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MIS101 Information Systems for Business Assignment Sample


Task Summary Using your understanding of the components of Information systems, propose a assignment help technical solution for another organization. Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task. Context In Module 1, you learned about Information Systems and its components. In Module 2, you learned about Information Technology and Data Management in relation to Information Systems. You now have the opportunity to apply these concepts and propose a solution for the scenario given to you by your Learning Facilitator.

Task Instructions Read the scenario in the file MIS101_Assessment_1_Scenario to complete the task of writing a technical proposal. Deliverables Required Write a technical proposal for the organization identified in the scenario. The proposal should only discuss the technical aspects of the project. Do not focus on the managerial aspects such as cost, human and technical resources, etc.
Important Notes

• You must ensure that the technical proposal essay help online is relevant to the scenario given.

• Your technical proposal should ideally answer the following questions (but not limited to):

1. What would be the hardware requirements?

2. What would be the software requirements?

3. What would the communication and network for the scenario look like?

4. What would be the data needs and the data storage needs?

5. What would be the structure of the data layout plan?

6. How would the technical proposal being put forth be beneficial for the management and other stakeholders?

7. How would the proposed solution improve operations?

8. What would the limitations of the proposed solution be?

9. Other questions When writing your technical proposal, make sure that you write in a systematic way (the questions above are not given in a systematic manner). Make use of the internet to find out the structure/format of a technical proposal. When writing the technical proposal, assume that this would be submitted to your potential customer (as identified in the scenario given to you).

MIS101 - Assessment Task 1 Scenario B: HealthWay is a privately-owned healthcare facility that has been in business for 10 years and has a good reputation. It is a small hospital that is equipped to treat 20 inpatients at one time. In addition to inpatient care, it provides medical care service to outpatients via clinics specialising in family medicine, gynaecology, and paediatrics. HealthWay’s mission is to provide quality and personalised medical care to the patients. The organisation relies on a traditional file management system for all its business operations and patient record keeping. The management feels that the current system affects the performance of the business and makes patient record maintenance a slow process, thus affecting the quality of patient care. Josh, the President of HealthWay, believes that it is time to review the business and introduce information systems in the organisation to improve overall performance and gain competitive advantage. Josh wants to automate and optimise business operations including human resources, accounting and finance, supply chain management, and administration (although it is not limited to just these areas). He also wants the patients’ data to be arranged in such a way that it can be easily accessed and updated by the hospital staff. As HealthWay is a growing business and expects an increase in the number of patients, Josh sees this as an opportunity for improvement. He also wants the system to help the management in decision-making and planning. He wants an information system that can support all core and support operations of the hospital. Josh has requested your organisation, KSoft, to provide a technical proposal to be further discussed with Healthway’s Chief Technology Officer.


1. Abstract

In business (e.g. healthcare), Management Information Systems (MIS) is introduced to support the organisational processes, intelligence, operations. To improve business operations related to IT, outpatients and impatiens via clinics, automated business operations in the healthcare organisation, information system is required. The criteria of a technical proposal are to identify the core technical problems first, then evaluating it or justifying it with the base requirements, and later providing proposed solutions for these. MIS tools helped to manage information and move data associated with the patients. MIS is a formal, sociotechnical, as well as organisational system designed to control performance of HealthWay business processes.

Keywords: MIS, Healthcare system, Data management, Proposed Solution, Technical requirements, Technical proposal, HealthWay.

2. Introduction

In this technical proposal, Information Technology (IT) and Data management with relation to Business Information systems is taken into consideration. Based on the case scenario of HealthWay privately-owned healthcare facility, it has been possible for me to propose solutions and meet the organisational needs. This technical proposal is prepared by KSoft organisation considering the HealthWay’s Chief Technical Officer's perspective. Here, a basic structure of technical proposal has been followed and all the technical aspects, factors related to this project have been elaborated with a systematic manner and submitted to HealthWay’s potential customers.

3. Statement of Need

3.1. Hardware Requirements

Based on the understanding of the case scenario, hardware requirements for HealthWay Information System (HIS) are:

• Keyboard (s)
• Monitor (s).
• Mouse (s)
• Central Processing Unit (CPU) as Microprocessor (Carvalho Joa?o et al., 2019, p. 390).
• Hard disk drive (HDD) to store patient’s data and records.
• Optical disc drives
• Expansion cards
• Motherboard
• Power supply unit to every healthcare departments’ system
• Main Memory (Random Access Memory- RAM).

As per the ideas of Beverungen, Matzner & Janiesch, 2017, p. 783), hardware requirements for HIS can also be managed by the Clinical management, Supplies management, Support services, patient management, and also by information management.


Figure 1: Inpatient & Outpatient requirements
(Source: Carvalho Joa?o et al., 2019, p. 393)


3.2. Software Requirements

In the case of the HealthWay Healthcare and Hospitality management system, to gather the patients’ data, software is required. Software is divided into two-part requirements: i). Functional, ii). Non-functional.

