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HCCSSD102 Person Centred Practice Report 2 Sample

Assessment Task

The task is to keep a reflective journal in which each week you comment on your own progress in the application of counselling microskills such as empathy, summarising, reflecting, focussing and challenging. The sections of the reflective journal which deal with any three microskills need to be submitted. Each microskill should be clearly described. Please refer to the Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


Reflection on practice is an important lifelong skill for counselling. For effective reflection it is helpful to engage with peers and so you are required to participate in discussion forums. You also need a reflective journal to keep track of your own progress in learning from your reading and engagement in lectures and skills practice. This assessment tests your use of a reflective journal.


For the completion of this assessment, you will need to go back to your journal entries from

the start of the subject. Many of the weekly activities include entering your thoughts and experiences into your learning journal. You should aim to write in the journal every week, detailing your progress and commenting on ways of overcoming your perceived weaknesses.

You are not required to submit all your journal entries – you must review, select, and copy and paste into a Word document the entries that focus on the development of three microskills of your choice - e.g , empathy, reflecting and focussing, or warmth, summarising
and challenging, or any other combination.

You need to include a 300 word description of each of your three chosen microskills, followed by reflections on your developing mastery of each skill. Your journal entries will be informed by the course materials and further reading. A reference list is also required for your assessment submission.


Journal entry

Description of micro skill

Micro skill 1: Being authentic

While completing the course work during week six I have learned about micro skills for confidence and in confidence. As per core conditions mentioned by Rogers to ensure person centred therapy I have become aware of the concept of confidence and in confidence. Congruence is considered the condition that empowers therapeutic relationships for accurate matching of persons' experience with awareness (Rogers, 1957). It is a vital aspect to be considered by counsellors and it requires the presence of self awareness. While applying to the conference there is a need to ensure authenticity and being authentic is the micro skill needed for ensuring concurrence and associated self awareness. Authenticity can be explained as operations of one true or course sales in daily activities without any obstruction. Authenticity signifies presence of sincerity, autonomy, and conference along with genuineness (Jolley, 2019). In the case of psychological therapeutic relationships, presence of concurrence and genuineness is history to ensure patient trust in the therapist. It ensured authentic exploration and it supported patient value in overall practices. Presence of authenticity also empowers the presence of unconditional positive regard to motivate clients to change and grow from the condition faced (Maurer & Daukantaite, 2020). It empowers a positive relationship between the counsellor and the patient to understand the issues faced by the client as well as monitoring of the improvement.

During the coursework, I have learned about this skill's importance and I have practised ensuring authenticity by ensuring dignity and ensuring trustworthiness by improving my communication. I have learned that authenticity leads to client trust for which I have worked on my body language and communication style that can support trust. I will develop this microskill further through understanding of psychotherapeutic cases where counsellors have applied authenticity skills for managing patient conditions. In the future, I will further improve my communication skills for better persuasion.

Micro skill 2: Confidence

During week eight I learned about the importance of UPR in counselling practises. UPR as per Roger's core condition focuses on ensuring a positive environment that supports individuals to open up and speak about the difficulties they have faced and clearly express their fear without being criticised or judged. For these specifications, there is need to ensure confidence among the service user as well as reflect confidence by the counsellor itself that helps to ensure a positive environment. In this week I have learned about the stages of change that an individual goes through while accessing counselling services. During the overall process of confidence, the counsellor ensures self esteem and critically evaluates the situation necessary to be implemented to ensure a positive mindset (Zhang et al., 2019). I have gained significant understanding regarding the importance of confidence as micro skill among psychological practitioners as it ensures professionalism and positive patient outcomes. Self-confidence is reflected as individual psychological character that allows individuals to trust judgements and counsellors must ensure patient centred decision making. Thus based on understanding individuals need presence of confidence will help me to make the correct decision as per the situation.
I have developed the skill of confidence by engaging with different cases and different critical cases to understand the decisions made in each case. I will further improve my skills of confidence and decision making by going through the learning materials in the course as well as reviewing different case studies online to boost my self confidence. Awareness is the major area that empowers self confidence and I will focus on that by understanding my strengths and weaknesses I will further improve my confidence.

Micro skill 3: Empathy

During week 9 I have identified the importance of developing therapeutic relationships with patients for ensuring a patient-centred practice. This week the concept of empathy became clear to me and as per Rogers three conditions for person centred therapy empathy play a significant role. I have learned that the presence of empathy in a psychotherapist counsellor helps to ensure a strong and positive relationship with the patient. Reflecting empathy allows individuals to empower trustworthiness in the overall care settings. Empathy highlights that the counsellor is actively listening and understanding the overall experiences and it becomes beneficial for the patient to clearly explain the issues they are facing (Kaluzeviciute, 2020). As a result, the overall situation becomes clear to the Counselor and the overall treatment process becomes easier. During work, I have learned about the importance of reflecting empathy in the overall process and I have learned that communication and body language are major areas that reflect counsellors’ empathy towards individuals. As per diversified specifications in terms of age and other demographics as well as social condition individuals grow through different psychological stress and consequences. In this context, empathetic behaviour can help to solve the situation and ensure targeted treatment in terms of patient centred care facilities.

I have developed empathy till now through incorporating changes in my communication pattern and I have also ensured diligence in my communication. I have ensured my words are respectful towards individuals and empathetic to understand their feelings and the situation they are going through. In the future, I will focus on further improving my empathetic behaviour through communicating with individuals having different lifestyle preferences and actively listening to the issues they face so I can successfully decide the way I have to deal with the situation presented by the patient.


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