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MGT604 Strategic Management Report 2A Sample

Assessment Task

This is an individual assessment with a component of the work to be conducted in stakeholder groups allocated by the lecturer.

In your stakeholder group, you are required to:

• Meet, discuss and agree on three strategy options
• Apply strategy concepts in your stakeholder meeting discussions to identify options.
• Produce a teamwork log Individually, you are required to produce a white paper:
• Nominate the preferred strategy option and apply a strategy framework/s
• Discuss the implications specifically relating to your part of the business
• Include the team log in your paper’s appendix

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


PLEASE NOTE: Part A is a Hurdle Assessment and must be submitted.

You are required to perform a simulated stakeholder meeting to discuss the scenario below. Students will be assigned a role to play in the simulated stakeholder meeting. Roles will be assigned to ensure each group has one of each of the stakeholders.

To do this assessment, it is necessary for you to know the responsibilities and interests of the stakeholder that you are assigned to be. To assist you with this knowledge, each stakeholder’s general scope of responsibilities is described below. It is suggested that you take some time to research more about each stakeholder’s responsibilities so that you can contribute effectively to the meetings and write your white paper.

The white paper is to be completed individually by each member of the team reflecting the impact of the proposed strategy on their particular part of the business and should be completed to the professional standard that would be required if the scenario were real.

Please Note: You will be placed in your group by your facilitator and are expected to conduct at least one (1) stakeholders meeting per week. Times and location are to be arranged by the group.



The business needs to adopt the strategies for meeting the requirements of each stakeholder as they hold an important place in the success of the organization (Stone, 2017). In addition, this report is an outline for stakeholder deliverables and a white paper as a part of strategic management for Go Pro. For Assignment Help Go Pro Pty Ltd is a firm which is a small manufacturing company which produces high-quality camera for image and video, however, the quality of Go Pro products is being compared to that of smartphones, hence the company requires strategic decisions for next five years on its operations.


The report aims to develop strategic options for managing workers of Go Pro to enable the company in reaching the desired market position


Stakeholder Deliverables

The Union Official is responsible for representing workers' interests which might include conflict resolution amongst the employers and the workers. In addition to this, three strategic options from the view of the worker's interest have been identified.

SWOT Analysis

Training and Education- Since technology has been advancing, companies are utilizing digital tools for their operations. Hence, all employees and staff need Go Pro Pty Ltd to be trained on current trends, innovations, and the use of technological tools in operations. This will help in promoting efficiency in work operations which reduces costs while also create a competitive edge (Lawler&Boudreau, 2015).

Employee Engagement Activities- Employee engagement activities should be increased as it helps in boosting the morale, commitment, and intrinsic motivation of the employees of Go Pro Pty Ltd. (Word&Sowa, 2017).

Embedding Innovation and Creativity- Since products of Go Pro Pty Ltd has been competing with the functions of smartphones, hence it is important for the company for innovating new product or enhance existing services line.

The strategic option applied istraining and educationwhich will further help the company in creating a competitive edge(Lucas&Grant, 2018). Go Pro Pty Ltd requires to focus on developing employees through training, managing conflicts, and meeting other needs of workers.It will help in creating team bonds, while also enable employees to managing conflicts with colleagues and juniors (Pribanic, 2019).Employees need to be trained about recent technologies so that the knowledge can be applied in producing or enhancing the products (Brunstein, 2016). Physical space must be created in a way that employees can communicate freely with each other which will enhance the working environment (Word&Sowa, 2017). This will also provide the impetus for creating new elements in the product features. The senior management team needs to encourage employees at each level of creativity which might include failures as well.

If Go Pro Pty Ltd fails to achieve the above-mentioned strategic options, in the short run, the Union Official will have challenges in uplifting the reduced performance. In the long run, Union Officials might facea higher attrition rate due to frustrated& dissatisfied employees with low- morale, high team conflicts.


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