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Project Management Coursework Assignment Sample

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In the role of a Project Consultant you are required to develop a project for the Smart City OS project by leveraging the techniques and concepts you have covered in the module.

Task 1 – The Project Manager

Critically discuss what skills the project manager of the Smart City OS project needs to develop to be effective and reflect on possible actions the project manager of the Smart City OS project should take to develop those skills. Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real projects.

Task 2 – Problem Solving & Decision Making

Identify relevant stakeholders and create a stakeholder influence map for the Smart City OS project and discuss why these are the most critical stakeholders emerging from your analysis., Then, by leveraging the academic literature and similar real projects, critically discuss how you engage the stakeholders you have identified with the Smart City OS project.

Task 3 – The Project Triangle

Critically discuss the importance of the various project triangle parameters that will need to be managed by the Smart City OS project manager over the course of the project, and how they may inter-relate to each other. Discuss the impact of possible changes to this project. Support your arguments with academic literature and references to other similar real projects.

Presentation and Structure
Assessment Self-Evaluation
Word-count: up to 1,000 words.



In this area of technological advancement Hull is the first UK city to develop ‘The Smart City OS’ to visualize real life data on large displays. The project management plays significant role when it comes to development and execution of project in systematic way through using skills and abilities. Therefore, the current study will shed light on the skills and attributes to be considered by the project manager for completing the project process. In addition to that, significance of stakeholder participation will be discussed in this paper. Apart from that, the involvement of stakeholders will be discussed as it helps in making effective decision.


The Project Manager

The job of project management is not as easy as it sounds. It requires a lot of knowledge and skills in order to make the project successful. The project manager majorly focused on the below mentioned skills while executing this project for attaining goals and objectives associated with it.


The project manager needs to develop his leadership in order to lead his team in the project making it successful. The project manager needs to mediate as well as motivate the entire team so as to make each part of the project perfect (Novo et al, 2017).


Communication and leadership are the two sides of a coin. In order to become a good and ideal leader the manager needs to have excellent communication skills. The project manager of Smart City OS is required to develop and implement effective communication skills for sharing relevant data information about the project scheduling and strategy to be considered by the project manager ((Novo et al, 2017)). For instance, for providing high quality service to the populace, the project manager is requiring to use advanced communication tools through which the project team will be able to have proper understanding of the project procedures.


A project can prove to be effective only when it gets finished within the prescribed time. For this the manager must ensure that a proper realistic schedule is set up for the employees.

Risk Management:

Planning a project always comes with risk as a combined offer irrespective of the project being big or small (Srivastava and Rathod, 2017). It is the job of the project manager to identify access and find solutions for the risks before starting the project.

Actions taken by project manager to develop these skills are as follows:

Timeline planning:

Project managers act as the keepers of a calendar of a project, as they are responsible for the successful completion of projects. In order to develop this skill, they need to search on time chart flows therefore planning each phase of the project systematically.

Project Budgeting:

Project managers also act as the budget managers for a project. For this they need to go through the past projects to analyse the mistakes and prepare a budget accordingly. Project team need to look through the project scope in order to estimate the approximate budget and implement a plan accordingly.


Problem Solving & Decision Making

Stakeholders are the people who invest in a project and are directly involved with the respected project. They gain profits or loss with the implementation of the project. Some of the important stakeholders for the Smart

City OS are as follows:

Internal Stakeholders:


Employees devote a major portion of financial as well as time in developing the project and making it successful making them an important stakeholder.


Managers play a significant role in deciding the strategy and operation of the project making them an important stakeholder for the Smart City OS project.


The owners hold major shares of the project marking them as an important stakeholder for the Smart City OS project.

External Stakeholders:


The suppliers are the source of resources required for implementation of the project marking them as important stakeholders (Li et al, 2017).


The interest of the society towards the environmental effects of the project makes them a concerning and important stakeholder for the Smart City OS.


The government ensures the project runs properly as it aids in the economic way to the government providing productivity as well as employment. This highlights them as important stakeholders (Gil-Garcia et al, 2019).


Creditors lend money to the project making them a financially important stakeholder for the Smart City OS project.


Shareholders own the shares of the company reaping the profits of the company. Thus they are important because they help the project to earn money.


Customers are the sole reason behind the survival of the Smart City OS project in the market.

The project manager needs to identify the stakeholders and get to know them so as to make it easy to communicate and initiate the project successfully. The project manager needs to arrange for meetings and seminars so as to initiate discussions amongst the stakeholders. This will help thyme to find out the similarities and resolve the conflicts beforehand. The project manager needs to make the stakeholders believe that they are genuinely interested to hear their ideologies first giving them utmost priority.


The Project Triangle

Smart City OS is required to incorporate and follow key four parameters of project management for attaining effective comparative advantage. It has been observed that application of these specific parameters helps in improving the quality of the project process. The four parameters of project manager are discussed below:


Time plays a crucial role when it comes to accomplishment of project goals. Therefore, the project managers are required to focus on time management skills for meeting deadlines. The project deadline is bound to be one of the key parameters since it helps in creating strong brand image. Failure in meeting deadlines may negatively affect the growth and development process of the project. (Sanchez and Terlizzi, 2017).


Quality helps in determining the standard followed by the company towards accomplishment of the project. Quality parameter is beneficial for establishing quality standards that may help in attaining strong comparative advantage. (Radujkovi? and Sjekavica, 2017).


Cost is another primary parameter required to be considered while conducting a project. The project manager is responsible for ensuring a budget that will be used for completing the project within a specific time.


After the identification of the major factors that are known to influence the project triangle, it is important to be able to conclude with certain remarks to acquire a proper understanding of the project. It is hence important for the project manager to be able to potentially define the project aspects, which are further split into potential tasks that are spread among team members. This would involve the identification of the project milestones that would keep the stakeholders informed regarding the progress of the project. The current study mainly focused on acquiring the skills and attributes for attaining project goals in an effective manner.

Reference List

Gil-Garcia, J.R., Guler, A., Pardo, T.A. and Burke, G.B., 2019. Characterizing the importance of clarity of roles and responsibilities in government inter-organizational collaboration and information sharing initiatives. Government Information Quarterly, 36(4), p.101393.

Li, Z.Q., Tan, H.C., Anumba, C. and Chia, F.C., 2017. Development of a web-based system for managing suppliers’ performance and knowledge sharing in construction project. Built Environment Project and Asset Management.

Novo, B., Landis, E.A. and Haley, M.L., 2017. Leadership and its role in the success of project management. Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, 14(1), pp.73-78.

Radujkovi?, M. and Sjekavica, M., 2017. Project management success factors. Procedia engineering, 196, pp.607-615.

Sanchez, O.P. and Terlizzi, M.A., 2017. Cost and time project management success factors for information systems development projects. International Journal of Project Management, 35(8), pp.1608-1626.

Shrivastava, S.V. and Rathod, U., 2017. A risk management framework for distributed agile projects. Information and software technology, 85, pp.1-

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