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PROJ6002 Project Planning and Budgeting Assignment Sample



These assessments are designed to allow you to:

• Demonstrate your capability to carry out a thorough and reliable search for facts regarding a topic in Applied Research Project II where the knowledge is dispersed.

• Clarify what the problem or opportunity actually is and specify the question that must be answered in order to resolve the problem.

• Identify and then develop critical research tools that have the potential to solicit required data to support the analysis of your problem, issue or opportunity. Create and present an ethical and achievable research design based on justifiable and evidence- based methods.

• Demonstrate your capability to test your proposed research method/s by carrying out a pilot and reporting the results of that pilot.

You must tailor the format/layout of your Research Proposal Report according to your target reader/s, research approach and context i.e. whether you are making a business/professional report or an academic paper. You will be guided by your Unit Assessor, Lecturer or Tutor as to the format/layout that achieves the best communication. Do not fail to have timely discussions with your Unit assessor or Tutor.



The Operating System (OS) refers to the program that, after loaded initially into the computer through boot programs, manages other application programs in the computer. It is found that the application programs make effective use of the operating system through the request for services by the "Application Program interface" (API) (Zhang & Huang, 2019). Additionally, the users can communicate with the operating system directly with the help of “Graphical UI” (GUI) and “Command-line-interface” (CLI).

According to the view of Hamdani et al., (2021), cyber threats have been emerging rapidly over the past few years and there are notable advancement can be observed in the threat space. It has led towards the essential requirements for improving digital infrastructure security. The operating system tends to bring significant benefits to software development and computer software. Without the operating system, the application would require to include its UI along with other comprehensive codes to manage low-level functions such as network interfaces, disk storage, and others.

Tsvetkov (2020) have stated that with the development of technologies the future of operating system has been improved. For instance, introduction of Artificial Intelligence acts as the guidance in the operating system. Organisations such as, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Alibaba, Orcale and others are working actively towards this direction.

On the other hand, Kouhoué et al., (2021) have stated that in the contemporary era the operating systems are upside down conceptually. It developed in a hard way which is struggling upwards gradually from machineries such as memory, processors, display, and disk towards the users. It is estimated that in the future, both the information management tools and operating systems will grow top-down and provide better services to users.

Research problem

Rasheed et al., (2021) have stated that operating system failure can be caused through software crashes and hardware malfunctions. It has resulted in the ineffectiveness of the operating system to boot. It is found that the operating system tends to freeze and reboot repeatedly with the error messages displayed on the monitor. Additionally, it can also stop running completely with no notifications.

On the other hand, Zhang & Huang (2019) have analyzed that the problems related to Operating Systems can be attributed to software, hardware, networks, and other combinations of the three. This type of system error is also known as the "Blue Screen of Death" (BSOD). Considering the issues in the operating system, it is important to focus on the future of the operating system that ensures security and will continue to support the users simultaneously.

Research aim and objectives for online assignment help:


The study will aim to evaluate the operating systems along with the future of operating systems through secondary research


To evaluate the role of the Operating System

To identify the challenges in Operating System

To analyze the potential of future Operating Systems in fashion retail in terms of improving communication

Research questions

What is the role of Operating Systems in businesses?

What are the key challenges associated with the Operating System?

How does the development of Operating Systems help to improve communication issues in the fashion retail industry?

Significance of the study

This study will shed light on the key aspects of the Operating System including its major benefits, opportunities, and challenges that are associated with the businesses (Rasheed et al., 2021). Additionally, the study will provide deeper insight into the future of Operating Systems that can help organizations to improve their performances in the context of improving communication and business performances.

It is found that the key purpose of the Operating System is to offer security to the users along with support to restrict any kind of unauthorized visit. Zhang & Huang (2019) have analyzed that the basic roles of the operating system are ubiquitous and multiple operating systems serve several user and hardware needs. Therefore, it is important to develop the potential of the Operating System in the future to avoid any kind of miscommunication and other unauthorized activities that can cause harm to the businesses.

Literature review

The critical role of the Operating System

According to the view of Kulkarni (2020), the Operating System can be considered as one of the most “intricate software” since the time of its existence. It can be simple incredibly as well as easy-to-use at the level of users. It mainly acts as the communication bridge in terms of the interface between the computer hardware and users. The key purpose of the operating system is to offer an effective platform based on which the user can execute their programs efficiently and conveniently.

