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PBHL20010 Working and Learning in Cross Cultural Communities Assignment Sample


The first assessment help task is a case study of about 2000 words that you will complete on an individual basis. The case study will require you to choose one of the eight stakeholders and discuss their role in a public health emergency; the nature and direction of their interest based on their position in the community and their function in society; and their actions. You must also choose a specific emergency situation from which you will draw examples to illustrate your discussion. This may be an epidemic of disease (for example- a natural disaster (flood, bushfire, earthquake, etc); or an anthropogenic event (chemical spill, industrial explosion, etc). You must specify the emergency and stakeholder group in the case study. You will also need to use appropriate academic references to support your understanding of stakeholder participation, communication needs, and responsibility.

The stakeholders you may choose from are:

1. Local government

2. Science/health experts

3. Local business interests

4. The media

5. Representatives of the long-term community (people who have lived in a given location for 10 years or more)

6. Representatives of new groups (people who have recently arrived in or moved to a given location)

7. Local health care personnel

8. State (or higher level) government

Your case study must have the following sections: 1) Introduction – identifies the chosen stakeholder, the emergency and gives a general indication of who they are or where is the Public health Event – for the stakeholder group you have chosen, describe their role in a public health emergency; make sure to consider whether their role is official or personally at risk of health impacts and it he other kinds of risk they experience; 3) Risks and Responsibilities – for the group you have chosen, describe the nature of the section; make sure to consider whether the risk is direct or indirect, whether it is a risk to health or another kind of risk, what the specific health or non-health risk involves responsibilities are in relation to the public health emergency and its own and the risks of other stakeholders; 4) Role in Public health Decision-Making – for the group you chose, they contribute to decision-making in the context of a public health emergency; be sure to discuss whether their contribution is official or unofficial, the channel through which decision-making process, and the degree to which their impact is informed by evidence-based and non-evidence-based knowledge; and 5) Conclusion – discuss the position you have chosen in a public health emergency; you may want to consider whether they are actors or bystanders, for example, or use some other classification, but be sure stakeholder group is likely to be affected significantly, the nature of the impact, and why you believe this would occur.

This essay writing help must be written in a formal, academic style (not first person) and must be fully referenced. Harvard referencing is preferred for this unit. If you need help the referencing guides available online and through the Library as soon as possible.


1.0 Introduction

Public Health professionals are aimed towards protecting the health of the populations. Within a particular Public Health field, they also work to prevent the disease and make sure that the injury of the person does not spread (Harper et al. 2020). When an infectious disease is spreading such as that of coronavirus Public Health professionals work to track and stop the same while making sure that they can keep communities as healthy as possible.

The current reflection is based on my learning and experience of the scenario. It is focused on reflecting the specific experiences and other instances of the learner. The job experience is based in the larger context of community engagement. It highlights my experience of what I have learnt about public health and my job as a public health professional in the public health emergency of a covid-19 pandemic.

2.0 Learning during Scenario

The learning processes within the course of the scenario were extensive. This is so because I participated in scenarios every week and in a group of 5 members. It helped me understand the perspectives of other individuals and gain an idea about how they would view the same situation differently from me.

The process of learning is firstly involved in studying the scenarios and understanding the variables which revolve around the same. We then discussed the scenarios and the complications it presents which enabled us to gain a deeper insight about information that is presented. In this way we got to know how the other person would view the same situation. In this way we were able to understand the scenario completely which made solving answers easier (Rosa et al. 2020).

After the discussion we each picked up a question for answering. I learnt a lot from the information presented in this scenario as well as the perspectives shared by my group members. As an individual, I found it hard to work in a group and participate in group discussions. Due to these scenarios, I was able to develop team working skills along with the ability to participate in a discussion while presenting personal viewpoints and also learning about that of others. I got to know that there are a couple of underlying gaps in my knowledge because the perspective presented by my group members were highly differing and I got to know that a need for future learning exists as I need to strengthen my course knowledge and perform better.

3.0 Reflection on Scenario Experience

The self-analysis highlights that I need to revise the contents of my course and link them with the scenario so that I am able to understand the case is shared within them and answer the questions in a better way. I also need to undertake future learning about how to understand and reflect upon case studies so that I would be able to perform better in real life situations.

In the PBHL20007 unit, I got to know about the persistence of cultural shock within Public Health with specific reference to language and food. Reflected how the students who come from their country to Australia experience cultural shock as it acts as a barrier while adopting food and culture which is highly different from whether they have experienced all their life. Students also feel lonely when they leave their country because they leave behind their family and friends and also take time to make new friends with people who belong to different cultures and have different viewpoints and identities (Banerjee & Firtell 2017).

