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MIS500 Foundations of Information Systems Assignment Sample

Assignment Brief

 Individual/Group - Individual
Length - 1500 words (+/- 10%
Learning Outcomes

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Effectively communicate and demonstrate understanding of the importance of ethical and professional standards in own career and professional future.

Submission - By 11:59 PM AEST Friday of Module 6.1 (Week 11)
Weighting - 35%
Total Marks - 35 marks

Task Summary

This assessment task requires you to reflect on your experiences in MIS500 this trimester by following a four-step process to gain insights into the work you have done and how it relates to your own career and life more broadly. In doing so, you will need to produce a weekly journal to record your learning and then as the trimester comes to a close reflect on these experiences and submit a final reflection of 1500 words (+/- 10%) that will include the weekly journal as an appendix.


This is an individual assignment that tracks your growth as a student of Information Systems over the trimester. It is scaffolder around your weekly learning activities. Completing the activities and seeking input from your peers and the learning facilitator is essential for you to achieve a positive result in this subject. Before you start this assessment, be sure that you have completed the learning activities in all of the modules. This reflective report gives you the opportunity to communicate your understanding of how information systems relate to your career and future.

Task Instructions for assignment help

1. During Module 1 – 5, you were asking to produce a weekly journal to record your learnings each week. Based on these weekly journals, please write a 1500-word reflective report about your experience focusing on how this will support developing and planning your future career.

2. You are required to follow the four steps of Kolb’s learning cycle when writing the reflective report. You will keep a learning journal throughout the trimester. Each week as you complete the learning activities you record your experience in spreadsheet or word document.

Step 1
Concrete experience – Keep a learning journal

Step 2
Reflective observation – Summarise what happened

Step 3
Abstract conceptualization – Analyze what this means

Step 4
Active experimentation - New action

1. You are required to write this assessment in a report format using the following headings:

2. Introduction

3. Reflective Observation – Summarise what happened.

4. Abstract conceptualization – Analyze what this means for you and your career.

5. Active experimentation – What new action do you need to take to develop yourself and your career using the things you learned through your MIS 500 studies.

6. Conclusion

7. Appendix of learning journal (with evidence)


Formal citation of sources is not required. However, specific reference to your own experiences must be made. It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research if you do make reference other work. Please see more information on referencing here http://library.laureate.net.au/research_skills/referencing

Submission Instructions

Please submit ONE MSWord document (.doc or .docx) via the Assessment 3 section found in the main navigation menu of the subject’s Blackboard site. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.



In this study, I have reflected on my learning experience related to MIS500 modules. I have described my learning experience based on Kolb’s learning cycle. This model explains that effective learning is a progressive process in which learners' knowledge develop based on the development of their understanding of a particular subject matter. Kolb's learning cycle has four phases, concrete learning, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation and active experimentation. The learning process will help me to develop my career in the field of information technology.

Concrete Experience

Before the first module, I had little idea about the use of information systems in business. Thus, I was in the concrete experience stage of Kolb’s learning model, in which a learner has little idea about a concept. The first stage of Kolb’s model is concrete experience. In this stage, learners encounter new knowledge, concepts and ideas, or they reinterpret the ideas, concepts and knowledge that they already know (Hydrie et al., 2021). I learnt the use of information systems for making rational decisions in business is called business intelligence. I had no knowledge about business intelligence before the first module. Thus, it helped me to experience new knowledge about business intelligence. I started to think about how I can develop my career in the field of business career and the learning strategies that can help me to enhance my knowledge about the professional field.

The next modules helped me to deepen my understanding of business intelligence. I learnt that the emerging area of business intelligence is the result of a digital revolution across the world. Digital revolution refers to an increase in the number of users of tools and technologies of digital communication, such as smartphones and other types of computers, internet technology. The evidence for the digital revolution is the report "The Global State of Digital in October 2019.” The report mentions that there were around 155 billion unique users of mobile phones worldwide (Kemp, 2019). However, there were 479 billion internet users. The total number of social media users were 725 billion. The evidence has been obtained from module 1.2. Thus, there is high global penetration of digital technologies. The global penetration of digital technologies helped me to understand that I want to develop my career in the field of business intelligence. The digital revolution created thousands of career opportunities in the field. Business organisations need to use digital technologies to communicate with people or customers who use digital devices and technologies. Digital technologies are helping organisations in growth and international expansion (Hydrie et al., 2021). Businesses are expanding themselves with the help of digital technologies. Many businesses have transformed themselves from global to local with the help of digital technologies.

Reflective Observation

When I started to learn module 2, I learnt how business organisations use data to gain a competitive advantage over their competitors. In digital, the organisation which has relevant data can reach the targeted customers, improve their products and services and leverage different opportunities (Hydrie et al., 2021). Thus, data management and information management are vital for the success of an organisation. By collecting and managing data effectively, companies can obtain the knowledge that they require to achieve their business goals. I had reached the reflective observation stage by the time I learned this module because I started to reflect on new experiences by explaining why businesses need to digitise themselves. The reflection of observation is related to the second stage of Kolb’s model of learning. The reflective observation stage is related to the reflection on a new experience that a learner receives through his/her learning (Hydrie et al., 2021). It includes a comparison between the new knowledge or experience and existing knowledge or experience to identify a knowledge gap. This stage allowed me to know what I need to learn more to develop my career in the field of business intelligence or information system professional.

