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DBFN212 Database Fundamentals Report 4 Sample


Students are required to analyse the weekly lecture material of weeks 1 to 11 and create concise content analysis summaries of the theoretical concepts contained in the course lecture slides.

Where the lab content or information contained in technical articles from the Internet or books helps to fully describe the lecture slide content, discussion of such theoretical articles or discussion of the lab material should be included in the content analysis.

The document structure is as follows (2500 Words):

1. Title Page

2. Introduction and Background (85 words)

3. Content analysis (reflective journals) for each week from 1 to 11 (2365 words; 215 words per week):

a. Theoretical Discussion

i. Important topics covered

ii. Definitions

b. Reflection on the Contents

i. Create a brief scenario and apply the database concept learnt on it. You can use the same scenario for every lecture or modify it if needed. (Note: For week 1, you can omit providing a scenario, instead give your interpretation of the concepts.)

c. Outcome

i. What was the objective of the database feature/concept learnt?
ii. How the learnt concept/feature improves your understanding of the database systems.

4. Conclusion (50 words)

Your report must include:

• At least five references, out of which, three references must be from academic resources.
• Harvard Australian referencing for any sources you use.
• Refer to the Academic Learning Skills student guide on Referencing



It is significant to reflect on the overall learning as it assists in gaining better insight into what has been learned during the course. For Assignment Help, The present report aims to describe the primary aspects related to database technology and database management, and it also aims to critically evaluate database management and database technology. The report also aims to apply concepts related to transaction processing and concurrency in systems of multi-user database. The report also aims to analyse primary issues related to data retrieval, access, storage, privacy and ethics.

Content Analysis

Week 1

A. Theoretical Discussion

The unit assisted in developing better insight into how a professional career can be developed in the field of database management. The insight about various disadvantages of database systems was gained during the unit, and some of the disadvantages involve complexity in management, increased costs, dependence on the vendor, maintaining currency and frequent replacement and upgrade cycles (Naseri and Ludwig, 2010).

B. Reflection on the Contents

I learned raw facts make up data, which is typically recorded in a database. The database structure is defined by database design. It's possible to categorise it based on the number of users, location, and data usage and structure. DBMSs were created to overcome the inherent flaws of the file system. Manual and electronic file systems gave way to databases. The administration of data in a file system has some constraints (Tan et al., 2019).

C. Outcome

The distinction between data and information was defined. There was a discussion about what a database is, the different varieties, and why they are important decision-making tools. Also saw how file systems evolved into current databases. Complete learning about the significance of database design was gathered. The major topic was the database system's main components. During the session learned the functions of a database management system in detail (DBMS).

Week 2

A. Theoretical Discussion

Different data views (local and global) and the level abstraction of data influence modeling of data requirements. In the real world a data model is a representation of a complicated data environment. The learning during the unit enhances knowledge of different database systems and models that are practically used by organisations in the business (Codd, 2015).

B. Reflection on the Contents

I learned that data model of a complicated data environment is represented in the real world. Relational, network, hierarchical, extended relational data model, and object-oriented data models are only a few examples. There are multiple database models available, and some of the examples are Cassandra, CouchBase, CouchDB, HBase, Riak, Redis and MongoDB. The MongoDB database is used by e-commerce organisations like eBay and Tesco, whereas Amazon uses its own Amazon SimpleDB, which is a document-oriented database (Dong and Qin, 2018).

C. Outcome

Basic data modelling building elements were taught to the students. Data modelling and why data models are important were discussed during the unit. During the event, the participants had a deeper knowledge of how the key data models evolved. Business rules were developed by the tutor, along with how they affect database design. The teacher demonstrated how data models are classed according to their level of abstraction. In addition, the event showcased new alternative data models and the demands they address.

Week 3

A. Theoretical Discussion

A relational database's basic building pieces are tables. A large amount of the data manipulation effort is done behind the scenes by a relational database.

B. Reflection on the Contents

A database of relational nature organises the data which can be related or linked n the basis of common data to each of the unit and that is what I learned. This ability assists me in retrieving a completely new table from the information in one or more than one table with the help of a single query. The popular examples of standard databases of relational nature involve Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM and MySQL. The database of the cloud relational system involves Google Cloud SQUL, Amazon RDS (Relational Database Services) (Song et al., 2018).

C. Outcome

The tutor went through the core components of the relational model as well as the content, structures, and properties of a relational table. The teacher also went through how to manipulate relational table contents using relational database operators. The logical structure of the relational database model was discussed in class.

