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MGT605 Business Capstone Project Report 1 Sample


This subject allows the student to synthesise the knowledge and skills gained from all other subjects studied up to that point. The main deliverable in the subject is a major project. In this first assessment, the project is proposed.


In this assessment, you are required to propose how you are going to study in the capstone project. Before you can do that, you first need to identify a project idea on which to develop your project proposal . Your project proposal must include the pain statement or problem statement. The capstone project proposal serves two basic functions. Firstly, it presents and explains how you are going to study and analyse the issue of your capstone project. This is essential to make clear what you aim to achieve by the end of this study period, what data you will collect and analyse and what MBA subject theory applies to your project. Secondly, how you will conduct the capstone project. This is an account of the steps you will take until you produce the final report. This includes a timeline. The timeline will help you track your progress. With this information, your facilitator will be able to guide you concerning the suitability and feasibility of your capstone project.

Formulating a project idea

As mentioned above, before you can develop your capstone project proposal, you need to identify a problem or opportunity. Please refer to the “Broad Business Capstone Project Ideas.pdf” file for help with identifying project ideas. You can find the “Broad Business Capstone Project Ideas.pdf” in the learning portal.

Structure of the project proposal

Include all relevant content expected in a project proposal.

Cover Page – provide a cover page with identification information including, your name, the subject and code, the capstone project title, date, word count, etc.

Introduction or Context – background information including a description of the country, the industry, the organisation (case unit) and the problem or opportunity (the issue(s)). Discuss the circumstances through which the problem or opportunity has arisen.

Aim/purpose of project – the specific aim of the capstone project is to identify the problem or opportunity and to summarise what your project intends to achieve.

Method – identify the proposed sources of information or data. Also consider how your knowledge from your post graduate program will apply in your project. Ensure that the project is feasible within the available time. Also describe the relevance and significance of your capstone project.

Conclusion – a brief statement about what the project is all about, its suitability and feasibility.

Indicative timeframe – itemise what you will cover in each week.




HCL technology is one of the leading IT companies that provides a wide scope of IT services that include application development, digital transportation, support, project management as well as consulting. For Assignment Help, This company is continuing its business procedures for 20 years in the global marketplace (Businessinsider.in, 2020). The primary focus of any business is to expand its marketing shares in the specified marketplace (Kazem, Rice& Adzhyan, 2018). That is why this company is trying to enhance their growth rate as well as expanding their marketing shares with the help of an effective acquisition strategy. In order to expand the business area, the core executives of HCL want to acquire DWS Limited. Both companies have already occupied a secure place in the Australian market.

According to the annual report of Australia, 2020, the revenue rate of DWS Limited is $ 167.9 million (Businessinsider.in, 2020). On the other hand, the revenue rate of HCL is $9.93 billion based on the Australian marketplace. Therefore, it will be an advantage for both companies if they combine with each other. HCL will be able to become a top brand with a maximum effective workforce whereas DWS Limited will be capable of continuing its business in the Australian marketplace. In this proposal, the purpose of this project as well as issues are going to be elaborated by the researcher based on the case study of HCL in an efficient manner.

Main issue

The main issue that will be researched in the project report is how a Strategic Acquisition can help in growth and success of a business. The concept of Acquisition is generally buying majority share of another company. Only The research will be digging deep in aspect of acquisition as a mode of survival in future competitive market. The research will be dwelling around the very prospect of acquisition will enable HCL in future to determine next course of business and financial action. HCL follows a total of three types of acquisition strategies for building a strong reputation in the specified marketplace that includes improving the performance of the company, removing competition as well as using current trending technologies for developing the products.

In this case, HCL tries to acquire DCL Limited that might help to remove the competition from the marketplace as well as improve the performance of the organization with an effective workforce (Businessinsider.in, 2021). In this case, there are some other issues that can be faced by this company that include managing cash flows, monitoring performance, managing overheads as well as retaining customers (Mckinsey.com, 2017).

