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DATA4300 Data Security and Ethics Report 3 Sample

Your Task

• Write a 1,500-word report and record a video reflecting on the report creation process (involving an initial ChatGPT-generated draft, then editing it to a final version) and lessons learned.

• Submit both as a Microsoft Word file in Turnitin and a Kaltura video file upload by Wednesday, Week 13, at 23:55 pm (AEST):

Assessment Description

You have been employed as a Data Ethics Officer by a medical industry board (professional body). The board asked you to write a Code of Conduct about using new technologies in healthcare, which should be kept up to date and reflect technological evolution. Because of this technology’s breakneck pace, the professional body wants to ensure a code of conduct review happens more regularly and has authorised you to experiment with AI-powered chatbots to create a faster update process.
You are to write a Code of Conduct focused on using new technologies to inform best practices in the healthcare industry. For this assessment, you will choose one of the following technologies:

a) A device that tracks and measures personal health indicators, or

b) An application that recommends mental health support therapies.

Inform your lecturer about your technology choice by Week 9

Assessment Instructions

You will be asked to produce a report and video for this assessment.


• You are to start by conducting your own research (Introduction and Considerations sections, see structure below) on your technology.

• You will then create a code of conduct draft generated by ChatGPT. Then, you will edit it to make it applicable to your chosen technology, compliant with current regulations, and meaningful to the medical board request. Your individual research will inform this.

• Your Code of Conduct will be presented in a report (a suggested structure is below). Add at least five original Harvard references and use citations to them in your report.



The increasing adoption of new technology is having a revolutionary effect on the healthcare sector. One of the most talked-about new developments is the appearance of tools for monitoring one's own health statistics. For Assignment Help, These cutting-edge tools provide people a way to track their vital signs and collect useful information about their health in real time. Because it allows individuals to take an active role in their own health management, this technology has the potential to significantly alter the healthcare system.

Benefits of a device that tracks and measures personal health indicators

There are several benefits that a device that tracks and measures personal health indicators can provide, as mentioned below-

• Health monitoring and tracking process- Monitoring health indicators like heart rate, blood pressure, sleep, and activity levels help people keep tabs on their progress towards healthier lifestyles. Patients may evaluate their health improvement over time, which can boost their drive and self-awareness (Han, 2020).

• Improved diagnostics- The device helps people achieve their health goals by offering them with unique insights and suggestions based on their own health data. This encourages individuals to take charge of their health by making educated decisions about their lifestyle and taking preventative measures.

• Achieving Health Goals- The gadget helps create goals by delivering personalised health data insights and suggestions. This helps patients to make educated lifestyle choices and take proactive health activities (KORE, 2020).

Figure 1: benefits of health monitoring device
(Source: Scalefocus, 2022)

Privacy, Cybersecurity, and Data Ethics Concerns

The devices stored and using the patients also come with a few security issues as well-

• There is a risk of cyber threats and unauthorized access to sensitive health data.

• The healthcare department might use the data without any consent leading to a breach of privacy.

• The GDPR laws and other regulations related to data can be breached and data can be used to carry out cyber thefts.

Considerations on Regulatory Compliance, Patient Protection, and Risks

Cybersecurity, privacy, and ethical risks associated with a device that tracks and measures personal health indicators

Cybersecurity risks

• Data Breaches- The gadget may be hacked, exposing sensitive health data.

• Malware and viruses- Malware or viruses in the device's software or applications might compromise data security (Staynings, 2023).

• Lack of Encryption- Weak encryption may reveal sensitive health data during transmission or storage.

Privacy risks

• Unauthorised Data Sharing- Health data may be shared without permission, jeopardising privacy (Staynings, 2023).

• Insufficient Consent Procedures- Users may not completely grasp data gathering and sharing, resulting in partial or misinformed consent.

• Re-identification- Anonymized data may be re-identified, violating privacy.

Ethical risks

• Informed Consent- If users are not educated about the purpose, risks, and possible repercussions of data collection and usage, obtaining real informed consent might be difficult.

• Data Accuracy and Interpretation- Data collection or analysis errors or biases may lead to erroneous interpretations and improper health recommendations or actions (Healthcare, 2021).

Regulatory compliance issues and patient protection requirements

The key regulatory complaints and laws for the data and privacy protection of the patients being used via devices of the medical industry are as mentioned below, these laws and regulations are for the data protection and ensure customer safety.

• Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) - HIPAA compliance includes privacy and security requirements, breach reporting, and enforcement to safeguard healthcare system information. The HIPAA Privacy Rule applies to all healthcare professionals and covers all media types, including electronic, print, and oral. It gives people the right to see their own protected health information (PHI) and mandates that the information be disclosed as to how it is used (RiskOptics, 2022).

