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PRJ5002 Enterprise and Resource Planning Assignment Sample

Assignment Brief

Due date: Week 12
Group/individual: Individual
Word count/ Time provided: 2500words
Weighting: 35%

Implementation of employee suggestion programme: a case study of the Middle East health-care service company

Learning outcomes

After studying this case, the students should be able to: explain the importance of employee engagement; illustrate the role of the participatory management style in an organizational context; discuss why managers may use engagement practices to operate effectively in businesses to lead change and innovation; identify the critical success factors, barriers and outcomes of employee involvement in driving high performance; and discuss the dilemma faced by the managers in the emerging economies while driving the momentum of excellence in the long run.

Students need to support their answers with further references to comprehensively address the questions in a critical manner. In addition, summary of recently published articles relevant to project human resource, communications and stakeholder management need to be added to the discussion where appropriate and relevant. Student can find this case study on college portal or on Internet.



The real case study of a leading healthcare organisation located in the Middle East that is enlightened within the respective study is the NOVA. The respective company is created to fulfil the curative needs of the healthcare system of the public in the Middle East. The NOVA is an independent as well as a public joint system. The Employee Suggestion Scheme was introduced by the respective company in the year of 2011 under the name of Minara within the decree of the Federal Government because the major pillar of this organisation and its management is building innovative solutions and applying that within the process, programme and also in the services (Ahmad and Jabeen, 2019). The respective case provides the information that the whole process of transformation about the innovation within the organisation NOVA takes place through the programme of employee engagement to meet all the disruptive challenges (Ahmad and Jabeen 2019). The respective case analysis addresses all the challenges that are faced by the Innovation and Excellence Manager who use the process of Effective Employee Engagement and its related practices through the programme of employee suggestions in a creative way to implement change and bring appropriate innovation within the healthcare sector for best assignment help.

Importance of employee engagement

The requirements or the importance of employee engagement are as follows:

An increase in the engagement of the employees and also boosting productivity is one of the most important results of appropriate employee engagement. On the other hand, as the engagement increases, there is an increase in productivity that also takes place. According to Moletsane, Tefera and Migiro, (2019), employee engagement is one of the best signs of success. Employees when provided with the reward to engage them for bringing the success of the organisation then they feel valued and like to engage themselves within the work. NOVA also benefited due to this and due to this, the bar of the standard of the quality of its services is also increased. The company is renowned for working as the largest integrated network among all the healthcare providers in the Middle East.

Employee engagement is always effective for customer satisfaction

The team members or the employees who like to engage with the work are also passionate to interact with the consumers or the customers. The most dedicated team members always increase their effort to increase sales either through innovation or by meeting the expectations of customers (Zameer et al., 2018). The NOVA aims to provide quality services to its consumers without any compromise that is achieved through employee engagement.

Organisational culture is also impacted through Employee engagement, the positivity of the engaged employees also inspired the other employees to increase their engagement and also to contribute towards the success of the organisation (Soni, 2019). That ultimately impacted the culture of the organisation. As the NOVA is associated with providing health care services, there are high requirements for a proper organisational culture that not only support the employees but also impact the consumers. The positive culture is effective for the organisation NOVA to satisfy the staff, patients, and also of the community.

Illustrate the role of the participatory management style in the organisational context

Participatory management is effective for increasing the engagement of the employee and also to increase productivity. The stakeholder's engagement as well as the employee engagement is also increased through the support of participatory managers and also of their style. There are employees are invited to increase their involvement within the organisation which supports success and growth. The decisions of the employees are equally valued and they are asked to contribute by sharing their knowledge and ideas. Hence, it can be stated that the responsibility of the employees is also increased through the participatory management style (Akpoviroro, Kadiri and Owotutu, 2018). Formation of the self-managed team as well as of the quality team for various work and also to provide customer services and arranging the feedback through the survey are the roles of the participatory management style. In some cases, the employees feel disrespect due to not considering their suggestions, while the respective types of style are effective for treating the suggestions and decisions of the employees with the respect that increase the chances of success of the organisation (Daudigeos et al., 2018). The launching of Afkari within the NOVA is a programme related to Employee Suggestion and helps the company to incubate the ideas of employees, not only does the storage of the ideas takes place there are also the implementation of those processes is followed.

There are four processes that are considered by participatory management and those are sharing information, keeping the employees properly within the status of the company and also in economic success. Training is also part of the process of participatory management style (Teasell et al., 2018). Through the training programme, the employees can achieve the development opportunities though that is involved with the budget. However, the development of the employees ultimately resulted in increased revenue generation. The sales of the organisation have also increased. The success of NOVA and achieving the title of one of the best health care service providers is achieved by the respective organisation.

The success of NOVA can provide the importance of a participatory management style. The respective organisation already partnered with various international organisations to increase its quality of services and its bar. Most of the hospitals of NOVA have more than 3000 beds and also of 70 ambulatory care as well as blood banks and emergency service section (Ahmad and Jabeen, 2019).

With innovative technologies making a change in the health landscape of the world, the Research and Development team is the most important section for any company. This is the sector that can allow the company to pick up any essential market inside the health industry and get remedies that can absolutely change the competitive advantage of the company NOVA. Thus, the managers have to be particular about knowing the strengths of the researchers so that the particular solutions can be brought into the industry that will help the wider crowd. The other section where the managers need to be very particular is the marketing and advertising of the medicines that are being processed by the company. This is because without the proper channelling and market segmentation, the medicines would not reach the right people and that would allow the company to collapse.

