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ITECH1400 Foundation of Programming Assignment Sample

Introduction. In this assignment you are required to develop a program that simulates fishing: There are 6 fish species for assignment help in the river which you may

Australian Bass (Macquaria Novemaculeata) - commonly less than 4 Kg; excellent eating, when less than 2.5 Kg.
Short Finned Eel (Anguilla Australis)- commonly less than 3 Kg; a good eating fish.
Eel Tailed Catfish (Tandanus Tandanus) - Up to 6.8 Kg; excellent eating, when less than 4 Kg.
Gippsland Perch (Macquaria Colonorum)- commonly less than 10 Kg; excellent eating when up to 6 Kg.
Two more species you should add to this list yourself. Search the internet for the necessary details.

Your program should be based on the following assumptions:
Every second you catch a fish (perfect fishing).
The chances (probabilities) to catch each of these six species are equal.

Weights of fishes of the same species are distributed evenly and range from 0 to the Maximal Weight. The value of Maximal Weight for each of the species is given above. For example, Maximal Weight of Australian Bass is 4 Kg.

Fishing starts with an empty basket which you should implement as a list. If you catch a fish with a weight greater than 500 g or less than the recommended excellent eating maximum, you add it to the basket. Otherwise, release it. For example, only instances of Australian Bass with the weights between 0.5 Kg and 2.5 Kg should be added to the basket.

Stop fishing immediately as soon as the total weight of all the fishes in the basket exceeds 25 Kg.

To generate a random fish and weight, you are supposed to use the “randrange” function from the “random” package. Fishes of different species must be implemented as objects of the corresponding classes. For convenience, all weights appearing in the program body should be integers given in grams e.g. instead of 3 Kg you should use 3000g. However, when printing outputs on the screen you may use kilograms.

2.Develop a module named fish_species (file “fish_species.py”). This module should contain definitions of the following six classes: AustralianBass, ShortFinnedEel, EelTailedCatfish, GippslandPerch + 2 more classes for the species you add yourself.

class AustralianBass should contain the following members:
Variables (Constants):
NAME = 'Australian Bass'
LATIN_NAME = 'Macquaria Novemaculeata'

The constructor should define and initialise a single attribute named “weight”. The attribute weight must get an integer value between 0 and MAX_WEIGHT.
A method named “is_good_eating”: returns True if the fish’s weight is between 500 g and excellent eating weight (2500 g for Australian Bass).

An overridden (redefined) method “ str ” that returns a nice, readable string representation of a fish object.

3. Develop a module named “fishing” (file “fishing.py”). This module should import the module “fish_species”, so you can use the class definitions from it. In addition, in this module you should define the following functions:

3.1. Function start_fishing().

The function simulates fishing process in the following way:

Every second a random fish is “caught”. I.e., every second the program randomly chooses one of the 6 fish species, then randomly generates a weight within valid range (between 0 and the species’ MAX_WEIGHT), and then creates the corresponding fish object.

If the created fish object is_good_eating, the object is added to the basket (implemented as a list). Otherwise, the fish is released, i.e., is not added to the basket.

Once total weight of fishes in the basket exceeds 25 Kg (25000 g), the basket is returned (fishing ends).

Fishing results should be printed on the screen, one line per second.

3.2. Function print_basket(basket).
The function prints its argument’s (basket’s) content on the screen

3.3. Function plot_basket(basket).
The function plots a bar-chart that shows total weights of each of the species in the basket:

3.4. Functions save_basket(basket, file_name) and load_basket(file_name). In this task you must:
search Python documentation to find out how to use the pickle package in order to save Python objects to files and load the saved objects back to programs.
save_basket(basket, file_name) – using pickle.dump saves the basket to a binary file with the specified name.
load_basket(file_name) – using pickle.load loads a saved object (basket) from the specified file.


Pseudo code : 2
1. Create class for each species (total 6 class defined)
2. Each class have constant data member max_weight, max_eating_weight
3. Define constructor (init method) to initialize data member
4. Each class have two method is_good_eating and tostring

# contents all the classes for fish
class AustrliansBass:
# class variables
NAME = 'Australian Bass'
LATIN_NAME = 'Macquaria Novemaculeata'
# constructor to initialize weight of fish
def __init__(self, weight):
self.weight = weight

#return true of false based on fish weight
def is_good_eating(self):
return True if self.weight < self.MAX_EATING_WEIGHT else False

# to string method to represent string of any fish
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.NAME} ({self.LATIN_NAME}), weight {self.weight/1000} Kg"

class ShortFinnedEel:
# class variables
NAME = 'Short Finned Eel'
LATIN_NAME = 'Anguilla Australis'

# constructor to initialize weight of fish
def __init__(self, weight):
self.weight = weight

# return true of false based on fish weight
def is_good_eating(self):
return True if self.weight < self.MAX_EATING_WEIGHT else False

# to string method to represent string of any fish
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.NAME} ({self.LATIN_NAME}), weight {self.weight/1000} Kg"

class EelTailedCatfish:
# class variables
NAME = 'Eel Tailed Catfish'
LATIN_NAME = 'Tandanus Tandanus'

# constructor to initialize weight of fish
def __init__(self, weight):
self.weight = weight

# return true of false based on fish weight
def is_good_eating(self):
return True if self.weight < self.MAX_EATING_WEIGHT else False