Rathor & Saxena (2020) have stated that it manages the allocation of hardware and the coordination of the hardware must be effective to ensure the correct function of the computer. Besides, it presents the user programs from unauthorized activities with the effective function of the system. It is found that the operating system utilizes password protection to provide protection to the information of users along with similar techniques.

Tottadi & Mehar (2022) have analyzed that with the help of an Operating System; the user can monitor the entire health of the system and enhance performance. It is also used to keep track of the resources and time used through several users and activities and detects errors to avoid malfunctions in the system. It is found that the operating system manages the main or primary memory that consists of an array of words and bytes. Therefore, it acts as one of the effective tools for memory management.

Challenges associated with the Operating System

The key challenges that are associated with the Operating System are as follows:


Transparency is one of the key issues that are significantly associated with the Operating System. It is found that operating systems are used by multiple computers; however, the users get only the view of a single system that is being used. It makes the network invisible to the applications or users. The flexible and distinct features of Internet of Things offer the requirements of portable, efficient and lightweight operating system (Patel & Shah, 2022).


Reliability can be considered one of the significant aspects by the end users. It is undeniable that not every organization makes operating systems have similar standards and where reliability is given priority; there is a wide range of quality. In order to improve the efficacy of the operating system it is important to provide design characteristics (Patel & Shah, 2022). Therefore, the operating system can be reliable for specific kinds of tasks and can be unreliable for others. It is found that existing Operating Systems have two features that make them insecure and unreliable for the end users.


Zikria et al., (2018) have stated that new operating systems, frameworks, application programming interfaces along with middleware must be designed with Internet of Things to offer flexibility. Flexible Operating Systems are considered to be those, whose designs have been encouraged to some degree. It allows the system to be tailored either dynamically or statically to the needs of certain application domains or applications.

Technology Acceptance Model

The "Technology Acceptance Model" (TAM) emphasizes the two factors that help to determine whether the computer system will be accepted by potential users such as, "perceived usefulness" and "perceived ease of use" (Sagnier et al., 2020). It is found that one of the significant characteristics of this model is that it greatly relies upon the perspectives of the potential users. Additionally, it helps to improve predictions of the use of resources such as information. Salloum et al., (2019) have stated that confidence in the use of advanced technologies in the form of an Operating System can lead to flexibility, transparency, reliability, and scalability in the system. It further improves the productivity and profitability of the organizations. Therefore, it is required of the organization to evaluate the perceived usefulness of the users in terms of challenges and make changes in its characteristics that can help the users to ease of use and improve performances.
Additionally, it helps organizations to make effective decisions regarding the future development of the Operating system. For instance, fashion retailers used operating systems to make waves in the entire "fashion design zone" which helps them to minimize the demands for manual sketches. It is found that based on the attitude, behavioural, and intentions of the users the organizations have implemented TAM and integrated advanced software programs to minimize manual errors.

Figure 1: Technology Acceptance Model
(Source: Sagnier et al., 2020)

Research method

Research philosophy, approach, and design

The study will be conducted using the "positivism research philosophy". It helps to attain factual information regarding the research phenomenon such as, Operating System and the future of the Operating System. On the other hand, the inclusion of realism and interpretivism philosophy will be avoided as per the requirements of the study. Realism emphasizes the immediate reality and ignores the significance of the ultimate reality of the research phenomenon (Park et al., 2020). Additionally, due to the subjective nature of interpretivism, this research philosophy will be excluded from the study.

“Deductive research approach” will be used in the study as it helps to move from a broader perspective to a specific research area and helps to generate desired findings. On the other hand, the inclusion of an inductive approach will be avoided as it may reach inaccurate conclusions.

Apart from that, the study will be conducted using an "explanatory design" that helps to attain deeper insight into the operating system and the associated challenges of OS along with the future context of the Operating System.

Data collection methods and data analysis

The study will be conducted using “secondary data collection methods”. It will help to evaluate the diversified perspectives about the operating system and help to answer the research questions (Sherif, 2018). The secondary data will be collected from existing and authentic sources such as peer-reviewed articles and journals.

The collected secondary data will be analyzed using the "thematic analysis technique”. Different themes will be developed from the keywords to interpret the collected data and generate research findings (Sherif, 2018).


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