In a relational database, the function of indexing was explained. The teacher also showed how the relational database model handles data redundancy. The session began with the identification of acceptable entities, followed by a discussion of the relationships between the entities in the relational database model. The components and function of the data dictionary and system catalogue were covered in class.

Week 4

A. Theoretical Discussion

The ERM represents the conceptual database as seen by the end-user with ERDs. Database designers are frequently obliged to make design compromises, regardless of how effectively they can generate designs that adhere to all applicable modelling norms (Pokorny, 2016).

B. Reflection on the Contents

I learned Conceptual data models at a high level provide ideas for presenting data in ways that are similar to how people see data. The entity-relationship model, which employs key concepts such as entities, attributes, and relationships, is a good example. The primary use of such data is done in the sales department of the business as it allows the people in business to view expenses data, sales data and to analyse total demand. It is also used in libraries where a system has the detail about the books, borrower entities and library (Das et al., 2019).

C. Outcome

The instructor explained how the database design process refines, defines, and incorporates relationships between entities. The teacher talked about the basic characteristics of entity-relationship components and how to investigate them. The impact of ERD components on database design and implementation was also examined. We learned about relationship components after finishing this chapter. There was some discussion about how real-world database design frequently necessitates the balancing of competing aims.

Week 5

A. Theoretical Discussion

Keys of surrogate primary are beneficial when there is no natural key that can be used as a primary key, the composite primary is the primary key that contains various data kinds, or when the primary key is too long to be used. Entity supertypes, subtypes, and clusters are used in the extended entity-relationship (EER) model to provide semantics to the ER model (Lang et al., 2019).

B. Reflection on the Contents

This is an example of a "sub-class" relationship which I developed after learning. We have four staff here: an engineer, a technician, and a secretary. The employee is the super-class of the other three sets of individual sub-classes, which are all subsets of the Employee set.

Employee 1001 will have the attributes eno, salary, typing speed and name because it is a sub-class entity that inherits all of the attributes of the super-class. A sub-class entity has a relationship with a super-class entity. For example, emp 1001 is a secretary with a typing speed of 68. Emp number 1009 is a sub-class engineer whose trade is "Electrical," and so on.

C. Outcome

The properties of good primary keys were discussed, as well as how to choose them. The unit aided in the comprehension of flexible solutions for unique data-modelling scenarios. In an entity-relationship diagram, the class learned about entity clusters, which are used to depict several entities and relationships (ERD). The instructor went over the key extended entity-relationship (EER) model constructs and how EERDs and ERDs represent them.

Week 6

A. Theoretical Discussion

The designer can use the data-modelling checklist to ensure that the ERD meets a set of basic standards. The more tables you have, the more I/O operations and processing logic you'll need to connect them.

B. Reflection on the Contents

Normalisation is a technique for creating tables with as few data redundancies as possible and I learned this during the module. When a table is in 2NF and has no transitive dependents, it is in 3NF. When a table is in 1NF and has no partial dependencies, it is in 2NF. When all, attributes are dependent and key attributes are defined on the primary key, a table is in 1NF.

C. Outcome

We understood the use of a checklist of data modelling to check that ERD meets a set of minimum demands. The teacher also assisted with investigations of situation that demands denormalisation to efficiently generate information. The class learned about the application of normalisation rules to correct structures of the table and to evaluate the structures of tables. The class discussed the role of normalisation in the process of designing data. The teacher also discussed the normal forms known as 4NF, 1NF, 2NF, BCNF and 3NF. The class discussed the way how normal forms can be transformed goes from lower average forms till the normal forms that are high.

Week 7

A. Theoretical Discussion

To limit the rows affected by a DDL command, use the WHERE clause with the UPDATE, SELECT, and DELETE commands. When it's necessary to process data depending on previously processed data, sub-queries and correlated queries are employed. Relational set operators in SQL allow you to combine the results of two queries to create a new relation (Alvanos Michalis, 2019).

B. Reflection on the Contents

I learned that All RDBMS vendors support the ANSI standard data types in different ways. In SQL, the SELECT statement is the most used data retrieval instruction. Inner joins and outer joins are two types of table joining operations. A natural join avoids duplicate columns by returning all rows with matching values in the matching columns (Koch & König, 2018).

C. Outcome

In this week, we learned retrieval of specified columns from the data of a large database. The class learned about how to join different table in a single query of SQL. There was an in-depth discussion about the restriction of retrieval of data to rows that aligns with difficult sets of criteria. The class also learned about the aggregation of data through rows and their groups. The teacher helped us create preprocess data subqueries for the purpose of inclusion in other queries. In the class, we learned to use and identification of different functions of SQL for numeric, string and manipulation of data. There was a depth discussion about the crafting of queries in SELECT.

