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MITS4002 Object Oriented Software Development Assignment Sample

This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptors. This checks your understanding about object-oriented software development. This assessment covers the following LOs. LO1 Demonstrate understanding of classes, constructors, objects, data types and instantiation; Convert data types using wrapper methods and objects. LO2 Independently analyse customer requirements and design object-oriented programs using scope, inheritance, and other design techniques; Create classes and objects that access variables and modifier keywords. Develop methods using parameters and return values. LO3 Demonstrate adaptability in building control and loop structures in an object-oriented environment; Demonstrate use of user defined data structures and array manipulation

Project: Comparing Loans

Problem Description:

Write a program that lets the user enter the loan amount and loan period in number of years and displays the monthly and total payments for each interest rate starting from 5% to 8%, with an increment of 1/8. Here is a sample run:


Loan Amount: 10000

Design: (Describe the major steps for solving the problem.)

Coding: (Copy and Paste Source Code here. Format your code using Courier 10pts)

Output screenshot: (Paste your output screenshot here)

Testing: (Describe how you test this program)

Submit the following items for assignment help

1. Submit this Word document with solution via LMS (you must submit the program regardless of whether it complete or incomplete, correct or incorrect)

1. Can you get the first four rows manually? This will help you understand how to compute the numbers mathematically.

2. Can you write a program to produce the first four rows? This will help you see the pattern.

3. Can you generalize it in a loop to produce all the rows?

4. Finally, format the output correctly.


Program Design
Step-1 START
Step-2 Initialize required variables
Step-3 Initialize rate = 5%
Step-4 User input: loan amount into amt
Step-5 User input: time in years into yrs
Step-6 If amt or yrs <= 0, print error message and GOTO step 15
Step-7 Set r = rate as backup
Step-8 Display header labels
Step-9 While value of rate < = 8, GOTO steps 10, else GOTO step 15
Step-10 Set rate = r/(100*12) for monthly rate calculation
Step-11 Calculate monthlyPayment as per formula
Step-12 Calculate totalPayment as per formula monthlyPayment*12*yrs
Step-13 Display r, monthlyPayment and totalPayments
Step-14 Increase r by 0.125 and GOTO step-9
Step-15 STOP


Output Screenshot


The testing phase of the program was carried out at the very end. At first, the sample data provided with the assignment sample was tested with the same set of inputs. Then, random data was entered to test the output, which was then tallied against the output of trustworthy online Loan Calculators found online.

Firstly, the code was tested against erroneous inputs like negative values for amount and years, or if the user enters 0 for these variables.

Finally, on successfully testing for at least 3-4 sets of data, the testing phase was concluded to be a success. Some screenshots of testing results are presented below.

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