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Describe the Working of a Full Adder Circuit Assignment Sample


Task: Part 1:

With the aid of a digital arithmetic system, develop a combinational complete adder circuit system using CMOS integrated circuits.

Make sure the circuit is functioning while taking into account each logic level. Comparing your circuit's characteristics to those of the AND, OR, and Exclusive OR gates will help you understand how your circuit is constructed. Use truth tables to validate your evaluation.

Examine how sequential and combinational logic components of a whole adder circuit differ from one another in operation.

Part 2:

Analyze and suggest modifications to the interface and data acquisition strategy employed in a digital system's circuitry. Keeping in mind the alarm system you utilized for circuit measurement, monitoring, and performance tweaking

Recognize and evaluate the system's operation in terms of information gathering and dissemination within its service, pointing out areas for improvement.
Recognize and suggest ways to improve how people engage with the Full Adder Circuit.


Digital Logic Circuit:

Different voltage scales need to be employed for the operation of digital logic circuits. In digital circuits, abstract circuit elements are used. The abstract elements of the circuit are referred to as gates. The input variable is the gate's output. In contrast to analogue circuits, digital circuits address signal attenuation and noise interference. Digital circuits come in two varieties:

• Circuits for digital logic
• Circuits that combine logic

Combinational Logic Circuits

The output of a combination logic circuit depends on the input. Therefore, a state cannot be stored in a combinational complete adder circuit. Combinational logic circuits perform the calculations on the data that is stored. Combinational logic circuits come in different varieties, including multiplexers, de-multiplexers, half-adder circuits, full-adder circuits, encoders, and decoders. The combination logic circuit is applied using the sum of products (SOP) and products of sum (POS) rules. There is no storage memory for circuits that use combinational logic. The combinational logic loop will remove the previous input data when it receives a new input.

Figure 1: Full Adder Circuit, Truth table, and Boolean expression

Sequential Logic Circuits

In sequential logic circuits, the output is based on the current and previous inputs. Through sequential logic circuits and memory storage, the information is kept in a digital circuit. The simplest element of a sequential logic circuit is a latch. Flip flops are a possible name for latches. In the loop, one or more outputs are returned as inputs, acting as a combination circuit. SR (Set-Reset), JK, T (Toggle), and D flip-flops are frequently used. For memory components, sequential logic circuits are employed per cycle. The clock is utilized in circuits for sequential logic. It initiates the flip-flop process.

Figure 2: Block Diagram of Combinational Logic Circuit

Alarm system used in measuring, evaluating and identification of faults and changes needed
Unusual situations are dealt with using the support structure. Alarm systems are referred to as this type of support. The operator uses it as their primary support system. It notifies the user about the irregularity in the system. The hazard can be foreseen by the alert system. The alarm system is employed to alert, direct, and warn the user of the uncommon situation. It should be stated right now what action is necessary. It ought to be simple to understand and at a pace that the user can handle. Throughout all phases of operation, the alarm system should be accessible. It ought to have a thoughtful design. The fault-finder tracker is employed to locate the flaw. Any line that develops a flaw will sound an alert, which will help you locate the issue. Alarm systems are used to detect smoke and are frequently known as smoke detectors.

Figure 3: Smoke Detector Circuit

Figure 4: Circuit diagram of underground cable fault distance locator

The aforementioned circuit can identify a defective underground wire if one is found. The location of the problem must be identified in order to be fixed. According to engineering assignment help, the law of Ohm is adhered to in this situation. The microcontroller 8051 is used in this. The ADC unit determines the length of the wire (in KM). The relays are controlled by a relay driver integrated circuit. Using it, the wire connections are tested. The data is read using an LCD device that is connected to a microcontroller. Using a certain method, several electrical or physical terms are calculated. This process is known as data acquisition (DAQ). DAQ uses variables such as sound, voltage, pressure, current, and temperature to calculate results. The schematic for a DAQ system employing an 8051 microcontroller was displayed on the preceding page. All the required tools are displayed in the diagram. A system should be equipped with all of the necessary components to increase its efficiency. It will be simple for the device to obtain data if the microcontroller is connected to the DAQ circuit. Any programme should include a human interface. To increase the effectiveness of the computer, people should interact with it properly. The other devices can only be linked using the user interface. In order to increase application efficiency, a network's necessary devices should all be connected.

Figure 5:Data Acquisitions Block Diagram

The block diagram up top shows how the device is observed's data is being collected. The appliance is equipped with a variety of sensors. These sensors are connected to a computer through DAQ. DAQ places an order for the circuit upgrade. This improves the device's quality and function after being checked. The underground wire fault tracker's effectiveness may also be enhanced by it. When the DAQ circuit and alarm system are connected to the microcontroller, the alarm system may instantly identify the problem while also displaying the defect's location on the screen. It will boost the system's efficiency and dependability.

Figure 6: DAQ using 8051 microcontroller

The schematic for a DAQ system employing an 8051 microcontroller was displayed on the preceding page. All the required tools are displayed in the diagram. A system should be equipped with all of the necessary components to increase its efficiency. It will be simple for the device to obtain data if the microcontroller is connected to the DAQ circuit. Any programme should include a human interface. To increase the effectiveness of the computer, people should interact with it properly. The other devices can only be linked using the user interface. In order to increase application efficiency, a network's necessary devices should all be connected.


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