Marketing managers should identify the right product USPs and the correct pricing so that the products reach the right market at the right time. The best strategy that marketing managers can use is they can analyse the sales of the same compositions in the market that have originated from other companies. This will allow the company to identify the various opportunities that their compositions can bring to the people who tend to buy similar compositions. Also, the logistics managers can arrange for the delivery of free samples to clinics while they supply supplies to the stores that take supplies from the company. This will also make the marketing of the brand stand out.

The role of the managers is thus to oversee all the different functions of the supply chain and report to the authority if they are going on in the strategic method as decided in the meetings. The better the coordination among the managers of the different sectors, the better the outcome of the company's market share and the competitive advantage of the company NOVA is thus managed. Managers are the key to making the employees work as per the strategies of the company.

Identifying success, barriers and outcomes of the employee for high performance


The success of the companies is primarily aligned with the high performance of the companies as it can assist to increase the quality of the services for the companies. As per the argument of Abera et al. (2019), it is noted that the integration of effective schemes like DIAT and control flow attestation is mainly used for talent management and that workplace collaboration can assist the development. As per the case study, it is noted that the use of Employment enhancement scheme (EES) is mainly used by NOVA which can aid the overall employment enhancement of the companies. Therefore, the use of effective enhancement like the committee initiative and the training process is mainly used for the sake of development. As noted by Laurenza et al. (2018), the success of the companies is mainly aligned with customer integration in the healthcare industry. Therefore, effective employment integration like the initiation of employee motivation and increasing leadership skills can also assist in the overall development of the companies. Therefore, such an attitude can be also used by NOVA to enhance their motivational factors. The case study further reflects on the change in the culture of NOVA which can initiate an increase in focus in the workplace. Therefore, the greater focus may involve the development of workplace collaboration and thereby increase customer integration which can assist to grow brand loyalty and reputation eminently. Therefore, a direct connection between high-performance employees and the success of the companies can be established through the method.


The main barriers that are seen in the case of the Healthcare industry are the rise of conflict and imperfect segregation of the workload among the employees. The lack of an HRM initiative can evoke such issues which can primarily address the efficacy of the companies. As opined by Shannon et al. (2019), it is noted that workplace collaboration and the use of imminent HR policies are considered the main factor that can hinder the growth and development of companies. Therefore, the loss of communal harmony is considered the main issue that can deplete the quality of the work and thereby hamper the performance of the employees. As a result, it should be noted that the use of eminent strategies like the integration of Total quality management and amending the HR policies can assist in the overall development of NOVA and initiate its effectiveness. As per the case study, no such possibilities are mentioned in the research which can hamper the overall development of the companies.

Outcomes of employees

The high-performance employees are mainly aligned to produce effective processes like the increase in the learning environment and innovation for the companies. As noted by Edwards-Schachter (2018), the change in the business plan and the organisational development can assist to gain control over the innovation of the companies. Therefore, such an attitude can be developed through the use of employment integration and promoting workplace collaboration eminently. Workplace collaboration is considered the major factor that can dominate the efficacy of companies through innovation. Therefore, the process is considered the major factor that can assist to increase the work motivation and efficiency of high-performance employees significantly.

Discus dilemma faced by managers in emerging economies

The biggest dilemma faced by managers in emerging economies in the medical or pharmaceutical industry is that there is a lack of management hacks for the management of innovation. Innovation management is one of the growing areas of management that needs more research because there are very few laws binding innovation in the medical industry. With the growth of globalisation and digitalisation in the world, there is a huge need of ideas to be patented the moment they are formulated by any of the innovators of the company. This is very important because there are plenty of companies that keep on researching in the same fields and without the timely patenting of the ideas there is a huge chance of the innovations getting sold out to other companies which are detrimental to the growth of the company. Thus, there must be a rule for the managers that they consistently communicate with the team of innovators (Scull et al., 2020) about their ideas and help them get their ideas patented at the right time to prevent the company from venturing into any lawful dilemma with any other company in the same domain.

Another important area for managers in the innovation management department is that the managers should allow the employees to evaluate themselves on a regular periodic basis and not just a monthly basis. With the fast growth of the internet, people worldwide have started giving views on the various innovations that happen globally once they are being surfaced to the crowd. This makes it inevitable that the innovations that the company bring out to the market should be evaluated for technological or medical errors for example if the medicine has too many side effects. This will allow the company to have an idea that if the people would try their product or if their product would be cited by the doctors and the medical representatives.

Feedback generation is the most important part of the entire managerial action (Schroth, 2019). This is because, without generous feedback from the employees, the decisions of the management cannot be performed by the employees. Thus, managing the decisions with the help of the employees is very important to get the right move on the innovation. Managing innovation allows the managers to be involved in the process of innovation as it allows for the employees and the managers to have a generous view of the entire innovation process.


Based on the respective study and also the analysis of the case study, sturdy NOVA is effective for understanding the requirements of employee engagement within the organisation. The employee suggestion programme is highly concentrated on employee engagement. Though there are various strategies adopted by a business organisation to increase its productivity, most of them lack employee engagement. NOVA is an organisation that concentrates on employee engagement and also the employee suggestion scheme to increase the quality of the service. The respective organisation is also able to achieve this and also able to provide employee and customer satisfaction.


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