Week 8

A. Theoretical Discussion

A cursor is required when SQL statements in SQL/PL code are meant to return several values. A stored procedure is a set of SQL statements with a unique name. The SQL embedded refers to SQL statements use within an application of programming languages such as Visual Basic, NET, Java, COBOL or C# (Lindsay, 2019).

B. Reflection on the Contents

All RDBMS vendors support the ANSI standard data types in different ways. I learned Tables and indexes can be created using the basic data definition procedures. You can use data manipulation commands to add, change, and delete rows in tables. Sequences can be used to generate values to be allocated to records in Oracle and SQL Server. Views can be used to show end-users subsets of data, typically for security and privacy concerns (Raut, 2017).

C. Outcome

We learned to manipulate the data using SQL and also how to delete, update, insert rows of data) In the module, we also gained knowledge to create updatable and database views. SQL also helped me in creating tables through the use of subquery. Throughout the module, we learned to modify, add and remove the tables, constraints and columns. The database views are created using SQL by including updatable views. Also, by studying the whole module, we learned the use of procedural language that is SQL/PL to create, store, triggers and SQL/PL functions. Also, the module taught me to create embedded SQL.

Week 9

A. Theoretical Discussion

An information system is intended to assist in the transformation of data into information as well as the management of information and data both. The SDLC (Systems Development Life Cycle) chronicles an application's journey through the information system (Mykletun and Tusdik, 2019).

B. Reflection on the Contents

I learned the SDLC (systems development life cycle) is a conceptual model that is used in the management of a project that discusses the involved stages in a development project of the information system from an initial study of feasibility through completed application maintenance. The SDLC can be made use of systems that are not technical and technical (Omollo and Alago, 2020).

C. Outcome

The module helped in enhancing knowledge about database design to build up the information system. The five phases are also explained about the System Development Life Cycle. The module explained the six phases in the designing of the database life cycle framework. The revision and evaluation within the DBLC and SDLC framework were learned. We learned bottom-up and top-down approaches in designing the database. Also, the module helped in distinguishing between decentralised and centralised in conceptualising the designing of the database.

Week 10

A. Theoretical Discussion

COMMIT, which saves changes to disc, and ROLLBACK, which restores the database which is set previously, are two SQL statements that support transactions. Concurrency control coordinates the execution of many transactions at the same time. The transactions have four major elements that are consistency, atomicity, durability and location. Database recovery returns a database to a previous consistent state from a given state.

B. Reflection on the Contents

I learned the recovery management in the DBMS allows to restores the database to correct conditioning of functioning and restarting the transactions of processing. The aim of database transaction maintenance integrity is to make sure there are no changes that are unauthorised changes that happen either through system error or user interaction (Semancik, 2019).

C. Outcome

The management process has helped me in gaining database transactions. The module described the various properties of transactions through the database. During the unit concurrency control in maintaining the integrity of the database. Also, the locking methods are taught during the lecture that can be used in concurrency control. In the lecture, we gained knowledge related to stamping methods for the control of concurrency. In the sessions, optimistic methods are used for controlling the concurrency. Also, the module explained the transaction isolation at the ANSI level. The module also discussed the recovery of the database in managing the integrity of the database.

Week 11

A. Theoretical Discussion

SQL data services (SDS) are a data management service cloud computing-based that offers enterprises of all sizes relational storage of data, local management, and ubiquitous access. The Extensible Markup Language (XML) promotes B2B and other data exchanges over the Internet (Jones, 2019).

B. Reflection on the Contents

Microsoft database connectivity interfaces are market leaders, with support from the majority of database manufacturers. I learned the connection interface offered by the database exclusive and vendor to that vendor is referred to as native database connectivity. The means by which application programmes connect to and communicate with data repositories are referred to as database connection.

C. Outcome

In the class, there was an explanation of standard interfaces of database connectivity. The teacher described the features and functionality of various connectivity technologies of the database. There was a discussion of OLE, ODBC, ADO.NET and JDBC. In class, there was an in-depth discussion about how database middleware which is used to integrate database through the use of the Internet. The teacher also helped to identify the services provided by servers of the web application. The teacher also discussed how XML (Extensible Markup Language) is used for the development of web database (Sharma et al., 2018).


The report described primary database management and technology aspects. The report also critically evaluated the database technology and data management. The report also applied concepts related to the processing of transaction and concurrency in systems of multi-user database. The report also focused on evaluating major challenges related to access, retrieval, privacy, ethics and storage.


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