Figure 2: HIPAA
(Source: Splunk, 2023)

• Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act (PSQIA) - The purpose of this regulation is to promote a culture of safety by offering peer review evaluations for information provided on healthcare mishaps. To prevent the information from being utilised in litigation against the PSO, the statute created new patient safety organisations (PSOs) (Carter Jr et al., 2022).

• Security Standards - Healthcare organisations must follow industry best practises and data security standards, such as encryption, access restrictions, and vulnerability monitoring. Standards like as ISO 27001 aim to assure the security, integrity, and availability of patient data (Cole, 2022).

• Incident Response and Breach Reporting - Organisations must have strong incident response procedures in place to deal with data breaches or security issues as soon as possible. They must also follow breach reporting standards, informing impacted persons and appropriate authorities within the times indicated (Healthcare Compliance, 2023).

Figure 3: regulatory compliances
(Source: MCN Healthcare, 2018)


Code of Conduct for A Device that Tracks and Measures Personal Health Indicators

Privacy and Data Protection

1.1. Data Collection and Use: Ensure that the collection and use of personal health data by the device are transparent and conducted with the explicit consent of the individual. Clearly communicate the purpose of data collection, how the data will be used, and any third parties involved.

1.2. Data Security: Implement robust security measures to protect personal health data from unauthorized access, loss, or disclosure. This includes encryption, secure storage, access controls, and regular security assessments to identify and address vulnerabilities.

1.3. Data Retention: Establish clear guidelines on the retention period of personal health data. Retain data only for as long as necessary and securely dispose of it once no longer needed, following applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

1.4. Anonymization and De-identification: When feasible, provide options for anonymizing or de-identifying personal health data to protect individual privacy. Ensure that any re-identification risks are minimized to maintain confidentiality.

Informed Consent and User Empowerment

2.1. Informed Consent: Obtain informed consent from individuals before collecting their personal health data. Clearly explain the purpose, benefits, risks, and limitations of data collection, enabling individuals to make informed decisions about using the device.

2.2. User Control: Provide individuals with mechanisms to control the collection, use, and sharing of their personal health data. Allow users to easily access, review, and modify their data preferences and provide options for data sharing with healthcare professionals or researchers.

2.3. User Education: Promote user education and awareness about the device's functionalities, data collection practices, and privacy settings. Ensure that individuals understand how to use the device safely and responsibly, empowering them to make informed decisions about their health data.

Accuracy and Reliability

3.1. Data Accuracy: Strive for accuracy and reliability in the measurements and data generated by the device. Regularly calibrate and validate the device to ensure accurate and consistent results, minimizing potential inaccuracies that could impact health decisions.

3.2. Algorithm Transparency: Provide transparency regarding the algorithms used to process and interpret personal health data. Users should have access to information about how the device calculates metrics, enabling them to understand and interpret the results accurately.
Ethical Use of Data and Algorithms

4.1. Responsible Data Use: Use personal health data only for legitimate purposes related to the device's functionalities and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Avoid the use of personal health data for discriminatory or unethical practices.

4.2. Avoidance of Bias: Ensure that the device's algorithms are developed and tested to minimize bias and discrimination. Regularly evaluate and address any potential biases in data collection or algorithmic decision-making processes to ensure fair and equitable outcomes.

Transparency and User Communication

5.1. Transparency of Data Practices: Provide clear and accessible information about how personal health data is handled, stored, and shared. Clearly communicate the device's data practices, including any third-party partnerships or data sharing arrangements, to foster transparency and trust.

5.2. User Communication: Establish effective channels of communication with users, allowing them to raise concerns, ask questions, or provide feedback about the device and its data practices. Promptly address user inquiries and provide transparent and meaningful responses.

Compliance with Applicable Laws and Standards

6.1. Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to all relevant laws, regulations, and standards governing the collection, use, and protection of personal health data. Stay updated with evolving regulatory requirements and ensure ongoing compliance with data privacy and protection obligations.

6.2. Industry Standards: Align with industry best practices and standards for privacy, data security, and ethical use of personal health data. This includes adhering to guidelines such as the GDPR, HIPAA, ISO 27001, and other applicable frameworks.
Accountability and Governance

7.1. Accountability: Establish clear accountability and governance mechanisms for the responsible use of personal health data. Assign roles and responsibilities for data privacy, security, and ethical considerations. Conduct regular audits and assessments to ensure compliance and identify areas for improvement.