# to string method to represent string of any fish
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.NAME} ({self.LATIN_NAME}), weight {self.weight/1000} Kg"

class GippslandPerch:
# class variables
MAX_WEIGHT = 10000
NAME = 'Gippsland Perch'
LATIN_NAME = 'Macquaria Colonorum'

# constructor to initialize weight of fish
def __init__(self, weight):
self.weight = weight

# return true of false based on fish weight
def is_good_eating(self):
return True if self.weight < self.MAX_EATING_WEIGHT else False

# to string method to represent string of any fish
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.NAME} ({self.LATIN_NAME}), weight {self.weight/1000} Kg"

class MurrayCod:
# class variables
MAX_WEIGHT = 10000
NAME = 'Murray Cod'
LATIN_NAME = 'Maccullochella peelii'

# constructor to initialize weight of fish
def __init__(self, weight):
self.weight = weight

# return true of false based on fish weight
def is_good_eating(self):
return True if self.weight < self.MAX_EATING_WEIGHT else False

# to string method to represent string of any fish
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.NAME} ({self.LATIN_NAME}), weight {self.weight/1000} Kg"

class Inanga:
# class variables
NAME = 'Inanga'
LATIN_NAME = 'Galaxias Maculatus'

# constructor to initialize weight of fish
def __init__(self, weight):
self.weight = weight

# return true of false based on fish weight
def is_good_eating(self):
return True if self.weight <= self.MAX_EATING_WEIGHT else False

# to string method to represent string of any fish
def __str__(self):
return f"{self.NAME} ({self.LATIN_NAME}), weight {self.weight/1000} Kg"

Pseudo code : fishing

1. Import pickle and other necessary library

2. Define fishing()

a. Set Total_weight = 0

b. Declare blank list to store all fish

c. Print “start fishing message”

d. Do until weight is less then 2500

i. Generate random fish species type

ii. Generate random weight for that selected fish

iii. if is_good_eating for selected fish then

1. add to basket

2. show message

3. update total_weight

otherwise release the fish
iv. sleep for 1 second
e. go to step d
f. print “end fishing” and return basket

pseudo code : print_basket

1. for I = 0 to size of basket

2. print the fish details

Pseudo code : plot_basket

1. create a blank dictionary

2. add all six type of fish with value zero

3. iterate all the fish and count total fish for each type

4. use matplotlib library to show bar chart with dictionary key, value pair

5. show the plot

Pseudo code : save_basket

1. open a file with wb option

2. use dump method to store the basket

3. close the file
Pseudo code : load_basket

1. open file with rb option to read binary file

2. call pickle.load method to get all the object of basket

3. close the file
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import random
import time
from fish_species import *
def start_fishing():
total_weight = 0
# blank list to store all fish those are good to eat
basket = []
print('Fishing Started!')
while total_weight < 25000:
# select fish class based on random generated number
fish_type = random.randrange(0, 6)
if fish_type == 0:
fish_weight = random.randrange(0, AustrliansBass.MAX_WEIGHT)
fish = AustrliansBass(fish_weight)
elif fish_type == 1:
fish_weight = random.randrange(0, ShortFinnedEel.MAX_WEIGHT)
fish = ShortFinnedEel(fish_weight)
elif fish_type == 2:
fish_weight = random.randrange(0, EelTailedCatfish.MAX_WEIGHT)
fish = EelTailedCatfish(fish_weight)
elif fish_type == 3:
fish_weight = random.randrange(0, GippslandPerch.MAX_WEIGHT)
fish = GippslandPerch(fish_weight)
elif fish_type == 4:
fish_weight = random.randrange(0, MurrayCod.MAX_WEIGHT)
fish = MurrayCod(fish_weight)
fish_weight = random.randrange(0, Inanga.MAX_WEIGHT)
fish = Inanga(fish_weight)
# check wether fish is good to eat
if fish.is_good_eating():
# added to the basket
# calcualte total weight
total_weight += fish_weight
# print message to user
print("t",fish,"- added to the basket.")
print("t",fish, "- released.")
# sleep for 1 second
print('Basket is full. End of fishing session.')
return basket

def print_basket(basket):
print('Contents of the basket: ')
# print all the fish of basket
for fish in basket:
print("t", fish)

def plot_basket(basket):
# create a blank dictionary to count type of fish
fish_data = dict()
# initilaize all fish to zero
fish_data['Australian Bass'] = 0
fish_data['Short Finned Eel'] = 0
fish_data['Eel Tailed Catfish'] = 0
fish_data['Gippsland Perch'] = 0
fish_data['Murray Cod'] = 0
fish_data['Inanga'] = 0

for fish in basket:
# count each fish
fish_data[fish.NAME] += 1
# set figure size
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
# plot the bar chart based on dictionary data
plt.bar(fish_data.keys(), fish_data.values(), color='maroon',width=0.4)
# show bar chart

def save_basket(basket, file_name):
# open file to write object
f = open(file_name, 'wb')
# objects are written
# close the file

def load_basket(file_name):
# open file to read obects
f1 = open(file_name, 'rb')
# stored read object
basket = pickle.load(f1)
# reuturn all fish as a single list
return basket

# start the fishing
basket = start_fishing()
# print all the fish of basket
# plot the fish chart
# save the fish to myfile
# load the myfish file to basket
basket = load_basket("myfile")
# show all fish


Figure 1 - output of 3.1

Outputs of 3.2

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