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Research & Data Modelling Assignment Sample

Assessment Brief

Value: 15%
Due Date: 04-Apr-2021
Return Date: 27-Apr-2021
Group Assessment: No
Submission method options: Alternative submission method


Part A: Database Research Discussion Forum (7 Marks)

You are to conduct research about a current or a future database technology and
discuss the findings of your research in the Interact 2 Discussion forum. You should submit a minimum of two posts. You are also to comment in the Interact 2 Discussion forum on at least two posts made by other students. Copy the time, date and content of your posts and include them in a MS Word document as part of this assessment. Two discussion posts of a current or a future database technology and two comments on other students posts (4 marks) Quality of engagement: (3 marks)

Part B: Data Modelling (8 Marks)

XYZ is a company which organises conferences mainly in the computing area. Due to the success of their business, they have decided to implement a relational database for better management of the conferences. For each conference, they need to keep records of the conference code, conference dates, conference name, days duration, and venue. XYZ are required to keep track of all the past attendees identified by participant id, as they are going to send advertising materials on topics which may interest the participants to attend a conference in the future. Thus, details such as name, phone number, and address of the participants are required. XYZ needs to track details of who attended a conference in the past and the number of days attended. XYZ also keep track of all the speakers who have spoken, or are potential speakers for their conferences. Information including speaker id, name, phone number, topic id and topic name are required. For each conference, XYZ gives a rating to a speaker. XYZ also have a list of casual catering staff who can be booked to provide catering services. XYZ needs to store their id no, name, phone, position (eg. chef) and the hours worked at each conference. And lastly, XYZ has a list of the venues and other information related to a venue such as venue id, seating capacity, seating style, fax, and phone number.

Your task for assignment help.

Create an ERD for the above scenario that describe the current business rules:
Use Crow's Foot notations and make sure to include all of the following:
• All entities Attributes for each entity
• Primary key and any foreign key attributes for each entity
• The relationships between entities
• The cardinality and optionality of each relationship

For guidance on how to draw an ERD based on business rules, watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvJ4t9_2SWk

To draw the diagrams, you should use a drawing tool like Draw.io, Lucidchart,
LibreOffice Draw etc. Hand-drawn diagrams are NOT acceptable.

Include your student ID and full name under the ERD then copy the whole ERD as
an image to your Word document.



Future Database Technology

Post-1: Today, the significance of database system has increased in the implementation of diverse database applications. Database system comprises of many components which enables the development of database application according to requirement. For designing of database, numerous database models (ER model, Relational model, Object oriented mode, network model etc.) are used in respect of requirement types. In previous few years, it has observed that new database model evolved named multidimensional model which allow data representation in cubic form. Multidimensional model used in defining of data-warehousing. The integration of database technology with other information technologies results new kind of database system such as mobile database system, spatial, multimedia, Decision Support System and Distributed database system. Several information technologies used in implementation of advanced database system such as business intelligence, data warehouses, Extract Transformation & Load (ETL), OLAP, Data Mining, Grid Computing and Web Technology.

Post-2: Due to rapid evolution of computing peripherals and paradigms, database technology also require to align with this evolution. According to scalable and global access of database application over the internet require modern database approach and their implementation. For example develop distributed database application for cloud environment. Future database technology must be able to storing and analyzing diverse and high volume of heterogeneous data. It also requires revising current database approaches according to network based applications. Several data service providers such as Google, Facebook and Amazon deal with peta-bytes of data every day. This all happens by use of modern database technology. With this, implementation technology of database system is also changing over the period of time. The database implementation platforms and languages are evolved from QUEL, SQL, SQL92, OQL and XML. Apart from this, database technology research also focus on emerging field such as Big Data, Grid Computing, Web Technology and Business Intelligence.


Entity Relationship Diagram

Based on the information provided in the case study several entities, its attributes with key constraints and relationships are identified.

All Entities

• Conference
• Attendee
• Speaker
• Catering Staff
• Venue

Attributes for each entity: Entity Name (Attribute Name [Type or Key ])

• Conference (Conference_Code [Primary Key attribute], Conference_Name, Conference_Date, Days, Duration, Venue [Foreign key referenced Venue_Id (Venue)])

• Attendee (Participant_Id [Primary Key attribute], Participant_Name, Phone_No [Multivalued Attribute] ,Address [Composite Attribute], Conference_Code [Foreign Key references Conference_Code(Conference)])

• Speaker (Speaker_Id (Primary Key attribute), Speaker_Name, Phone_No [Multivalued Attribute], topic_id,topic_name)

• Catering_Staff (Staff_Id ( Primary Key attribute), Staff_Name, Phone_No [Multivalued Attribute] , Position)

• Venue (Venue_Id (Primary Key attribute), Seating_Capacity, Seating_Style, Fax, Phone_No [Multivalued Attribute])
Relationships (Participating Entities)

• “Attended” Relationship (Attendee and Conference for each participant attended one or more conference)

• “Organized at” Relationship (Conference and Venue for each conference organized at a venue)

• “Get Rating” Relationship (Speaker and Conference where each speaker have assigned a rating for each conference)

• “Work_for” Relationship (Catering_Staff and Conference where catering staff work for each conference in number_of_hours )

Cardinality and Optionality of Each Relationship

• For “Attended” relationship, Many to Many (M:N) cardinality and optional for attending conference but mandatory for conference that means each conference has at-least one participant.

• For “Organized at” relationship, Many to One (M:1) cardinality and mandatory for conference that organized at least one venue but venue is optional it means no need of every venue used in conference.

• For “Get Rating” relationship, one to one (1:1) cardinality and mandatory for both speaker as well as conference.

• For Work_for” relationship, Many to Many (M:N) cardinality and optional both catering_staff and conference.

Entity Relationship Diagram (ER Diagram)

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