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PROJ6004 Data Reporting Assignment Sample

This assessment is designed to allow you to:

• Report the results of your application of the research method/s you outlined in your Research Proposal Assessment 3 from PROJ6002. That method may be a deep analysis of the literature regarding your topic, or the conduct of interviews, or another approved method.

• Demonstrate that you can creatively and effectively analyse data to reveal underlying patterns, themes and relationships. Such analysis and reporting require a tailored structure of sections and sub-sections and other communication methods.

• Demonstrate your ability to effectively collate and present data in appropriate formats to clearly convey results of your research and to enable subsequent analysis of that data. The appropriate selection and use of tables, charts, graphs and figures is considered an important aspect of this assessment.

• Edit the research approach developed in your Research Proposal from PROJ6002 to ensure it reflects the actual method applied (as opposed to the method you thought would be applied) as minor changes are often needed. Ensure overall method alignment with the Research Problem (or business opportunity) and Research Question.

You must gain the advice and approval of your Unit Assessor or Tutor when completing Assessment 3 (the Research Proposal) of PROJ6002 for both the choice of Research Instrument and the detail as to how it will be implemented (the method) to gather data. Having gained that approval you must not change from that except with the further approval of that person. This is because, at this point of time, you will not be able to complete the work involved in a new approach to your research task.

The length of the paper has been set at 1,000 words but you should use as many or as few words as are required for you to clearly describe to the reader what you did in applying your chosen research instrument/method. The test of whether you have provided the required clear communication is that an independent researcher could take your description and go ahead and carry out the data collection. 



The operating system and its issues have raised concerns about the future of OS and its integration with IoT to overcome the challenges. The secondary research method used in the assignment has helped to gather enough data about the evidence related to OS and the future of OS. The five articles and journals have provided the necessary data for analysing the research problem and question.

Justification of the Research Methods

The method used for the research is the secondary qualitative data collection method. The secondary data method for assignment help has helped to guide the researcher through the operating systems and predict with evidence the future of operating systems for the better working of the computers. The secondary data collection helps to collect the data from the already published journals and articles that would give accurate data for the study (Martins et al., 2018). The research articles collected would be segregated based on the topic and the selected keywords to bring the data's relevance to the current research subject.

Researchers use secondary data to bring out the relevant data with cost-effective methods and in less time than the primary methods. The researcher reviewed the articles with similar keywords and derived the data that spoke about the operating system and how the advancement of technology has led to the need for advanced use of the operating system. The issues focus on in the current research are identifying the malfunctioning in the operating systems and the dangers that it poses to security (Tabrizchi & Kuchaki Rafsanjani, 2020). As such, the future of OS is determined.

The collected data helps scrutinise the operating system's critical role. The results show that the OS is an interface joining the computer hardware with the users (Fursin, 2021). The operating system mainly looks into managing and allocating the hardware to perform the different tasks. It is considered software enhancing the functioning of the computer. The OS also checks the condition of the overall system and detects the malfunctioning within the system before the complete breakdown.

However, the OS faces different challenges related to transparency which is limited when multiple systems use the same OS. The users can view only one method. The efficiency of the OS is also an issue that needs to be addressed to ensure its reliability of the OS (Zikria et al., 2018). This makes the use of the OS insecure. The data also shows that with the advancement of technology, the OS has become redundant, and they need the Internet of Things as middleware to run efficiently. The technology acceptance model designs OS with efficient systems like the IoT and AI to make it efficient and correct its features for advanced work. The OS has to be developed to accept technological advancement for the benefit of doing multifaceted tasks.

Data Analysis

For a better collection of the data, the study was conducted while taking the data from 5 articles and journals that provided the correct data according to the topic mentioned in the current study.

Table 1: Research method Table
(Source: Created by the researcher)


The thematic analysis has helped build the relationship between the literature review and the findings of the data obtained from the articles and journals used for the research. The themes discuss each of the results while segregating into common patterns.

Research Methods Alignment with Research

The research questions have been developed after the identification of the research problem. There is a close alignment between the research problem and the questions. The questions are used throughout the research to develop the path for the study's progress. So the data that has been collected and the research method that has been used is in alignment with the research questions and the research problem. The data collection method has used secondary articles and journals to get answers to the research problem. The data also shows the possible recommendations for the research problems. The research questions like the role of OS and the development of the OS to improve communication issues in the fashion industry have been met through the data collection method. The articles have given answers to them. The challenges of the OS have also been discussed in the retrieved articles. The research problem and the issues that have been identified were given appropriate answers in the articles through the development of the future OS.


The report shows that the secondary data collection method has been the most effective in gathering varied sources for finding the answers to the research questions to derive the findings. The research problems and the research questions have been aligned with the research method to get the suitable answers for the issues of OS.


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