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ENV101 Introduction To Events Assignment Sample

Individual/Group - Group (2-3)
Length - 1500 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:

a) Research and explore the characteristics of a particular event from any industry.
b) Outline the stages involved in the planning and implementation of events
c) Identify and describe the various tasks involved in event production.

Submission - Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 6.1 (Week 11).

Weighting - 35 %
Total Marks - 100 marks

Task Instructions for Assignment Help

To complete this task you will create an event manual outline based on an event that you will create. The event is a family fun day to be held in Brisbane, Queensland. The theme is “Our Nation Family Fun Day”, which intends to celebrate multiculturalism. It will feature a stage show and a range of activities of your choosing, suitable for all age groups.

Event details

Name: Our Nation Family Fun Day
Date: The last weekend of February – the end of the Australian summer (insert a day and date).
Location: Cultural Forecourt, South Bank Parklands, Brisbane.
Time: The event will run from 9:00am to 9:00pm.

Description: Your event will be a family fun day celebrating the many different nationalities and cultural origins in our society.

Audience: All age groups


1.0 About this manual

The primary purpose of this event manual is to provide references and guidelines to every staff and all the other advisors regarding the organised event (Krumeich, 2014).

2.0 Event details

2.1 Explanation of the event detail at the front of the manual

An event manual consists of various essential data regarding the event. The event organisers are the ones who wrote the event manual document. An event manual ensures an overall description to the staff and other sponsors and stakeholders about the event operation (Dowson & Bassett, 2018). The event manual logged every date, time and information in one document as it help the working staffs and other team members make key decisions and biome aware of the overall work in the event. In an event manual, the information seems quite extensive and therefore to get a glance at the event manual's detail needs to be printed on the front page. The description on the front page also depends on the complexity of the event. The distribution of the event manual also needs to be held only to the key individuals.

2.2 Description of the created event

Name: Our Nation Family Fun Day.

Date: 27th Feb, Sunday.

Location: Cultural Forecourt, South Bank Parklands, Brisbane.

Time: The event will start at 9.00 am and will end at 9.00 pm.

Description: The theme of the event is based on multiculturalism. Primarily the event will focus on celebrating multiculturalism in the presence of the multicultural family.

Audience: The event welcomes every individual of all age groups.

3.0 Program of events

3.1 Importance of the programme of events

The programme of events is an essential component for the success of the event. An event programme is a helpful tool that ensures effective planning. The programme of event also ensures that whether any event is missed. The programme of events specifically lists each and every programme with a proper timeframe (Van der Wagen & White, 2018). It helps the audience and also the other staff to know the activity timeline of the event. The programme of events also conveys the message to the target audience that the event organiser wants to deliver. A well-prepared programme of event flyers or posters also keeps the audience of the programme interested in the upcoming activities of the event. The programme of the event is also important because it keeps the flow of the event running for the audience. However, the main importance of the programme of events poster is to keep the event at its current time (Dashper et al., 2018). Time management becomes easier after handing out the flyers or the poster for the event management organisation. The event programme posters also provided the chronological order of the activities in the event. It helps the performers also to know about their performance time and prepare their activities according to the mentioned time.

3.2 Programme of the event

Table 1: Programme of event Timeline and description

3.3 Programme of event flyers

Figure 1: Flyers for the Event

4.0 Site map

4.1 Importance of site map

Creating a site map for the audience is extremely vital for the event management organiser. The site map represents a visual direction for the audience (Jackson et al., 2018). Apart from this, the site map also helps to handle the flow of the people better. The site map also helps the audience to know which programme is conducted at which place. The primary importance of the site map is in the event navigation. In the case of the event staff, the site map makes it easier for the staff to navigate the flow of the attendees through the event timeline. The event organiser also uses the site plan as a part of their planning process (Bladen et al., 2018). The site pan can also be very valuable in case of any emergency. It shows the path of any emergency exit to the audience.

4.2 Site P lan of ‘Our Nation Family Fun Day’ event

Figure 2: Site Plan of ‘Our Nation Family Fun Day’


5.0 Staff allocations

5.1 Importance of staff allocation

Every member of the committee, staff, and volunteers are essential human resources for any event to be successful. Staff allocation always left a great impact on the event’s success. Staff play a significant role in event management. Staff allocation brought efficient performance in all other functions (Allen, 2019). Staff allocation is the key to managing all other functions to work swiftly. The event controller needs to recruit competent personnel for every job that further helps the event to run very smoothly. The staff allocation also needs to be according to the personnel's technological ability (Van Niekerk & Getz 2019). In any event, the new technology helps the event staff work easy and accurate. In the case of allocating the staff in the perfect role, the event controller should allocate staff where the person can utilise the technology for better management (RAJ et al., 2022). The event controller plays the key role in the staff allocation and provides the role for the staff according to their capability.

5.2 Allocation of staff at ‘Our Nation Family Fun Day’

Table 2: Staff Allocation

6.0 Security accreditation

6.1 Importance of Security accreditation

Security accreditation is one of the key essential for the event to be successful. In any kind of event, the accreditation ensures where the person should be at the right palace and right time. A security event accreditation provides multiple functionalities (Silvers & O'Toole, 2021). These include the identifications, access, per diems and overall security. Not every area of the event space is accessible for every person. Therefore, security accreditation helps the security personnel to watch which people have the access to which particular areas.

6.2 Category of accreditation

Table 3: Category of accreditation
Source: Self-developed

7.0 References

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