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BDA601 Big Data and Analytics Report Sample

Task Summary

Customer churn, also known as customer attrition, refers to the movement of customers from one service provider to another. It is well known that attracting new customers costs significantly more than retaining existing customers. Additionally, long-term customers are found to be less costly to serve and less sensitive to competitors’ marketing activities. Thus, predicting customer churn is valuable to telecommunication industries, utility service providers, paid television channels, insurance companies and other business organisations providing subscription-based services. Customer-churn prediction allows for targeted retention planning.

In this Assessment, you will build a machine learning (ML) model to predict customer churn using the principles of ML and big data tools.

As part of this Assessment, you will write a 1,000-word report that will include the following:

a) A predictive model from a given dataset that follows data mining principles and techniques;

b) Explanations as to how to handle missing values in a dataset; and

c) An interpretation of the outcomes of the customer churn analysis.

Please refer to the Task Instructions (below) for details on how to complete this task.

Task Instructions

1. Dataset Construction

Kaggle telco churn dataset is a sample dataset from IBM, containing 21 attributes of approximately 7,043 telecommunication customers. In this Assessment, you are required to work with a modified version of this dataset (the dataset can be found at the URL provided below). Modify the dataset by removing the following attributes: MonthlyCharges, OnlineSecurity, StreamingTV, InternetService and Partner.

As the dataset is in .csv format, any spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel or Open Office Calc, can be used to modify it. You will use your resulting dataset, which should comprise 7,043 observations and 16 attributes, to complete the subsequent tasks. The ‘Churn’ attribute (i.e., the last attribute in the dataset) is the target of your churn analysis. Kaggle.com. (2020). Telco customer churn—IBM sample data sets. Retrieved from https://www.kaggle.com/blastchar/telco-customer-churn [Accessed 05 August 2020].

2. Model Development

From the dataset constructed in the previous step, present appropriate data visualisation and descriptive statistics, then develop a ‘decision-tree’ model to predict customer churn. The model can be developed in Jupyter Notebook using Python and Spark’s Machine Learning Library (Pyspark MLlib). You can use any other platform if you find it more efficient. The notebook should include the following sections:

a) Problem Statement

In this section, briefly state the context and the problem you will solve in the notebook.

b) Exploratory Data Analysis

In this section, perform both a visual and statistical exploratory analysis to gain insights about the dataset.

c) Data Cleaning and Feature Selection

In this section, perform data pre-processing and feature selection for the model, which you will build in the next section.

d) Model Building

In this section, use the pre-processed data and the selected features to build a ‘decision-tree’ model to predict customer churn.

In the notebook, the code should be well documented, the graphs and charts should be neatly labelled, the narrative text should clearly state the objectives and a logical justification for each of the steps should be provided.

3. Handling Missing Values

The given dataset has very few missing values; however, in a real-world scenario, data- scientists often need to work with datasets with many missing values. If an attribute is important to build an effective model and have significant missing values, then the data-scientists need to come up with strategies to handle any missing values.

From the ‘decision-tree’ model, built in the previous step, identify the most important attribute. If a significant number of values were missing in the most important attribute column, implement a method to replace the missing values and describe that method in your

4. Interpretation of Churn Analysis

Modelling churn is difficult because there is inherent uncertainty when measuring churn. Thus, it is important not only to understand any limitations associated with a churn analysis but also to be able to interpret the outcomes of a churn analysis.

In your report, interpret and describe the key findings that you were able to discover as part of your churn analysis. Describe the following facts with supporting details:

• The effectiveness of your churn analysis: What was the percentage of time at which your analysis was able to correctly identify the churn? Can this be considered a satisfactory outcome? Explain why or why not;

• Who is churning: Describe the attributes of the customers who are churning and explain what is driving the churn; and

• Improving the accuracy of your churn analysis: Describe the effects that your previous steps, model development and handling of missing values had on the outcome of your churn analysis and how the accuracy of your churn analysis could be improved.



Customers are the important entities of any organization that help them to make business and profit. So, every organization should have an intention to attract more customers in order to gain more profit. For Assignment Help, If the customers will be satisfied with the service, they will be retained in the business of the organization otherwise attrition may be seen (Eduonix, 2018). This is called customer churning that defines whether the customer has been retained or attrited from the business. In this paper, customer attrition will be determined with the application of machine learning.