In this way they find themselves alone whenever they have a problem to encounter with specific reference to academic or personal life. I found this to be resulting in heavy stress which makes it difficult for international students to perform well in university. Differences in study pattern and the required level of academic writing skills also act as a bird in which need to be managed along with handling emotional and psychological health.

In PBHL20008, I got to know how to engage with cross-cultural communities. I research the information before the placement so that I would know my roles and responsibilities. I focused on the Australian indigenous community in the second assignment of this unit which was based on a case study of rural and remote areas. I reflected upon the mental health and physical status of the community members.

I gained an insight that they have poor accessibility to health services and quality food which further possesses a negative impact on their physical and mental health (Takeda & Melby 2017). I also found the patterns of heavy alcohol consumption due to problems such as lack of knowledge and stress. I give solutions so as to make sure that these communities are able to fulfil their cultural needs by increasing their knowledge regarding food and education and engaging with other community members.

4.0 Descriptive Elements of the Scenario

From the scenario, I learnt a lot of important things that improved my existing knowledge base and also allowed me to explore a lot of unexplored ideas and viewpoints. As highlighted earlier, me and my other group members participated in the scenarios every week where we performed various activities. It is vital to note that me and my group members were not able to meet and interact physically so as to fulfil this scenario activities and hence, we created a group over WhatsApp so that we could discuss the contents of the scenario and also reflect upon or learn from the same. My group members were highly considered rated because whenever one individual did not understand something the entire group would remain online and discuss the same way until it was clear to everyone which highlighted interpersonal participation.

In addition to this, I also got to know about its stakeholders within a public health scenario along with the members of the community and the public health professional. The most important insight I gained about the stakeholders was in reference to the responsibilities and roles performed by them in large Public Health events such as with situations of epidemic or pandemic.

These scenarios also help me to understand how to treat people and members of the community who are infected from the infection or illnesses. I gained an insight that I do not need to provide just the medical care for medicines and rather I need to provide them with adequate emotional support so that they do not feel that they are alone in this and rather have emotional support as and when required.

The major consideration here was that I firstly need to determine all the variables present in the condition so that I have all the required information for solving the issue. This is capable of helping me as a public health professional when I would be dealing with people who are affected from a public health event as well as individuals who were not affected. This is so because people who are affected are dealing with illness as well as emotional issues which makes it hard for them to concentrate on the positive aspects and have confidence that they will get better.

On the other hand, people who are not affected live in the constant state of fear and panic because they feel that they would catch the viruses and will not be able to protect themselves within the public health epidemic (Edmonds et al. 2020). This situation was common in the times of covid-19 pandemic because the people who had not contracted the coronavirus lived in a state of panic and hysteria where they were highly protective of themselves and found it hard to live a normal life while taking the required precautions.

It has been identified that the stakeholders of the public health infection control were management, program staff, funding agencies, Public Health professionals, and community members (Glenn et al. 2021).

I (as a public health professional) and other stakeholders were interested in making sure that infection control is being done properly where everyone is performing their jobs in the desired manner while focusing on the interests of the community. The outcome of the situation was collecting swabs for testing people for covid-19 and injecting what scenes to others.

The role of these stakeholders was directed towards making sure that the infection control happened in the desired manner and that each person performing the job was doing it correctly. It is vital to note that operations in public health can be tedious because there is a perfect set of instructions that need to be followed to take a single swab for a test or to inject a vaccine (Calisher et al. 2020).

The group of stakeholders who is the most at risk include public health professionals and community members. The key reason behind the same is that they are in close contact with the virus. The group which is at risk for non-health loss includes funding agencies. Their monetary resources are at stake while managing the public health event.

5.0 Job Experience in Public Health

I have been performing the role of Public Health professional as infection control in the public health emergency of the covid-19 pandemic. My role involved covid swapping and vaccination, PPE spotter. These were focused on controlling the spread of infection in the community and making sure that the stakeholders of Public Health are satisfied. My job did not only have a medical front but also reflected critical importance as me along with other practitioners was working closely with the virus.

During the situation, I felt fearful of contracting the virus myself. This is so because I was closely working while the people were submitting their samples for a test which might or might not be positive but I always felt at risk by performing my job as a public health professional in a public health emergency. Before the situation, I felt that I should do something to contribute to the diversification of the community of Australia and help them make it easier to manage the covid-19 pandemic.