In the next modules, I tried to bridge the knowledge gap. In module 2.2, I learnt about the concepts of knowledge management and big data. Knowledge management is a collection of approaches that help to gather, share, create, use and manage related to management or information of an organisation (Arif et al., 2020). Knowledge management is crucial for organisations to gain meaningful insights from the collected data. However, big data refers to data in abundance which has high velocity and volume. Big data helps to identify important patterns related to events and processes and facilitates decision-making for business organisations.
These information systems are human resource information systems (HRIS), enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems and customer relationship management (CRM) systems Arif et al., 2020). This module played a vital role in shaping my knowledge by helping me to understand the practical use of information technology and information systems in business operations. I learnt how information systems help to describe and analyse the value chains of business organisations. A value chain of a business organisation is consist of main activities and supporting or auxiliary activities that help business organisations to carry out all their operations.
Module 3.1 also proved to bridge the knowledge gap. In this module, my knowledge reached to abstract conceptualisation stage of Kolb's learning model, which is related to the development of new ideas in a learner's mind or help him/her to modify existing ideas related to a concept. I started to use my learnings on how information systems can be used more effectively by business organisations. Thus, I tried to modify the knowledge related to existing applications of information systems in business.

Abstract Conceptualisation

Active conceptualisation is the stage of Kolb's learning cycle in which learners give a personal response to new experiences. In this stage, I started to think about how to use the new knowledge that I gained for the advancement of my career. I decided to learn more about ERP and CRM. If I learn about the two types of information systems, I can learn to develop them and help other organisations to learn their uses. It helped to shape my knowledge about area-specific information systems that can help organisations to meet the needs of the operations of their certain business operations. The two specific areas about which I gained knowledge in the module were ERP and CRM (Arif et al., 2020). ERP is an information system that helps to plan and manage the resources of a business organisation. It helps in managing to carry out supply chain operations. The main functions of an ERP are inventory planning and management, demand forecast and management of operations related to suppliers, wholesalers and retailers. However, CRM helps in managing relations with customers of business organisations (Hamdani & Susilawati, 2018). It helps to know and resolve customers’ grievances. CRM allows organisations to communicate with their customers to understand their needs and provide them with information about product and services offerings effectively. In module 4.2, I learnt how can help an organisation selects its business information system. The selection of a business information system by a business organisation depends on its business architecture (Hamdani & Susilawati, 2018). A business architecture refers to a holistic overview of operations, business capabilities, processes of value delivery and operational requirements. The information system that suits the business architecture of an organisation is most suitable for it. The price of information systems ascertained by vendors also influences the decisions of business organisations to use it.

Active Experiment

The active experiment is the stage in which learners decide what to do with the knowledge that they gained (Hydrie et al., 2021). I used the reflection technique to decide how to use my knowledge about information systems to develop my career. Harvard research in 2016 also explained the importance of reflection (Module 5.2). Reflecting on previous experiences helps individuals and organisations to recall what they learnt and find scopes of improvements in their existing skills and knowledge (Rigby, Sutherland & Noble, 2018). Thus, if business organisations reflect on their previous experiences related to IT operations, they can improve their knowledge about IT operations. Reflection can also help them to find a scope of improvements in their existing knowledge. As a result, they can improve their future IT strategies to achieve business goals. The improvements in the strategies can help them to ensure their future success. Thus, reflection can be an effective source of learning for organisations. The reflection of my learning helped me to know that I want to become a big data analyst because the requirements of big data analysis increasing in different fields, and I have effective knowledge about it. I will always follow ethics related to my profession to maintain professionalism because it is an ethical responsibility and professional conduct for IT professionals (McNamara et al., 2018).


In conclusion, my learning experience related to information systems helped me to know new concepts related to them. It helped me to bridge my knowledge gap about the use of information systems in business analytics. Based on my learning, I found that I have gained effective knowledge about big data analysis. Thus, I want to develop my career in the field of big data analysis.


Arif, D., Yucha, N., Setiawan, S., Oktarina, D., & Martah, V. (2020). Applications of Goods Mutation Control Form in Accounting Information System: A Case Study in Sumber Indah Perkasa Manufacturing, Indonesia. Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 7(8), 419-424. Retrieved from http://eprints.perbanas.ac.id/7166/

Di Stefano, G., Gino, F., Pisano, G. P., & Staats, B. R. (2016). Making experience count: The role of reflection in individual learning. Harvard Business School NOM Unit Working Paper, (14-093), 14-093. Retrieved from https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2414478

Hamdani, N. A., & Susilawati, W. (2018). Application of information system technology and learning organization to product innovation capability and its impact on business performance of leather tanning industry. Int. J. Eng. Techno, 7, 393-397. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/download/60118436/Application_of_Information20190725-106859-1v84mpn.pdf

Hydrie, M. Z. I., Naqvi, S. M. Z. H., Alam, S. N., & Jafry, S. I. A. (2021). Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory 4.0 and its association with traditional and problem based learning teaching methodologies in medical students. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 37(1), 146. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc7794154/

Kemp, S. (2019, October 23). The Global State of Digital in October 2019. Retrieved from https://wearesocial.com/au/blog/2019/10/theglobal-state-of-digital-in-october-2019

McNamara, A., Smith, J., & Murphy-Hill, E. (2018, October). Does ACM’s code of ethics change ethical decision making in software development? In Proceedings of the 2018 26th ACM joint meeting on European software engineering conference and symposium on the foundations of software engineering (pp. 729-733). Retrieved from https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3236024.3264833?casa_token=xu_JKZRcyBEAAAAA:GhNrkWmz5yEKg4TwJaWg6dfOBz8O1WWoUuOtwbJXbuo3TL623CitLoNeaEQiksit_hl5YrAcRQSQ

Rigby, D. K., Sutherland, J., & Noble, A. (2018). Agile at Scale. Harvard Business Review, 96(3), 88–96. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.laureate.net.au/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bsu&AN=129192576&site=ehost-live

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