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PSYC20042 Building Wellbeing and Resilience Assignment Sample


In Assessment descriptive essay help online, you are required to collect and evaluate a series of resources pertaining to wellbeing in different areas.

For Assessment 1, You will:

1. Choose five topics from a list of wellbeing topics (please see below). You are also required to include an additional (sixth) topic area of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and wellbeing.

2. Pertaining to the six topics (five chosen topics from the list and one of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and wellbeing), source and collate a collection of peer-reviewed research articles, quality relevant websites, research-oriented summary media articles, and videos.

3. Reference each resource using APA style 7th edition.

4. For the six topic areas, summarise, analyse, and evaluate the collected resources (400 words +/- 10% per topic area).

Topic areas

1. Exercise and wellbeing
2. Nutrition and wellbeing
3. Mind-body wellness
4. Positive Education
5. Ageing and wellbeing
6. Families and wellbeing
7. Eco-psychology
8. Animals and wellness/animal therapy for humans
9. Building social support/social connections
10. Play/fun/recreation
11. Spirituality, meaning, and purpose
12. Stress reduction for wellbeing and resilience
13. Complementary and alternative medicine
14. Building wellbeing, resilience, and coping skills
15. Enhancing creativity
16. Sleep and wellbeing
17. Parenting and wellbeing
18. Work and wellbeing
19. The built environment and wellbeing
20. Creative arts and wellbeing
21. The benefits of social support
22. Effects of green space on wellbeing
23. Meditation and/or mindfulness
24. Intellectual development (can include curiosity)
25. Physical therapies and practices known to enhance wellbeing
26. Particular practices (e.g., gratitude, self-compassion, savouring)
27. Other. If you wish to research a related topic(s) not listed above, please contact your Unit Coordinator regarding the suitability of the topic.

Compulsory Topic: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Wellbeing.

Sourcing and Collating Resources

It is expected that for each topic area, students collect a minimum of 4 resources. This means that you will have a minimum of 24 references for your assessment piece.

All collected resources (e.g., websites, videos) should be underpinned by peer- reviewed research. For each of the topics, the resources should include at least one review article (e.g., systematic review, narrative review) from a peer-reviewed journal. Other resources may include peer-reviewed research articles describing studies undertaken, quality relevant websites (e.g., material from Psychology Today or Scientific American), research-oriented summary media articles, and videos (e.g., TED Talks, videos posted to YouTube by experts in the area).

Topic area resources collected must have a primary focus on positive psychology and/or wellbeing and resilience.

For each topic area, your chosen resources should cover psychological, physiological/physical, and environmental approaches to wellbeing/resilience.

Each topic area must include at least one resource pertaining to a wellbeing intervention/exercise/practice pertaining to the topic area.

An Example

If you were to choose self-compassion and wellbeing as a topic, you would want to collect:

• One peer-reviewed review article, such as a review article that has explored the impact of self-compassion on some aspect of wellbeing.

You would also want to ensure that the resources you collect include material describing:

• Psychological aspects of self-compassion – for example, what are the benefits of self-compassion for wellbeing, such as happiness or better relationships

• Physiological/physical aspects – such as what happens to the body when a person experiences compassion

• Environmental aspects. For the last aspect, you might have to think carefully about this. There is probably not going to be research on self-compassion and nature/green space, for example. But perhaps you can look at sourcing an article that examines self-compassion in a particular context, such as the nursing environment where it is suggested that the nature of the work/environment means that they may benefit from building their self- compassion skills.

Summarising and Evaluating Resources

For all six of your topic areas, examine in 400 (+/- 10%) words per topic area:

• What the collected research can tell us about the wellbeing area. That is, analyse what the collected resources tell us about wellbeing and the topic area.

For example, if the topic was sleep, what do the resources tell us about the effects of sleep (e.g., sufficient sleep, lack of sleep) on our wellbeing? This is an overall or global summary of what your resources tells us.

• The links between psychological, physiological, and environmental approaches to understanding wellbeing and/or resilience in the topic area. For example, if the topic was sleep, what do the resources tell us about sleep from a physiological (e.g., how does sleep affect us physiologically?), a psychological
(e.g., how does sleep affect us psychologically?), and from an environmental
(e.g., what aspects of the environment affect our sleep?) perspective.

• The wellbeing intervention or practice, including the reasons it was chosen and its evidence base. For example, what is an intervention to improve sleep and is their evidence for its effectiveness?

• What are the strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in the literature? – that is, evaluating the resources (please see below).

Evaluating Resources

An important part of this task is to provide some critique of the resources, such as gaps or unanswered questions posed by the research; methodological strengths and weaknesses of the collected materials; and what we may need to consider when using the intervention collected.

That is, while describing what the research tells us about wellbeing and the links between psychological, physical, and environmental approaches is a part of your write-up, you will engage in critical analysis and evaluation of the resources in order to make broader conclusions about what the collected resources can tell us about the topic area.

Some of the things that you might want to consider when evaluating resources are included below. Since you have a limit of 400 words per topic, you would only want to discuss 2 or 3 of these things. You can also choose whether you discuss these things at the end of each of your write-ups, or whether you integrate the evaluation throughout your write-up.

Please also remember that you are critiquing from the perspective of the resources that you have collated on that topic area. For example, you do not need to do an exhaustive literature search to see what groups have not been investigated, or to find what questions have not been answered. What we are looking for in your critique is evidence that, based on what you have collected, you have thought logically about the resources. For example, if most of what you have collected involved younger people, you might want to suggest why some research should be conducted with older people (this may or may not have been done – you do not need to go find out).

Potential Evaluation Areas:

• What groups have not been investigated/could be investigated regarding the topic?