7.2. Continuous Improvement: Regularly review and update the device's functionalities, privacy policies, and data practices to reflect advancements in technology, evolving regulatory requirements, and user feedback. Continuously strive for enhanced privacy, security, and ethical standards.

By following this Code of Conduct, developers, manufacturers, and operators of devices that track and measure personal health indicators can ensure the ethical and responsible use of personal health data, fostering trust among users and promoting the benefits of these innovative technologies in healthcare.

Code of Conduct

The technology chosen for this study is A device that tracks and measures personal health indicators, the device will require data from the patients which needs to be collected with informed consent, and all the regulatory compliances and data protection laws must be followed and adhered by the companies and medical industry. This will help the patients to build trust with their information on the company and medical industry and misuse of information can be done.

The code of conducts that needs to be followed are as mentioned below-

1. Privacy and data protection

a. Data collection and its usage- The Collection and Use of Personal Information. Make that the device is upfront about collecting and using an individual's personal health data, and that the subject gives their informed permission before any data is collected or used. Explain why you need the information, what you plan to do with it, and who else could have access to it (Data Privacy Manager, 2023).

b. Ensure top data security- Protect sensitive health information from theft, loss, and misuse by using industry-standard security protocols. Encryption, safe archiving, access limits, and routine vulnerability scans are all part of this.

c. Data retention- Clear rules on how long health records should be kept should be set out. When data is no longer required, it should be safely deleted in accordance with legal and regulatory standards.

d. De-identification and anonymisation- To further safeguard individuals' privacy, health records should be anonymized or de-identified wherever possible. Maintaining anonymity requires taking all necessary precautions (Maher et al., 2019).

2. User empowerment and informed consent

a. Patient’s control or data owner control- Allow people to make decisions about how their health information is collected, used, and shared. Provide choices for data sharing with healthcare practitioners or researchers and make it easy for consumers to access, evaluate, and adjust their data preferences.

b. Informed consent- Obtain people' informed permission before collecting their personal health data. Individuals will be able to make educated choices regarding device use if the purpose, advantages, dangers, and restrictions of data gathering are made clear (Sim, 2019).

c. User education- Increase user knowledge of the device's features, data gathering methods, and privacy controls. Make sure people know how to use the gadget properly and securely so they can make educated choices based on their health information.

3. Accuracy and reliability

a. Data accuracy- The device's measurements and data should be as accurate and trustworthy as possible. It is important to regularly calibrate and test the equipment to provide reliable findings and reduce the risk of inaccurate data influencing medical choices (Morley et al., 2020).

b. Algorithm and transparency- Be open and honest about the algorithms you’re using to analyse and interpret patients’ health information. In order to correctly interpret the data, users need to know how the gadget arrives at its conclusions.

4. Ethical use of data and algorithms

a. Using data responsibly- Use sensitive patient information responsibly and in line with all rules and regulations pertaining to the device's intended. Protect people's health information from being used in unethical or discriminatory ways.

b. Avoidance of bias- Make sure the device's algorithms have been designed and validated to reduce the likelihood of bias and unfair treatment. If you want to be sure that your data gathering and algorithmic decision-making processes are producing fair and equitable results, you should examine them on a regular basis and fix any problems you find.

5. Transparency and user communication

a. Data practices of transparency- Give people easy-to-understand details on how their health data is used and shared. Foster openness and trust by making it easy for users to understand the device's data practises, including any third-party partnerships or data sharing agreements (Kelly et al., 2020).

b. User Communication- Users should be able to voice their concerns, ask questions, and provide suggestions concerning the device and its data practises via established lines of contact. Get back to customers as soon as possible, and do it in a way that is both clear and helpful (Deloitte, 2020).

6. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Standards

a. Following laws and regulatory compliances- Respect all rules and regulations regarding the handling of sensitive health information. Maintain continuing compliance with data privacy and protection duties by keeping abreast of changing regulatory standards (Icumed, 2022).

b. Industry Standards- Maintain privacy, protect sensitive information, and utilise patient health data ethically in accordance with industry standards. The General Data Protection Regulation, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, the Information Security Standard ISO/IEC 27001.

7. Governance and accountability of the data

a. Continues improvement- The device's features, privacy rules, and data practises should be reviewed and updated on a regular basis to account for technological developments, shifting legislative requirements, and user input. Maintain a constant drive to improve confidentiality, safety, and morality.

b. Accountability- Establish transparent governance and accountability procedures for the ethical management of individual health records. Determine who is responsible for what in terms of protecting sensitive information and following ethical guidelines. Maintain a regimen of frequent audits and evaluations to check for inconsistencies and locate problem spots (Icumed, 2022).

Figure 4: code of conduct
(Source: Author, 2023)


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