BFA704 Work placement Assignment Sample
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Assessment Task
You are required to produce a portfolio of evidence of your achievements on your placement. The portfolio will critically review your placement role and how you were able to develop existing knowledge and skills to achieve your placement objectives, as agreed in your learning contract. It is essential that your portfolio For assignment help includes evidence of your achievements to support your critical review. Links should be made to skills and knowledge you acquired on your course and how you applied these in the organisation and developed them further.
The suggested structure for your portfolio is:
1. Title Page
2. Contents Page
3. Summary of Organisation and Agreed Learning Contract Objectives
4. Critical Review of Achievements Against Objectives
5. Reflections and Personal Development Plan
6. Appendices (Evidence)
Examples of evidence that you might have collected while on your placement could include those listed below. This list is not exhaustive and there may be other evidence you can collect that is specific to your work placement. The range of evidence can be quite broad and may either be a direct output of your project or it might be secondary. For example, a spreadsheet you produce to meet an objective in the project is primary evidence. The minutes of a meeting in which your contributions are discussed may be considered secondary evidence. Any evidence you include must clearly show your contribution(s).
- Copies of E-mails
- Meetings of Minutes
- Business Documents / Reports
- Documented Working Practices
- Employee Review / Appraisal
- Employer / Manager Feedback
- Reflective Journal Entries
It is expected that evidence wil be included in appendicies and referred to in the portfolio. Each piece of evidence may also be accompanied by a short description. You should not include evidence that has not been referred to in the portfolio. You should ensure that evidence you collect does not breach any rules or laws regarding privacy and data protection. Evidence containing any sensitive or suspected sensitive information should be redacted (censored) and its use in your portfolio should be authorised by your manager at the organisation.
Onfuro Ltd is a growing IT company with a long-range of services. Voluntary Junior software developer must meet all the key responsibilities and technical requirements for the job role. In this report, all of those requirements and responsibilities are discussed and evaluated accordingly. It can show a clear overview of work placement. This also states the required depression for starting the particular job. The whole contract objectives are very specific and constructive in nature. That means all of them must be fulfilled through code or knowledge and experience in building new code.
On the other hand, it includes a detailed evaluation that leads to a personal development plan. Overall, the report helps in determining the required skills and abilities for the particular position. Initially, the research reflection explains detailed research outcomes and their significance. It includes proper application and working requirements. This eventually leads to a better understanding of the personal development plan (Rindri et al., 2019). In this case, this plan must be followed to fulfil the exact requirements of the position of voluntary Junior software developer in Onfuro Ltd. Overall; the report will show a clear plan of action to be prepared for the assigned job role.
Summary of the Organization and Agreed Learning Contract Objectives
Info Limited is basically an IT solution for different businesses. The company has cloud-based products and services. They are majorly based in London. In this report, the assigned role or position is in Onfuro limited. In that case, the developer must follow all the workplace and system policies in the company. On the other hand, there are specific learning contract objectives that must be met with time. It is majorly divided into two parts, such as technical requirements and key responsibilities (Onfuro, 2021). Technical requirements are basically the knowledge and skill-based abilities that must be developed over time and experience (Parr et al., 2021). In contrast, key responsibilities are the works the developer will be assigned to. Both of these contact objectives are essential from different perspectives and scenarios.
Key Responsibilities
The voluntary junior software developer is responsible for writing new codes for the software. Coding is the fundamental step for software to run. New coding is needed to generate and execute new software. The position also requires regular checking and correction of all the written codes (Simpson et al., 2015). This ensures the proper execution of the codes in the software. It is also a crucial responsibility of the voluntary junior software developer to develop new product features for a particular software. The position also demands the ability to fix bugs in the software when needed. Moreover, the company demands a web developer who has knowledge of optimising code performance. The position also needs a person who is efficient in developing leads. The developer should also have experience in communicating with other team members. The developer must understand the problem to provide solutions and develop the system as per requirement (Correia et al., 2019). Moreover, the developer must help me be efficient in the work and should be able to explain designs and concepts as per the requirement.
All of these key responsibilities must be met by the voluntary junior software developer. This will improve growth and organisational sustainability.
Technical Requirements
The position of the voluntary junior web developer needs to be experienced in PHP development. The developer requires knowledge about the version 7+of PHP development (Onfuro, 2021). Moreover, the developer should focus on object oriented programming. It shows that the contract demands the junior web developer to be an expert in PHP development and focus on OOP.
The position of a voluntary junior PHP web developer must have a detailed knowledge of Model View Controller(MVC) frameworks. Moreover, the position requires knowledge of hybrid programming languages such as Laravel. This clearly states that the voluntary junior web developer must be an expert in Model View Controller(MVC) framework and hybrid programming languages.