The data has been collected from Kaggle regarding customer churn (BlastChar, 2017). The data contains the records of those customers who have left the company and for those also who have retained with the company by taking services and purchasing goods. The Data is shown below:

Fig-1: Customer Churn Dataset

Initially, after collecting the data, it has been seen that the data contains 7043 instances or rows and 21 features or columns. The number of rows and columns are shown below:

Fig-2: Initial Data Attributes

Now, five features namely Monthly Charges, Online Security, Streaming TV and Internet Service and Partner have been removed and the resulting dataset is now containing the following attributes:

Fig-3: Resulting Data Attributes

So, presently, the data contains 7043 instances and 16 columns.


The descriptive statistics of the dataset has been checked and the following outcome has been achieved (Learning, 2018).

Fig-4: Data Description

After that, the information of the data has been checked and the following outcome has been obtained:

Fig-5: Data Information

From the information of the data, it has been seen that all features are now in the form of the object (categorical).



In this paper, the problem statements have been prepared as follows:

1. What are the factors that are influencing customer churn?

2. How Decision Tree Classifier is helpful in determining the attrition of customers?


The data analysis has been performed based on some of the features. First, the analysis has been done to visualize the customer attrition based on gender (Sosnovshchenko, 2018). It has been seen that Male customer has more tendency to be attrited compared to female customers.

Fig-6: Analysis of Gender

Nest, the analysis has been done to visualize whether Online backup is related to customer attrition. The outcome of the analysis is shown below:

Fig-7: Analysis of Online Backup

The analysis has been performed on the paperless billing of the purchased products. It has been seen that those customers have been attrited who have not received paperless billing.

Fig-8: Analysis of Paperless Billing

The analysis has been performed on the payment method for the purchased products. It has been seen that those customers have been attrited who have used the electronic check.

Fig-9: Analysis of Payment Method


2.3.1 Data preprocessing and Cleaning

As seen earlier, the features of the data are categorical that cannot be fitted into machine learning (Learning, 2018). So, all the features have been preprocessed and converted to numerical data using data encoding as follows:

Fig-10: Data Preprocessing and Encoding

After preprocessing the data, the missing values have been found and it has been seen that there are no missing values in the data as follows:

Fig-11: Detecting Missing Values

So, there is no requirement for data cleaning as the data is already cleaned.

2.3.2 Feature Selection

Now, the correlation has been applied to check the relationship of the features with Churn. The outcome of the correlation is shown below in the form of a heatmap:

Fig-12: Correlation of Features

From the outcome of the correlation, the highly correlated features have been selected and shown below:

Fig-13: Finally Selected Features

So, these features will now be used as the final predictor features for the Decision Tree Classifier by retaining Churn as the target feature (Sosnovshchenko, 2018).


The predictor features have been selected from the correlation and the final dataset is shown below:

This data has been split into train and test sets as follows:

Fig-14: Data Splitting

The data splitting has been done using a 75-25 split ratio and the training dataset contains 5283 observations (through which the decision tree classifier will be trained) and the test set contains 1760 instances (through which the decision tree model will be tested) (Eduonix, 2018). In this test set, 1297 instances belong to “Not Churn” and 463 instances belongs to “Churn”. Now, the decision tree classifier has been applied with the following hyperparameter tuning and it has been trained with the training data:

• criterion='entropy'
• splitter='random'
• max_features='auto'
• random_state=10

After training the decision tree classifier, the model has been tested and the confusion matrix has been obtained as follows:

Fig-15: Confusion matrix

In this confusion matrix, It can be seen that 1110 instances out of 1297 instanced have been correctly classified as “Not Churn” and 302 instances out of 463 instances have been correctly classified as “Churn”. By considering the overall performances, 1412 instances have been correctly classified by attaining 80.23% accuracy, 81% precision, 80% recall and 80% f1-score. The performance overview is shown below in the form of a classification report (Lakshmanan, Robinson, & Munn, 2021).

Fig-16: Classification Report


The data has been selected from Kaggle regarding customer churn and analysed for the detection of customer attrition. In this context, the data has been preprocessed and the features have been selected. After preparing the data, it has been split into train and test sets and the decision tree classifier has been trained and tested accordingly and the performance of the classification has been achieved. The problem statements have been addressed as follows:

1. The features such as senior citizen, Dependents, online backup, DeviceProtection, TechSupport, StreamingMovies, Contract, PaperlessBilling, PaymentMethod have been seen to be the important features for the prediction of customer churn.

2. Decision Tree Classifier can be used to classify and predict the customer churn with 80.23% accuracy, 81% precision, 80% recall and 80% f1-score.



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