After the situation, I felt that I have done good and worked for the benefit of society in order to promote Public Health. I felt that other people who were present at the scene also had similar feelings about the situation to myself. It can be further evaluated that the things that did not go so well involved me not being able to handle my emotional challenges and feelings of fear while making sure that I am doing my job in the desired manner. I was also not able to manage my academic and personal life while I was engaged in professional activities as a public health practitioner.

Apart from this, I signed up for the job without actually thinking about how I am going to protect myself which led to feelings of anxiety and fear while I was working. It can be analysed that I did not have paid the required attention to the demands of my academic life and emotional health because of which I was not able to handle the stress of the things going around me and they might have experienced Burnout at work. The sense which I can make of the situation now revolves around how if I could have undertaken better time management and stress management the situation would have been better.

Along with this, I think that if I would have developed these skills the situation of Burnout wouldn't have taken place which put me at risk of a public health emergency. I feel that even though I performed my job properly I did not pay the required attention to other aspects of my life which caused emotional distress. I feel that the learning and knowledge which I gained from this experience can be implemented in future situations so that I can handle them in a better way.

6.0 Conclusion

From the reflection, it can be concluded that learning during the scenario enabled me to develop team working skills and ability to participate within group discussions. I also got to know about gaps in my current knowledge and the ways in which I can undertake future learning. The units PBHL20007 and PBHL20008 further contributed to my learnings of cross culture public health. The public health stakeholders were discussed along with their relationships with specific reference to the public health event of covid-19 pandemic.


Banerjee, S & Firtell, J 2017, ‘Pedagogical models for enhancing the cross-cultural online public health learning environment’, Health Education Journal, vol.76, no.5, pp.622-631, viewed 30th September 2021, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Srikanta-Banerjee/publication/317387894_Pedagogical_models_for_enhancing_the_cross-cultural_online_public_health_learning_environment/links/60be3017458515218f9ee08b/Pedagogical-models-for-enhancing-the-cross-cultural-online-public-health-learning-environment.pdf

Calisher, C, Carroll, D, Colwell, R, Corley, R B, Daszak, P, Drosten, C, Enjuanes, L, Farrar, J, Field, H, Golding, J & Gorbalenya, A 2020, ‘Statement in support of the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China combatting COVID-19’, The Lancet, vol. 395, no. 10226, pp. 42-43, viewed 22nd September 2021, https://escholarship.org/content/qt05h3r4qr/qt05h3r4qr.pdf

Edmonds, J K, Kneipp, S M & Campbell, L 2020, A call to action for public health nurses during the COVID?19 pandemic, ‘Public Health Nursing (Boston, Mass.’), vol.37, no.3, p.323, viewed 30th September 2021, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7262140/

Glenn, J., Chaumont, C. & Villalobos Dintrans, P 2021, ‘Public health leadership in the times of COVID-19: a comparative case study of three countries’, International Journal of Public Leadership, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 81-94, viewed 22nd September 2021, https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJPL-08-2020-0082/full/html

Harper, C A, Satchell, L P, Fido, D & Latzman, R D 2020, ‘Functional fear predicts public health compliance in the COVID-19 pandemic’, International journal of mental health and addiction, pp.1-14, viewed 22nd September 2021, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11469-020-00281-5

Rosa, W E, Gray, T F, Chow, K, Davidson, P M, Dionne-Odom, J N, Karanja, V, Khanyola, J, Kpoeh, J D, Lusaka, J, Matula, S T & Mazanec, P 2020, ‘Recommendations to leverage the palliative nursing role during COVID-19 and future public health crises’, Journal of hospice and palliative nursing: JHPN: the official journal of the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association, vol.22, no.4, p.260, viewed 30th September 2021, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/pmc8018720/

Takeda, W &Melby, M K 2017, ‘Spatial, temporal, and health associations of eating alone: A cross-cultural analysis of young adults in urban Australia and Japan’, Appetite, vol.118, pp.149-160, viewed 30th September 2021, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wakako-Takeda/publication/319113899_Spatial_temporal_and_health_associations_of_eating_alone_A_cross-cultural_analysis_of_young_adults_in_urban_Australia_and_Japan/links/59d6d7700f7e9b42a6aa0a78/Spatial-temporal-and-health-associations-of-eating-alone-A-cross-cultural-analysis-of-young-adults-in-urban-Australia-and-Japan.pdf

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