The position of a voluntary junior PHP web developer must have detailed knowledge of Javascript and jQuery. Moreover, the position requires knowledge on multi-browser such as Firefox and Google Chrome. It shows the ability of the junior web developer to be an expert on Javascript, jury and multi-browser such as Google Chrome.
The voluntary junior web developer must have knowledge of CSS, JS, SCSS, JSON. Moreover, the junior developer must understand software design and architecture. This clearly states that the voluntary junior web developer must have knowledge of using CSS, JS, SCSS and JSON (Onfuro, 2021). The developer must have a clear understanding of software design and architecture.
The junior web developer should be experienced in using HTML, CSS and Javascript. The web developer must be experienced in managing and optimising databases with MySQL. This shows that the contract demands the junior web developer must have experience in using HTML, CSS and Javascript. The developer must have experience in data management and optimisation with MySQL.
The voluntarily junior web developer must be acknowledged with Git source control. Moreover, the developer must have the capability of exploring new ideas for the benefit of the company. The web developer must introduce new technology and solutions that are beneficial for the company's profit margin. Moreover, the developer must know to implement the ideas on the existing services (Sfakianaki et al., 2018). This states that the voluntary junior web developer must have knowledge of Git source control. Moreover, the developer must have the capacity of introducing new ideas, technology and solution for the company's development and solution.
All of these technical requirements must be fulfilled to meet the key requirements of the particular position. These requirements are mentioned by the higher authorities of the company that must be followed. On the other hand, these technical pieces of evidence will also be evaluated before assigning the particular role of voluntary Junior software developer in Onfuro limited.
Achievements against Objectives
The technical requirements are the basic criteria for joining the assigned role. In that case, all of them are already fulfilled, such as the experience of PHP development, JavaScript, multi-browser experience, etc. Overall, technical requirements are already achieved as per the mentioned contract objectives. This knowledge and learnings were developed through learning modules and learning experiences (Carter et al., 2018). On the other hand, the key responsibilities are more critical in nature.
The primary key responsibility of the voluntary Junior software developer is to write new coding for different pages and software. It can be in any language, majorly in PHP. PHP is a light and efficient coding language that has been broadly used recently. PHP and other required languages are already learned for the role. In that case, writing new code will not be difficult enough to fulfil the post requirements. The next key responsibility is to develop new products, fix bugs and optimise the overall performance and quality. In this case, the major key factor is writing new code. After the learning modules and detailed classes, it is not difficult enough to build new pages and fixes bugs with cold knowledge. On the other hand, fixing bugs is totally dependent on identifying system issues. In that case, the developer must be familiar with different management systems and software (Karasheva et al., 2021). It is also a full field over time with core system knowledge and skills. Overall performance and quality depend on script minification and other system changes. It is clear that this key role will also be full field while working in Onfuro limited.
The next key responsibility is communication and team management. In this case, proper leadership qualities are required. The developer must be able to communicate with other stakeholders such as development team members, senior developers, project managers, etc. It is essential to execute the whole project planning accurately. On the other hand, team management is also dependent on communication and leadership (Tavakoly Sany et al., 2020). That explains the significance of communication skills. The developer should also be able to influence other stakeholders or steam members for better engagement. Active involvement of all the stakeholders will improve the quality of the project. Overall, the position requires better communication and team management. For the particular position, it needs regular training and experience to develop these soft skills. This will be beneficial in the long term. This will also be improved over time while working on different projects.
The final key responsibility of the developer is to maintain transparent working practices. That explains the developers must prepare proper policies for working practices. It involves proper management and project planning as well. On the other hand, this transparency will build trust and proper communication between the stakeholders (Fung, 2020). The developers should also be able to explain different designs and concepts when asked. Each describes the requirement of communication skills and explaining behaviour. The developers must have a clear concept and knowledge of the design and different frameworks. Only in that way, he will be able to explain new designs or concepts. It also requires proper use of visual presentation such as diagrams, infographics, etc. (Prestiadi et al., 2019) Overall, the developer needs to explain his work and planning in the board meetings. It is significant for the resource manager and all other higher authorities, including development team members. This is also another ability that has already grown with time. In spite of that, it will be achieved in a precise way over time and experience.
It is clearly seen that major key responsibilities are already a full field for the particular position. In spite of that, some of the soft skills are still there to improve over time. It includes communication management, leadership quality and other minor soft skills. By improving the skills, the developer will be able to improve his work quality and overall job responsibility fulfilment.
Reflections and Personal Development Plan
The research and report include different organisational factors and requirements for my job role of voluntary Junior software developers in Onfuro limited. In this report, all the key responsibilities and technical requirements of the particular position are critically discussed and evaluated. I got a proper explanation of my responsibilities and their significance. After that, the clear evaluation against learning objectives are also critically evaluated. In this way I was able to identify my key abilities. On the other hand, I have some essential skills to developed with time. The research and report also explain organisational aspects of the particular company. After the evaluation, I will prepare proper personal development plan. It will include all the essential skills to be developed along with proper discussion. This personal development plan will help to improve personal abilities as a developer and essential stakeholders in the projects.