Under the functional requirements, Software Requirements Specification (SRS) is measured which is a complete configuration of different software requirements for registration process, report generation, database management etc (Beverungen, Matzner & Janiesch, 2017, p. 785). On the other hand, non-functional requirements of the HealthWay management system are for security, performance, reliability, and maintainability purposes.

3.3. Communication and Network scenario

On the basis of patients’ information and decision support tools, delivery of quality care, some technical factors are considered which are important for planning as well as implementation of healthcare communication networks:

• Transmission latency throughout the wide healthcare network.
• Ubiquity of network access (Carvalho Joa?o et al., 2019, p. 395)
• Bandwidth requirements and availability inside HealthWay
• Data security and confidentiality
• Continuous availability of the network.

3.4. Data & Data Storage Needs

As per the guidance of Daneshvar Kakhki & Gargeya, (2019, p. 5325), most of the HealthWay datasets are related to individual patients’ data, patients’ records, inpatients and outpatient’s data via clinics. Data storage options recommended for the same HealthWay organisation are:

• Cloud Computing is ideal to store healthcare information. Here, data stored online and considered for both security with latency and privacy for HealthWay.

• Storage Area Network (SAN) to the gynaecology, paediatrics, family medicine departments. SAN option is also applicable to measure the diagnostic data.

• External Storage Devices as Electronic Medical Records (EMR), External hard-disks or SSDs (Graybeal et al., 2018, p. 3276).

• Network Attached Storage System (NAS) stored humongous data churned out by HealthWay organisation. It is one of preferred storage options for HealthWay networks.

4. Evaluation

4.1. Data Layout Plan

With response to the raw data, and data storage, a layout plan has been recommended for the HealthWay information system. This data layout plan has been created by maintaining World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines.


Figure 2: Basic Data structure of HealthWay Hospitality Management System (HMS)
(Source: Carvalho Joa?o et al., 2019, p. 398)


4.2. How it can be Beneficial for Stakeholders

This technical proposal put forth benefits for the HealthWay stakeholders and helps the higher managerial authority, Josh in following way:

• KSoft’s technical proposal is better for project planning, which often meets the dire need of the local communities.

• This proposal is recommended to solve the current healthcare issues.

• It builds with consensus (Beverungen, Matzner & Janiesch, 2017, p. 787).

• This technical proposal gives a plan for monitoring & evaluation

• It helps the researchers, experts to do more research and gives them ideas to move forward within the healthcare industry.

• Both Internal and External stakeholders are able to improve their business operations and marketing with HealthWay.

5. Solution

Understanding the scenario, this proposal provides technical solutions for all the major HealthWay attributes. This solution also created a link between the Case Scenario B and the technical proposal.
5.1. Proposed Solutions

Table 1: Detailed proposed solution for all the key aspects (Source: Jørgensen et al., 2019, p. 155)

6. Conclusion

After addressing all the HealthWay requirements in a systematic manner, it can be concluded that the proposed solution recommended for the business scenario is appropriate and it provides further ideas to the learner.

6.1. Limitations

Limitations of the proposed solution would be:

• This technical proposal not focusing the managerial problems

• Solutions for cost breakdown, budgeting, human, and other technical resources have not been recommended here.

• This proposed solution is only limited to technical problems.

• Though it is an individual work but sometimes to find the exact solution for an appropriate MIS problem, more than one person is required.

7. References

Beverungen, D., Matzner, M., & Janiesch, C. (2017). Information systems for smart services. Information Systems and E-Business Management, 15(4), 781–787. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10257-017-0365-8

Carvalho Joa?o Vidal, Rocha A?lvaro, van de Wetering, R., & Abreu Anto?nio. (2019). A maturity model for hospital information systems. Journal of Business Research, 94, 388–399. https://lesa.on.worldcat.org/oclc/8089318423

Daneshvar Kakhki, M., & Gargeya, V. B. (2019). Information systems for supply chain management: a systematic literature analysis. International Journal of Production Research, 57(15-16), 5318–5339. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207543.2019.1570376

Graybeal, C., DeSantis, B., Duncan, B. L., Reese, R. J., Brandt, K., & Bohanske, R. T. (2018). Health-related quality of life and the physician-patient alliance: a preliminary investigation of ultra-brief, real-time measures for primary care. Quality of Life Research : An International Journal of Quality of Life Aspects of Treatment, Care and Rehabilitation - an Official Journal of the International Society of Quality of Life Research, 27(12), 3275–3279. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11136-018-1967-4

Jørgensen, R., Scarso, E., Edwards, K., & Ipsen, C. (2019). Communities of practice in healthcare: a framework for managing knowledge sharing in operations. Knowledge and Process Management, 26(2), 152–162. https://doi.org/10.1002/kpm.1590

Sahoo, P. K., & Dehury, C. K. (2018). Efficient data and cpu-intensive job scheduling algorithms for healthcare cloud. Computers and Electrical Engineering, 68, 119–139. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2018.04.001

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