For example, have younger but not older people been investigated; are most of the resources focused on the Western world?

• What relationships have not been investigated?

For example, has the effect of a practice on hedonic wellbeing been investigated, but not eudaimonic wellbeing?

• What outcomes are we not aware of?

For example, did the resources collected focus on one outcome of an intervention
(e.g., better relationships) but not others (e.g., better physical health).

• Is the method of investigation used (e.g., survey, experiment) the most appropriate one for the topic?

For example, what might be the problems with a self-report survey?

• What types of measures have been used in the resources collected? Are they appropriate?

For example, were measures considered valid or reliable.

• Has the research been done with enough people?

For example, was the sample relatively large (e.g., 100 people) or much smaller (e.g., 10 people). Remember, generally quantitative studies will have larger samples than qualitative studies.

• Does the sample of participants accurately reflect the characteristics of the population of individuals about which the researchers are trying to draw conclusions – that is, is the cohort used generalisable to the broader population?

For example, did the researchers want to investigate self-compassion in nurses, but only collected data on one type of nurse (e.g., mental health nurse). Does that mean we can make conclusions about mental health nurses, but not other (e.g., surgical) nurses?

• What questions have not been answered?

For example, did the researchers focus on exercise practices indoors, but not out in nature?

• Are there conflicting results between studies?

For example, do some of your resources suggest that the topic area impacts physiological wellbeing, while others don’t? Do we need to do more studies to resolve this?

For the intervention, specifically, some of the things to consider include:

• What is the evidence for the intervention chosen? Does the evidence support the efficacy of the intervention to improve wellbeing?

For example, is there good evidence that a self-compassion exercise can improve wellbeing?

• In what types of settings, people (populations), and method of delivery has the intervention been found to work best?

For example, is the evidence for the efficacy of the intervention stronger for younger versus older people; or have most studies investigated efficacy with one type of group.

• Are there particular gaps in our knowledge?

For example, have particular groups not been investigated?


1. Positive Education

In order to adopt positive mental health and different kinds of positive functions, the momentum corresponding to the positive psychology movement has to be increased.. Along with that, different principles of positive psychology are combined through the positive education, blended with best teaching practices (TED and mendro Foundation, 2021). Moreover, through positive education, a good link is created between academic success and well-being (PESA, 2022). In such circumstances, the framework of positive education is developing the Australian schools. Various well-being domains are positive engagement, positive emotions, positive purpose, positive health, positive relationships and others. Besides, a structured process is implemented through positive education where a better evaluation and research are guided by this education layout for mental health development (White & Kern, 2018). On the other hand, feeling good and doing good are indicated by the flourishing where different types of character strengths are included.

“Martin Seligman's PERMA model” and the “Values in Action (VIA) classification” can be implemented in the programs and interventions for well-being and happiness corresponding to positive education. Besides, in the positive education programs, the PROSPER framework can be utilized which indicates the integration of multiple principles corresponding to positive psychology along with effective teaching and learning process for good outcome.

Joy, hope, gratitude is involved with the positive emotions which have to be developed through the positive education for mental happiness. Moreover, the concept of happiness, different motivation, hopes, self-esteem and empathy are aimed by the positive education where several activities can be performed like tree plantation, pollution free nature and others for mental health development. In such correspondence, psychology, physiology and environment are connected well being through the positive education.

Besides, interest, absorption and engagement are included in the positive engagement whereas the positive accomplishment included the achievement of the meaningful outcomes (Seligman & Adler, 2018). Along with that, physical and psychological health is improved by positive health. In such correspondence, for the implementation of the positive education, several positive domains have to be lived, taught and enabled. In such correspondence, the tent of positive education is lived by the well-being support staff (Halliday et al., 2019).

Less social activities and poor maintenance of mental health, less contribution from the parents can be harmful for a child that can be considered as the weakness of positive education and wellbeing. Furthermore, various traditional skills are taught through this process where it is enabled in the school community for the implementation of positive education. In such accordance, in the schools, positive education has to be implemented for the development of mental health and different positive aspects blended with the well-being of the society. 


Halliday, A. J., Kern, M. L., Garrett, D. K., & Turnbull, D. A. (2019). The student voice in well-being: A case study of participatory action research in positive education. Educational Action Research, 27(2), 173-196.https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/09650792.2018.1436079

PESA, (2022).Personal Development opportunities.Retrieved fromhttps://www.pesa.edu.au/. [Retrieved on 25 March 2022]

Seligman, M. E. P., & Adler, A. (2018).Positive education.Global happiness policy report, 52-73.https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alejandro-Adler/publication/331936613_Positive_Education_Seligman_M_E_P_Adler_A_2019_Positive_Education_In_J_F_Helliwell_R_Layard_J_Sachs_Eds_Global_Happiness_and_Wellbeing_Policy_Report_2019_Pp_52_-_71_Global_Council_for_Wellbeing_and_Ha/links/5c93baca92851cf0ae8e98bf/Positive-Education-Seligman-M-E-P-Adler-A-2019-Positive-Education-In-J-F-Helliwell-R-Layard-J-Sachs-Eds-Global-Happiness-and-Wellbeing-Policy-Report-2019-Pp-52-71-Global-Council-for-Wellbein.pdf

TED and mendro Foundation, (2021). How every child can thrive by five.Retrieved from https://www.ted.com/talks/molly_wright_how_every_child_can_thrive_by_five?language=en. [Retrieved on 25 March 2022]

White, M., & Kern, M. (2018). Positive education: Learning and teaching for wellbeing and academic mastery.https://hekyll.services.adelaide.edu.au/dspace/bitstream/2440/118534/3/hdl_118534.pdf

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