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HEALTH6002 Nursing Report Sample

How Covid has directly affected the mental health of the people?

Research Question

• What is the effect of covid on people?
• What is the effect of covid on the mental health of people?
• What are the causes and protections for people to stable their mental health?
• How can it affect the mental health of people?

With the help of those questions, the researcher can get the correct information about the covid and its impact on people. During this pandemic, people are stressed and feel unwell every day because they have nothing to do for work.

Why this topic is significant

It is important to analyse “how covid affects people's mental health”. With the help of this, people get the idea of how to recover from that effectively and purposefully. Mental health includes emotional and social well-being. It virtually affects people's think, feelings and actions. It can effectively help determine how to handle stress, relate to others and make healthy choices (Hossain, Tasnim, et al., (2020). It is very important at every stage of life from childhood. It is also important for health professionals because, with this, they have some knowledge and information about the covid and its impact on mental health. This research will help health professionals solve problems, get ideas for solving issues, and help people get out from the mental stress which occurs from the covid. Most of the time, information is overloaded, preventing people and making issues for them to get stressed (Kumar & Nayar, (2021). So, people must avoid those kinds of news and information, which create stress and mental issues. To make people aware of mental health issues, take and share free health screenings and educate people about the topic.

How will the research contribute to solving this issue and the problem?

This research used both primary and secondary research methods to gather information about the topic. People need to get aware about the covid and its impact. This research is helpful to people and health professionals to overcome and solve issues that are increased by the covid on people's mental health (Vindegaard & Benros, (2020). This research includes ways to prevent such as getting enough sleep, avoiding unnecessary jargon and information, keeping away from the screen, eating healthy and many more tips. The research includes other ways to solve a problem, like people needing mental exercise to keep better treatment for avoiding stress and emotions. Here researchers do deep research on the process of affecting people and how it affects people. So, the whole research helps solve issues and problems generated by the covid Huang & Zhao, (2021). When people and the health profession read this paper and study, they have several ideas and options for moving with great work and happiness. This is very important for people to get the correct and creative ideas for solving issues. Those are the reason why research helps to solve issues and problems.


Hossain, M. M., Tasnim, S., Sultana, A., Faizah, F., Mazumder, H., Zou, L., ... & Ma, P. (2020). Epidemiology of mental health problems in COVID-19: a review. F1000Research, 9.

Kumar, A., & Nayar, K. R. (2021). COVID 19 and its mental health consequences. Journal of Mental Health, 30(1), 1-2.

Vindegaard, N., & Benros, M. E. (2020). COVID-19 pandemic and mental health consequences: Systematic review of the current evidence. Brain, behavior, and immunity, 89, 531-542.

Huang, Y., & Zhao, N. (2021). Mental health burden for the public affected by the COVID-19 outbreak in China: Who will be the high-risk group? Psychology, health & medicine, 26(1), 23-34.

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