The personal development plan must be precise enough to determine the exact requirements. A personal development plan usually is long-term in nature. That means the whole plan will be implemented over time with gradual experience in different project developments. The first essential skill or component of the development plan is communication management. Communication is one of the essential skills in any organisation. It presents the ability to understand specific requirements and to be engaged with the whole project. The position demands better communication management. This can be improved over time with regular communication with other stakeholders and higher authorities (Englisch et al., 2020). On the other hand, it requires a complete understanding of the organisational structure and work system. This will build adaptive ability in different scenarios as well. This communication will also be improved through proper stakeholders' engagement. It explains the requirement of being engaged with other team members from different projects. This will not only improve the communication skills but also will improve project implementation ability. I will also be able to improve myself effectively, over time.
The next essential personal development component is leadership quality. It involves the ability to influence other team members. It also includes the capability of engaging different people in a singular project. All the stakeholders, such as junior developers and other employees, come from different cultures and geographic locations. It explains the huge difference between them in terms of thought process and working experience. The team leader is responsible for engaging all of them into a single project with the highest potential (van der Vleuten et al., 2019). In this way, the project will be benefited in terms of time management and effectiveness as well. Leadership quality can be developed through gradual communication with other people in the organisation (Hoffmann et al., 2021). On the other hand, different meetings and presentations will also help to improve leadership skills while managing development teams (de Sousa Mata et al., 2021). This is also essential for organisational growth and fulfilment of all the key responsibilities. Overall, this soft skill will also grow with time and gradual effort. It also requires proper understanding with other team members and stakeholders. In that case, the developer must communicate with others on a regular basis. It will help him to connect with them on a psychological level. This will eventually lead to an influence in connection. This leadership quality is essential to growing over time for further growth and sustainability of the assigned position.
The next thing is the presentation or visual interpretation in project development. Any development must prepare the designs and basic concepts of the website first. In this way, the end result becomes more efficient and effective in nature. In different meetings, the developer will be asked basic structure and design of the development. It requires proper planning, decent communication and visual skills. The developer must be able to build a precise presentation that will help to communicate with others. This skill will also be developed over time with gradual effort. This is also another part of communication management (Ournani et al., 2020). In this case, the presentation or other visual interpretation must satisfy the exact project requirements and planning. The developer needs to understand the whole project requirement through different meetings with the client and other higher authorities, such as the project manager. On the other hand, she must be familiar with different visual tools and presenting methods for better delivery. This will not only help in better presentation but also will improve project implementation.
Finally, the personal development plan involves time efficiency or management. It is essential in every project from an organisational aspect. Every development must satisfy a particular time frame along with the required results. In that case, the developer must maintain time management in every project. This is also another skill that must be developed over time with continuous understanding and involvement with different projects. Primarily, the developer needs to improve different project understanding and implementation abilities. On the other hand, this time management will improve the overall project management skills of the developer. In this way, you will be able to manage different teams, project planning and all the other components. It is clearly seen that decent time management skills will influence all the other project management abilities in a positive way.
This whole development plan is prepared according to the technical requirements and key responsibilities of the road. On the other hand, some of the skills are included as general soft skills in any organisational position, such as time management. This whole development plan will be implemented over time through proper communication and regular involvement with teams and higher authorities (Gilson et al., 2020). This development plan will not only improve the work quality but also will improve the overall personality of an individual. In that case, this plan will be beneficial in the long term from an organisational aspect.
In this whole report, the particular position of voluntary Junior software developer in Onfuro limited is discussed and critically evaluated. It includes proper description of the particular organisation and post responsibilities. All of the key responsibilities are discussed in terms of effectiveness and effort. On the other hand, these key responsibilities are compared with the current abilities. In this way, it has become easier to prepare a proper personal development plan. On the other hand, the technical requirements are also mentioned in the report. These are some technical skills that must be met by the particular position for greater growth and organisational sustainability. In that case, the assigned position already makes all the essential technical requirements. It presents the reasonability of the particular position in Onfuro limited.
The personal development plan is prepared by evaluating all the technical requirements and key responsibilities of the particular position. This plan includes different soft skills that are required to develop a particularly project. It also includes some general soft skills that are required in every organisation. This development plan must be implemented over time through regular communication and effort. In the case, the developer must be efficient enough to engage himself with the whole development team and other stakeholders. Overall the report concludes a proper plan of action to meet all the key responsibilities of the assigned position in Onfuro limited. The report also explains the significance of developing new organisational skills in practical scenario.
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