Purpose of this project

The main purpose of this project is to identify the acquisition strategies that are being followed by the HCL Company for survival purposes. It is also required to understand how HCL Technologies acquire DWS Limited by managing the cashflows as well as overheads. Therefore, it is required for HCL Technologies to understand the use of acquisition strategy for survival as well as growth purposes. It might help to analyze the benefits of following the acquisition strategy for enhancing the growth rate of the business in the specified marketplace. According to the case study of HCL Technologies, they follow the acquiring strategy for expanding their business area as well as remove the competition from the specified marketplace (Businessinsider.in, 2021). It will help to attract more target customers because they will be able to provide a superior quality service to the customers within a minimum time. This is because they will have a large number of employees after acquiring DWS Limited.

Related Theories

The main objective of running any business is to build a strong reputation based on their products and services as well as enhance the profit rate within a minimum time. That is why HCL is trying to follow the same policy. During the Covid-19 situation, customers are portraying a lesser demand based on the services. Therefore, it is impossible to enhance the growth rate because of the lesser market demand. However, a total of 1.1% growth rate of HCL has been increased in 2020 (Businessinsider.in, 2020).

Theories are critical concept in discussing the feasibility of acquisition. Therefore the search for rrlated theories which be coincided in the research project is essential.

“Theory of Market Timing” is one among many theories that will be used to understand the very prospect that HCL took into order to go forward for the acquisition of the DWS. The very advice that guides one to judge the future growth ratio of other concerned companies is from the theory of Market timing. Overvaluing of the company to be processed under acquisition is something theory of market timing suggests.

Decision theory will be followed by the HCL technologies to manage the business procedures. As per the case study, HCL wants to acquire DWS Limited. In this case, they can be faced many issues that include employee overloaded issues as well as monitoring-related issues. Therefore, decision-making theory helps the core executives to make a crucial decision for solving those issues within a minimum time (Entrepreneurshandbook.co, 2020). It will also help to mitigate certain risks in an efficient manner.

Data Collection Procedure

The data collection procedure helps the people to gather the relevant information depending on the specific research topic. The data collection procedure are of two types that include a primary method as well as a secondary method. However in this case the use of secondary data will be considered. Secondary data is efficient in collecting data could be easily searched for authenticity. The information about acquisition and other critical factors those are needed to be consulted before proceeding with acquisition could be easily gathered from peer reviewed secondary sources.

This researcher will develop five themes based on the research samples. Along with this, the 10 research samples will be used by the researcher to evaluate the use of acquisition strategy for enhancing the growth rate as well as survival purposes. This research study will be based on the HCL company that will help the reader to understand the acquisition strategy that is being followed by the HCL company for expanding their market shares as well as survival purposes.

Journals that could be of use in the future endeavour of the project are:
https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:1255298/FULLTEXT01.pdfTheoretical foundation of Diversification Decisions: (virtusinterpress.org)

Websites those could be used are:

HCL technologies | DWS Ltd: HCL tech acquires Australian IT firm DWS for $115.8 million (indiatimes.com)

Data Analysis Method

The researcher will perform secondary thematic analysis for evaluating the use of the acquisition strategy of HCL Technologies in a proper way. A total of 5 themes will be developed by the researcher based on ten research samples. Authentic articles, as well as journals, will be collected by the researcher to meet the research criteria. Graphs will be analyzed by the researcher based on the sales rate, turnover rate, growth rate as well as marketing shares of the HCL to describe their acquisition strategy in a proper way. It will help the reader in understanding the journey of HCL for 20 years. This company has already expanded its business area in the global marketplace. Now, they are trying to remove the competition by following any effective acquisition strategy. It will also help the reader in analyzing the importance of using acquisition strategy in order to run the business effectively. Therefore, the research articles will help to collect the relevant information about the HCL technologies.

Deliverables of the Project

According to this research study, the reader will be able to analyze the enhancing growth rate as well as revenue rate of the HCL Technologies. At the same time, this research study helps to measure the predicted growth rate of this company based on following the acquisition strategy within a minimum time.
The research will be well poised with information related to the factors that determines when and how to invest at time of acquisition. The central factors that the project will be supporting are the search for relevant theories that could guide an organisation in future opting for acquisition as an option for future growth. The outcome of the project will suffice the ways acquisition could boost future aspect of a business.

Timeline of the Project



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