART goals for six months. In addition to this, I recognized that IT domains undergo rapid change due to which possession of interpersonal skills is important. In recent times, the business environments are highly competitive which requires a balance of both personal and professional skills. Students like us, who will be stepping into the professional world are required for obtaining information on HR strategies and practices, hence job adverts are helpful tools in polishing skills for a higher opportunity of being recruited in the organizations.Also, the skill audit has enlightened me that I require continuous improvement for assessing strengths and weaknesses, hence I would continue this type of reflection in my professional career as well. My skills should be strengthened so that they can be used especially in the job-oriented process later in the future while I can also explore my job role and related skills for reaping benefits in different developmental domains of ICT.



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